Damn those Armenians
They really need to be eliminated
Damn those Armenians
What are you talking, dude? Turkish Armenians are by far the most relaxed diaspora community. They don't engage in politics. Don't start a civil war because one random guy on the internet is confirming your suspicions.Most likely armenians from Turkiye.
These Armenians in Turkiye also sent money to the Armenians in the Karabag War.
Mentioning this shit would easily get you called a "racist".
Damn those Armenians
They really need to be eliminated
EW attack on French ship is true it really happenend even the French navy officers confirmed it.As a person who clashed and clashes with Armenian on reddit for years now, is this website really going to take the words of this dipshit seriously now?
This dipshit claimed Turks did EW on a French ship with fucking rotary wing kargu drones and that it was originally Erbakans idea!
This man got a brown tongue from licking asshole, are you people really going to take him as a source now?
Edit: Erbakan twist was added by a newspaper(toilet paper) called El-Aziz but it is essentially the same disinformation fake news:
Türkiye Erbakan'ın anlattığı üstün teknoloji gizli silahı Doğu Akdeniz'de kullanmaya mı başladı?
Doğu Akdeniz'de Navtex ilan edilmesine rağmen uyarılara aldırış etmeyen Fransa ve Yunanistan Oruç Reis'e tacizde bulunmak isterken yaşadıklarını anlattıkları Türkiye'nin nasıl üstün bir teknoloji kullandığını ortaya koyuyor.el-aziz.com
it would be really nice if you provided some source with that, im really tempted to share that story abroad, but my lack of sauce binds my hands.EW attack on French ship is true it really happenend even the French navy officers confirmed it.
Me thinks you can’t handle the fact that he mentioned and gave credit to Prof Dr Erbakan cause of your outdated pathetic ideology.
Another reason why they should be eliminated and another reason why they must never either get in positions of power or become close to those who are in power
I can see the lighting heading this way… @HTurk puts forth a valid point. I did grow up with Armenians and Jews as a respected part of my community. They are not as de-politicized, and very much irritated by the extremists, however, they no longer live back in 1900s, they have moved on since then. Many of them refer to the so-called “genocide” as a “civil clash”, and worst of its kind.What a bunch of bs.
Iran Officials always talking with hate about Turks.A Turkish AUAV hit the vehicle belonging to the Iranian militia, which was preparing to attack Turkish Mosul/Bashika base with rockets.