It's not about being offended, I was offended on in the Internet 15-20 years ago

It's about having a serious discussion. If you ask me,European elites are rubbing their hands with joy at the Putin-Trump excuse they've been offered, it's the perfect storm for them to implement their pan European (French-German dominion over Europe) agenda.
In defence of "European democracy" ,they can strengthen the EU' s leverage on nation states,use huge funds for rearming and,also,circumvent the US military complex while doing it,and push out( by very undemocratic means) any opposition.
Look at Romania,considered a total US servant .They've managed to outlaw a US backed, and pro Russian, if you ask me candidate. Despite US outcry of foul play, he was banned from the elections and will probably end up in jail.This shows that even most pro US countries in the EU will eventually follow only direct guiding from Brussels when push comes to shove,ignoring the Yanks.
Even Starmer is dragging the UK,stealthily but surely,back into a European framework.
And the masses are applauding and cheering cause....Trump, cause Putin. Nevermind that Putin would take atleast 3 years just to reach Kiev....nevermind Berlin.