Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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Germany 🇩🇪 announced the delivery of a sizeable new military aid package for Ukraine today. The contents of the package are as follows:

1x IRIS-T SLM air defense system
1x IRIS-T SLS air defense system
20x Marder IFVs
10x Leopard 1A5 MBTs
2x BEAVER bridge laying tanks
2x DACHs engineering vehicles
4x WISENT-1 mine clearing tanks
16x Zetros Trucks
21,000 155mm artillery shells
4.6 million rounds of ammunition
100x MK556 assault rifles
85x HLR 338
180,000 rounds of 338 ammunition
1000 155mm smoke shells
Leopard 1A5 ammunition
Marder IFV ammunition
EOD Material
4x Drone sensors
100x Night vision equipment
3x AMPS helicopter protection
IT equipment
Rescue boats



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THAT public toilet in Vovchansk is so valuable... to Ukraine.

That they send green men fresh from being drafted by construction officer straight to their death.

I wonder if people actually think before they write 😞

Oh, I think a lot before writing, believe me.
And I was 100% sure that the words that will "touch" your soul most deeply of them all will be the ones about the public toilet.

Judging by what you support and the bullshit you spill here for months now I was sure that you have an affinity for them, you know.


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What are some good locations in the US away from cities in case nukes fly?


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Shooting down of a Russian Orlan drone

It seems the copter wanted to ride Orlan :)
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Putin proposed peace plan :

1. Ukraine's neutrality
2. Acceptance of Russia's sovereignty on Luhansk, Donetsk, Zaporizhia and Kherson
3. Demilitarization of the country's armed forces
4. Denazification

Zelensky's ego and pride will make sure this will never happen. But don't come up with the argument that Putin is a warmonger anymore.



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USA 🇺🇸 has announced a new $1.5 Billion usd package for Ukraine that will focus on Ukraine's energy grid and humanitarian needs. It includes the following:

$824 million for the energy grid
$379 million for humanitarian needs
$297 million for "other" needs

While they don't appear to be as sexy as military aid packages, these economic packages are more important than some might think. Money is fungible, which means the more money Ukrainian allies pour into its civilian needs, the less tax dollars Ukraine has to. The result is more spending available for the war effort, without causing hyper-inflation in Ukraine.



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For anyone interested in the darker side of war, here is a 64 video compilation of Russian soldiers commiting suicide / putting themselves out of misery after being previously injured, or out of fear that they are about to face serious injury / death (usually at the hands of Ukrainian drone teams). A Redditor has been compiling the list for a while now and keeps it updated as videos flow in.

Warning: it's obviously extremely dark. There is close up Russian death in every video. If that kind of thing disturbs you, I suggest you not watch. In one video, a Russian soldier sits his own throat to avoid constant harassment from FPV drones.



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In addition to the fact that drone wars actually began in Ukraine, cases of soldiers being taken prisoner when threatened with a drone attack began to be noted. Footage of the surrender of several soldiers of the Ukrainian reconnaissance sabotage group in the Zaporozhye direction has been published. It is worth noting that, apart from cartridges with a mesh for shotguns, nothing has been invented to destroy drones at close range.



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NATO has agreed to headquarter its Ukraine mission in Germany 🇩🇪 moving forward. A 700 person team from across the alliance will spearhead military support for Ukraine moving forward. The pre-emptive plan has been agreed to in case Donald Trump is elected in America come the fall of 2024 and USA 🇺🇸 backs off on its leadership role as a result. The first big test of this new initiative will come on July 11-12th, when NATO Ministers will gather to discuss the sustainment of $40 Billion usd in defense specific NATO funds (annually) for the Ukrainian military, over multiple years. There are both 3 year, $120'ish Billion usd and 5 year, $200'ish Billion usd plans on the table.

Hungarian President Orban has agreed (under fairly significant threat from the alliance's relavent countries) not to veto the plan, as long as Hungary does not have to contribute.



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Russia 🇷🇺 sending mentally ill, clinically diagnosed men to the front to feed their failing meat grinder of a war. In the last 6 months alone they've taken less than 1% of Ukraine, despite suffering more than 100,000 casualties, chewing through their armor and chewing through their combat capability far faster than they can replace it.

Meanwhile, Western aid is surging again, with substantially more coming towards the end of the year after NATO announces a $40+ Billion package in July and the $50+ Billion loan is issued in the fall.

Russia 🇷🇺 is fighting a losing war and they know it!



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Russia 🇷🇺 sending mentally ill, clinically diagnosed men to the front to feed their failing meat grinder of a war

Good idea, send in the useless so that Ukraine could send in their older cohorts to die en masse. Once Ukraine's older cohorts is wiped out, Zelensky will have to send in his younger cohorts, the 'precious youths' to die by more fit for service Russian men.

. In the last 6 months alone they've taken less than 1% of Ukraine, despite suffering more than 100,000 casualties,

Nice bullshit

SecDet Austin himself said that Russian casualties from the start of the war more than 2 years ago is around 350K people. That includes the Russian catastrophe early in the war when war was going on Ukraine's advantages.

100K in the last 6 months? Yeah yeah I would like to believe such fairytale. Russia has yet to have any disaster in the last 6 months that is on par with what they suffer in the last 2.5 years.



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In the area of the special operation, almost 700,000 people are now involved, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during a meeting with participants of the educational program "Heroes" time in the suburban Solnechnogorsk.
The program "Time of Heroes" includes 80 people, and in the zone of a special military operation we have almost 700,000 people, he said.
The President noted that the armies need experienced and at the same time young people for their level of leadership of the troops. According to Putin, now in the ranks of the Russian Armed Forces, the average age of the commanders of the districts and groups is 56 years, the commanders of the army of 50 years, the commanders of the division is 46 years old.
In January, Putin reported that more than 600,000 Russian servicemen were in the special operation zone.
On June 7, the head of state said that the servicemen of the Russian army took 47 settlements in the zone of the special operation since the beginning of 2024, the Russian Armed Forces are gradually squeezing out the enemy from Donbass and adjacent territories.


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View attachment 68695
What are some good locations in the US away from cities in case nukes fly?
You're making a lot of noise over very little:
1. This is for registration, and the only thing that would change is that currently it is ages 18-24 that are registered, whereas this proposal would make it 18-26. There is no draft.
2. This has been passed only in the House. In order to become law it would also need to be passed in the Senate, followed by being signed by the President.


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Has any so called superpower ever performed so embarrassingly bad in a modern conflict?

Even if Ukraine crumbled overnight and Kiev fell tomorrow, i still don't think it would undo the damage Russia has done to its own prestige. I'm still in shock at just how poorly all arms of the Russian military have performed. It was already pretty obvious, but all this war has done is really hammer home just how poor Russians planning, organisation, quality of leadership, and quality of its material is compared to NATO countries.

Its laughable how some have celebrated Russia recent gains, when miniscule settlements and villages have 'fallen'. Some are little more than hamlets with less than 10 homes and they are talked about by pro-Russian influencers as though it were great conquest!

There is going to be so much here for military planners and historians to pick over. The only reason Putin isn't seeing more serious unrest at home is because normal Russians fear what would happen if Putin was overthrown at this point in time. Once the war is over, expect a lot more resistance and dissatisfaction from the population.

We are talking about a superpower, invading a much smaller country right on its border. A real superpower would have wiped out Ukraine in 48 hours. Instead we witnessed probably the most badly planned and conducted invasion of all time.

I have friends in the Russian military who are currently serving. Some of the anecdotes they tell me are mind boggling. From a conversation last week one reported to me that:

- Morale is much better than it was, but Putin has lost some of their respect. Most of the military saw him before the war as a genius, and infallible. Some still cling to the idea that Putin was badly advised, but even this school of thought makes Putin look weak in their eyes
- Supply is much better than it was. But it shocked me to hear that three times last month they were told to go out and 'forage' if they wanted to eat!! He didn't seem to understand why this shocked me so much.
- They are pleased to be advancing again, but are worried about how slow and limited their gains have been.
- They have caught many Ukrainian prisoners, but very few have chosen to co-operate.
- They have deliberately sabotaged 2 of their vehicles rather than take them into their next assault as ordered, as they were so old outdated and unsafe they preferred to disable them than be forced to take them into battle.
- Rather than seeing riding in a APC as added protection, they actually prefer to travel by foot now as it feels safer due to the unbelievable loss of vehicles to drones etc.
- There is supposedly loads of sabotage attacks happening in Russia, with governmental buildings, refinery's, train tracks etc damaged or destroyed by sabateurs that isn't being reported. I was told about a town near a place called Yelebuga (??? no idea of correct spelling, the line wasnt great), that in the last few months has had 2 x governmental buildings firebombed, and a train station attacked (with guards shot dead and tracks damaged) that wasn't reported inside Russia let alone in Western media. I'm leaving some details out on the off chance he could be identified, but this Gentleman is very much pro-Putin, is a proud patriot and has no reason to lie.

Nothing shocks me anymore about this conflict. How on earth can Russia's image as a superpower be reconciled with =
- Losing almost all of their black sea fleet
- After 3 years, having not even taken a quarter of the country they have invaded
- A full blown mutiny on Russian soil almost making it to Moscow unopposed!
- The insane amount of losses in personal and equipment
- Using prisoners to bolster the number of troops on the front line!
- Wheeling out tanks that are 50 years old!!
- The ridiculous cope cages and modifications troops were desperately making to their armoured vehicles

I have a huge soft spot for Russia and always admired their military. I am still shocked by what i've seen. I don't think we will truly see the consequences for Russia until in many years to come. This war is making Vietnam look like a slick brilliantly conducted war in comparison!

Such a shame. For the loss of life, the loss of so many peoples homes, but also for exposing what a corrupt, badly ran, paper tiger that Russia has become. A beautiful country filled with some of the best people i have ever met are now reliant on China, North Korea and a nuclear arsenal to prevent them from folding.

There is so much corruption, and so much of their equipment and personnel are so poor, that i honestly believe that if the time ever came when Russia used its nuclear arsenal, at least some of their nukes would misfire or land on its own territory!

What a mess. And i honestly admire Gary and Blackjacks hundred of posts desperately trying to put a positive spin on the most incredible military misadventure since the 1930s and 1940s. I honestly think this war has doomed Russia for years to come, and we wont see the full ramifications of it for probably 20 years. It really sucks to see such great proud countries and peoples being led into the frying pan all because of one man :-(
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