Days like these I am glad I live in the Netherlands and tax money does not go to stupid megaprojects. And where shit like this would be scrutinized into oblivion.
Egypt is building a new administrative capital worth 50 billion $. It is the same mentality with different applications.
Like the new Istanbul Airport?Its a Eastern Mentality to build mega projects that would bankrupt you.
Mughal Sultan Shah Jahan actually bankrupted his empire to build the Taj Mahal.
Like the new Istanbul Airport?
is there any known investor so far for the project? Or the state is using tax money to finance this initial work?There is progress.
Just 2.5 Months Later the first Bridge is being built. We can see the 2 Pillars for the Bridge
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Location on Satellite images
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I Have marked the road works. its pretty advanced already.
10Km in long road in various stage of Completion.
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Complete different and unrelated subject.
I was one of the persons against turning the Aya Sofya from museum into a mosque.
Why? Because right across the Aya Sofya you have the Sultan Ahmet mosque. There was no technical need for a second mosque, pure political decision while Aya Sofya was an important tourist attraction.
I regard the canal also in technical need and technically without abolishing Lousanne treaty it becomes an ultra expensive unnecessary
Exactly. Let’s wait and see.Whether it will be good for the nation will obviously be up for debate for decades to come.
The Bosporus is a ancient waterway and should be protected and secured.
The coasts of the Bosporus are full with historical imperial buildings.
Just a few years ago a cargoship rammed one of those ancient mansions and destroyed it.
The Canal must be build.
We can not put our ancient imperial treasury in danger for some Russian/Bulgarian stupid cargoships with a Wodka captain.
Respectively that is probably one of the worst argument there is. Accidents happen, those are not valid reason to be build a massive new multibilion megaproject who's practical and financial applications are extremely questionable. Not only that but in the process destroying a large swatch of fertile agricultural land. Not to mention like said before it would destroy fresh water lakes and communities around them. This will just become a massive scam where AKP will embezzle money and buy lucrative land around the canal. And nvm the sheer amount of additional bridges that would need to be build.
We cannot just keep building and building infrastructure projects and make it a sustainable model for growth, we are still a developing economy after all this time precisely because we have not moved forward from this shortsighted Erdogan-esque mindset. Its not about bigger and more, but about whats needed and quality. There is so much more we could have done with that money that would help the average Turkish citizen out and made far greater positive impact for economic growth and quality of life. Its very easy to talk like that for you and me, because we live in the Netherlands but I can image how soulcrushing and despressing this must feel for the average Turkish taxpayer...
I do forget you're a tourist sometimes, true. Meanwhile me and many others will already be in the 2nd percentile only 3-4 months after the year have started. Let's not speak nonsense please. We don't have oil, 89% of the state budget for 2025 is made up from taxes. Taxes are literally everything in Turkey.The ‘Turkish taxpayer’ ?
There is no such ting. When i shop in Turkey, the store owner just put my cash in his pockets or in his non-electrical wooden cashregister. I dont get a receipe, nothing.
I've been on the Internet for over 20 years now and throughout all those years, among all the forums and other websites, this is one of the most illogical reasons given for anything I have ever seen. You cannot actually believe this drivel, right?The Bosporus is a ancient waterway and should be protected and secured.
The coasts of the Bosporus are full with historical imperial buildings.
Just a few years ago a cargoship rammed one of those ancient mansions and destroyed it.
The Canal must be build.
We can not put our ancient imperial treasury in danger for some Russian/Bulgarian stupid cargoships with a Wodka captain.
This is the weapon they can get us with so,all fresh water sources need to be protected.water