Karaok will serve as the Turkish army's main man-portable ATGM. Obviously even by its appearance we can ascertain that it will be similar to the Javelin. TSK may not pursue less sophisticated AT missiles considering the large amount of unguided and wire-guided AT missiles already in the inventory.When you look at Ukraine conflict it becomes clear that Turkish army lacks the most important weapon that turned the tide of that conflict. Man portable atgm such as RGW-90 Matador or NLAW or the more advanced Javelin.
Turkish defence industry must produce these weapons and our commando brigades and special forces should be equipped with these weapons.
Have you ever seen a firing test? Me not.Karaok will serve as the Turkish army's main man-portable ATGM. Obviously even by its appearance we can ascertain that it will be similar to the Javelin. TSK may not pursue less sophisticated AT missiles considering the large amount of unguided and wire-guided AT missiles already in the inventory.
If it will be as good as the Javelin then we have nothing to worry about.Karaok will serve as the Turkish army's main man-portable ATGM. Obviously even by its appearance we can ascertain that it will be similar to the Javelin. TSK may not pursue less sophisticated AT missiles considering the large amount of unguided and wire-guided AT missiles already in the inventory.
This is the frame that says it all. They take look at the proud postures, faces, sure steps! Anytime I look into this picture (it is on my wall), I get the goosebumps!
https://www.reddit.com/r/Turkey/comments/ubg7clSaygiyla aniyoruz.
Türk vatandaşlığı aldığını söyleyen Suriyeli bir şahsın, Türk Hava Kuvvetleri'nde askerlik yaptığı görüldü.
Kışla içerisinden paylaştığı videolar ise TikTok'ta yüz binlerce kişi tarafından izlendi.
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