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Afghanistan's Minister of Defence has met with the Turkish ambassador a couple of times now in recent months. Afghanistan is interested in air defence assets to combat foreign UAVs (American and Iranian) which are operating over Afghanistan. Hopefully we will see Hisar O in Afghanistan soon, if we can convince Turkiye to sell.
I fucking hope not.


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Selling tankers to India against Chinese navy is one thing, I don't think Pakistan will like Afghanistan having TB2s..


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Afghanistan's Minister of Defence has met with the Turkish ambassador a couple of times now in recent months. Afghanistan is interested in air defence assets to combat foreign UAVs (American and Iranian) which are operating over Afghanistan. Hopefully we will see Hisar O in Afghanistan soon, if we can convince Turkiye to sell.
Seem to be too expensive solution for their mountanous geography. TB2 or even Akinci with short and medium range AA would be sufficient for taking down other drones which are rarely armed. This seem to be more versatile and covers larger area.

However, I'm not sure Turkey would sell weapons to down American drones, maybe Iranian drones.
However, I'm not sure Turkey would sell weapons to down American drones but maybe Iranian ones.

Agha Sher

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Seem to be too expensive solution for their mountanous geography. TB2 or even Akinci with short and medium range AA would be sufficient for taking down other drones which are rarely armed. This seem to be more versatile and covers larger area.

However, I'm not sure Turkey would sell weapons to down American drones, maybe Iranian drones.
However, I'm not sure Turkey would sell weapons to down American drones but maybe Iranian ones.
At this point, we haven’t seen proof of A2A capabilities of TB2 or Akinci. But it is an interesting proposition. Definitely cheaper and more versatile. A dozen tb2 drones with a few Akinci could be a good solution both to deal with enemy drones and terrorists hiding in the mountains


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Turkish firms recently got lucrative mining contracts (a long with companies from other countries) in $6.56 billion FDI contracts.

I guess you’ll never know. Things could change quickly now that we have a competent government.
If there is one category of weapons that might be open to sale that would be defensive weapons but I don't think We are gonna make only single arms deal with Afghanistan. We have seen Number of drone sales to countries under UN Embargo, So, I can see relazitation of this sale but Im not so sure such sale would be done openly.

In any case, Considering number of NATO equipment left behind, Turkey might be only country that actually can help Taliban turn into conventinal army while utilizing all these equipment. And I am not so sure, Many of members here are aware of success of Taliban in regards to elimination of Poppy fields. Satellite imagery shows, Since Taliban came to power, poppy cultivation dropped 99%. This hurts PKK and their narcotic businesses drastically, So Turkey in return should help Afghanistan. Stable Afghanistan with no poppy cultivation is good for us, And punishing them with more embargo will only create more refugees and I'm pretty sure most people will agree on, it is not good time for more refugees.

Agha Sher

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If there is one category of weapons that might be open to sale that would be defensive weapons but I don't think We are gonna make only single arms deal with Afghanistan. We have seen Number of drone sales to countries under UN Embargo, So, I can see relazitation of this sale but Im not so sure such sale would be done openly.

In any case, Considering number of NATO equipment left behind, Turkey might be only country that actually can help Taliban turn into conventinal army while utilizing all these equipment. And I am not so sure, Many of members here are aware of success of Taliban in regards to elimination of Poppy fields. Satellite imagery shows, Since Taliban came to power, poppy cultivation dropped 99%. This hurts PKK and their narcotic businesses drastically, So Turkey in return should help Afghanistan. Stable Afghanistan with no poppy cultivation is good for us, And punishing them with more embargo will only create more refugees and I'm pretty sure most people will agree on, it is not good time for more refugees.

Excellent perspective. Additionally, Afghanistan presents enormous business opportunities for Turkiye from mining to construction. Turkish companies could be favored if a good relationship is developed. Afghanistan will not remain poor. in the next 5-10 years, Afghanistan will have enormous funds to build a conventional military. There will be demand for personnel equipment, IFV, armored vehicles, tanks, air defence, helicopters, drones and even jets (hurjet). This in itself presents a good opportunity for Turkiye's defence industry.


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Excellent perspective. Additionally, Afghanistan presents enormous business opportunities for Turkiye from mining to construction. Turkish companies could be favored if a good relationship is developed. Afghanistan will not remain poor. in the next 5-10 years, Afghanistan will have enormous funds to build a conventional military. There will be demand for personnel equipment, IFV, armored vehicles, tanks, air defence, helicopters, drones and even jets (hurjet). This in itself presents a good opportunity for Turkiye's defence industry.
Hello What is the situation of Afghanistan Government right now,Are they becoming a normal government?


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Hello What is the situation of Afghanistan Government right now,Are they becoming a normal government?
Is PRC or US have a "Normal Government"? What is normal government? And Normal according to whom?

We should utilize every opportunity we got, They have resources and If We don't sell them, China will. We lost many lucrative contract with Gulf countries in the last 5 years because of this attitude. They can live their lives in their interpretation of Shria like KSA or They can live in Communist country like PRC. It is their business, and We should respect it. What they do within their borders isn't our business as long as there isn't large scale humanitarian Crisis.

Agha Sher

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Hello What is the situation of Afghanistan Government right now,Are they becoming a normal government?

Rule of law and governance has never been better in Afghanistan. There is peace and security in every corner of the country. Government is doing wonders to develop the country. They are building the largest irrigation canal in the world, reclaiming Afghanistan's water share, building bridges, tunnels and railroads. Mining and Oil & Gas contracts are being made with various companies and countries. This week 6.56 billion USD of FDI contracts were signed. Exports are record high. there is no corruption. Afghanistan is developing very fast and will easily be the most prosperous country in the region in the next 10-20 years.

1. Sanctions. money transfers are constrained and complicating business activity
2. Conservative supreme leader. The majority of the government members are pro women education. However, there supreme leader is against it and will not allow it, even though he is being pressured by the other leaders. However, he is very old and may die soon.


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Afghanistan will not remain poor. in the next 5-10 years, Afghanistan will have enormous funds to build a conventional military.
Explain how exactly? What source of magnificent income you are going to find in the next 5 to 10 years that is suddenly going to turn your fortunes and stop people from starving to the point of building an actual military?

We should utilize every opportunity we got
What opportunity are you talking about here? Opportunity to get ourselves more isolated and economically fucked? How on earth can you even think that dealing with one of the most hated terrorist organizations on the planet is going to help us? What reality is that?

What they do within their borders isn't our business as long as there isn't large scale humanitarian Crisis.
You are exceptionally clueless if there isn't a humanitarian crisis already going on there. Do you think Turkey has so many refugees from there because of shiggles? What they do within their borders matters to us when you are talking about selling them weapons. We are not the US and they are not Saudi Arabia, there is no chance that we can ever get away with selling critical weapons to them. Especially not something like air defense systems.

Nor should we. We should have nothing to do with them, at all. Have some bloody decency mate.


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Is PRC or US have a "Normal Government"? What is normal government? And Normal according to whom?

We should utilize every opportunity we got, They have resources and If We don't sell them, China will. We lost many lucrative contract with Gulf countries in the last 5 years because of this attitude. They can live their lives in their interpretation of Shria like KSA or They can live in Communist country like PRC. It is their business, and We should respect it. What they do within their borders isn't our business as long as there isn't large scale humanitarian Crisis.
They are a new government from revolution about 2 years age ,of course they have lots to do become a good and normal government.

Of course the several years since 1949 China are a revolutionary government not a normal one,the first years of TC also a revolutionary government.After we decided on the political system and constitution,TC became a normal government.

I ask if Afghanistan Government decided on the political system and constitution, as well as the protection of the rights of foreigners.

That is important that if our people can have safety and protection to doing business in their country
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Agha Sher

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Explain how exactly? What source of magnificent income you are going to find in the next 5 to 10 years that is suddenly going to turn your fortunes and stop people from starving to the point of building an actual military?

Afghanistan is one of the most resource rich countries on this planet. Our known resource wealth is around $3 trillion. We have by far the world's largest lithium reserves. Probably largest copper reserves. Decent oil and gas reserves, and many other minerals. Just this past week, we signed the first major mining contracts with companies from Afghanistan, Turkiye, China and Iran. The FDI from these contracts alone are worth $6.56 billion and will generate several billions $ yearly for the government of Afghanistan in royalties. By the way, these contracts were for some mediocre-sized mineral areas in Afghanistan.

If the government continues as the past two years (while opening up for women in the labor market and educational field), we will start to see mining investments in the larger mineral areas which will add tens of billions of USD to the economy in the medium term and even more in the long-term.

Besides mineral wealth, Afghanistan is gifted with a beautiful geography for tourism (which has picked up dramatically). I, along with Afghan and non-Afghan friends will be doing a month-long road-trip in Afghanistan in the coming summer, for example. We have a central location and will be a key player in the transportation field. Also we have significant agricultural potential.


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What opportunity are you talking about here? Opportunity to get ourselves more isolated and economically fucked? How on earth can you even think that dealing with one of the most hated terrorist organizations on the planet is going to help us? What reality is that?

What was the consequence of selling Weapons to Libya, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan?

There was none, All of these Countries were under arms embargo by UN or US/EU, or we were adviced not sell them weapons. While We were selling arms to one side, China, France, Russia were also selling to other side as well. Do you really think France or China will have consequence of as a result of these actions? No, Nobody can do anything about it, And There wont be any consequense to any of our sales to Afghanistan? Do you really believe Iranian F14s flown with Iranian parts for 40 years? Grow up a little, Even US companies continued to sell parts to Iran decades after revolation, They were perfectly aware of where their parts were aheaded.

You are exceptionally clueless if there isn't a humanitarian crisis already going on there. Do you think Turkey has so many refugees from there because of shiggles? What they do within their borders matters to us when you are talking about selling them weapons. We are not the US and they are not Saudi Arabia, there is no chance that we can ever get away with selling critical weapons to them. Especially not something like air defense systems.

Nor should we. We should have nothing to do with them, at all. Have some bloody decency mate.

In the Recent months, I have talk to Afghan Doctors, ex-Ambasodor and Engineers, as a result my view on Taliban changed. It may not be a country I would love to live but It is not my country, It is their country to decide what to do. And I respect their opinions, And I value their opinion over US propaganda. Just like I would value opinion of Vietnamese over opinion of US media on Vietnam war.

And I should emphasize Afghan refugee flow almost slowed to halt and over a Hundred of thousands of Afghans returned to Afghanistan from Iran in the recent months But that is only a fraction of 3.6 milliom Afghan there, And Since so many returned, Iran also started deportations And Taliban is accepting these refugees back with open arms and by the looks of things These people arent running away second time. Iırc Iran deported close to 200k Afghans in the recent months. So Humanitarian crisis we had over a year ago is no more. And I already stated my argument, There wont be a consequence to selling SAM to Afghanistan and We should sell it or Else PRC will. No need to rehash them.
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4 1,123
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What was the consequence of selling Weapons to Libya, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan?

There was none, All of these Countries were under arms embargo by UN or US/EU, or we were adviced not sell them weapons. While We were selling arms to one side, China, France, Russia were also selling to other side as well. Do you really think France or China will have consequence of as a result of these actions? No, Nobody can do anything about it, And There wont be any consequense to any of our sales to Afghanistan? Do you really believe Iranian F14s flown with Iranian parts for 40 years? Grow up a little, Even US companies continued to sell parts to Iran decades after revolation, They were perfectly aware of where their parts were aheaded.

In the Recent months, I have talk to Afghan Doctors, ex-Ambasodor and Engineers, as a result my view on Taliban changed. It may not be a country I would love to live but It is not my country, It is their country to decide what to do. And I respect their opinions, And I value their opinion over US propaganda. Just like I would value opinion of Vietnamese over opinion of US media on Vietnam war.

And I should emphasize Afghan refugee flow almost slowed to halt and over a Hundred of thousands of Afghans returned to Afghanistan from Iran in the recent months But that is only a fraction of 3.6 milliom Afghan there, And Since so many returned, Iran also started deportations And Taliban is accepting these refugees back with open arms and by the looks of things These people arent running away second time. Iırc Iran deported close to 200k Afghans in the recent months. So Humanitarian crisis we had over a year ago is no more. And I already stated my argument, There wont be a consequence to selling SAM to Afghanistan and We should sell it or Else PRC will. No need to rehash them.
The consequence was that finally we started our own engine and other core parts that the German/American cut supply.

We should realize this years before.

Afghan population grow very fast,I hope their Agriculture production can grow at same rate.


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The consequence was that finally we started our own engine and other core parts that the German/American cut supply.

We should realize this years before.

Afghan population grow very fast,I hope their Agriculture production can grow at same rate.

Germans, Canadians and Americans etc started arms embargo mainly Because of our Operations in Syria and Iraq against YPG /PKK. Not Because of our arms sales to any of those countries. And Some of the reasons goes well beyond any of these subject. You should read this forum again or Other online sources.

I think you should check this satellite analysis. Afghan Wheat production has replaced Poopy since Taliban started harsh sentences against poppy farmers. So There is certainly some increase in grain production.

Ekran görüntüsü 2023-09-03 232747.png


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Germans, Canadians and Americans etc started arms embargo mainly Because of our Operations in Syria and Iraq against YPG /PKK. Not Because of our arms sales to any of those countries. And Some of the reasons goes well beyond any of these subject. You should read this forum again or Other online sources.

I think you should check this satellite analysis. Afghan Wheat production has replaced Poopy since Taliban started harsh sentences against poppy farmers. So There is certainly some increase in grain production.

View attachment 60763
Not only these,also the export cases.
They also block our export T-129(Pakistan) and T-155(Azerbaijan) s engine.
And Canada blocked TB2 s part because we sold to Azerbaijan.

I forgot the reason that German block our Altay engines,maybe because of PKK.


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What was the consequence of selling Weapons to Libya, Ethiopia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan?

There was none, All of these Countries were under arms embargo by UN or US/EU, or we were adviced not sell them weapons. While We were selling arms to one side, China, France, Russia were also selling to other side as well. Do you really think France or China will have consequence of as a result of these actions? No, Nobody can do anything about it, And There wont be any consequense to any of our sales to Afghanistan? Do you really believe Iranian F14s flown with Iranian parts for 40 years? Grow up a little, Even US companies continued to sell parts to Iran decades after revolation, They were perfectly aware of where their parts were aheaded.

In the Recent months, I have talk to Afghan Doctors, ex-Ambasodor and Engineers, as a result my view on Taliban changed. It may not be a country I would love to live but It is not my country, It is their country to decide what to do. And I respect their opinions, And I value their opinion over US propaganda. Just like I would value opinion of Vietnamese over opinion of US media on Vietnam war.

And I should emphasize Afghan refugee flow almost slowed to halt and over a Hundred of thousands of Afghans returned to Afghanistan from Iran in the recent months But that is only a fraction of 3.6 milliom Afghan there, And Since so many returned, Iran also started deportations And Taliban is accepting these refugees back with open arms and by the looks of things These people arent running away second time. Iırc Iran deported close to 200k Afghans in the recent months. So Humanitarian crisis we had over a year ago is no more. And I already stated my argument, There wont be a consequence to selling SAM to Afghanistan and We should sell it or Else PRC will. No need to rehash them.
And if you speak to PKK supporters they'll tell you how great they were and how you shouldn't trust propaganda coming from Turkish sources. You talk about growing up while believing people who support terrorists readily. There is no reason to talk and derail the thread anymore, I hope people in charge are not colossal idiots who think selling weapons to the terrorists in the shit list of every country that can fuck our most critical projects would be okay.
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