Boğaziçi Protests


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Some lgbt protests are going on? Well, i suppose erdogan is to blame for that to :)


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It is most efficient instrment for destabilisation of countires, usefull idiots.

I tell you this Bogazici university is not really Turkish its an American university with a dark past.

Unfortunately Turkey has so many foreign owned universities ever since the 1800s.

They are nothing more than used to subvert society and raise and educate future puppets to run the country. Not to mention these foreign universities ran by the Americans, Italians, French and the British nothing more than teach you to hate your people and culture.

Here is a quote from Brother Malcom X

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I tell you this Bogazici university is not really Turkish its an American university with a dark past.

Unfortunately Turkey has so many foreign owned universities ever since the 1800s.

They are nothing more than used to subvert society and raise and educate future puppets to run the country. Not to mention these foreign universities ran by the Americans, Italians, French and the British nothing more than teach you to hate your people and culture.

Here is a quote from Brother Malcom X

View attachment 13293
Profound words, malkolm was the man..., now it all has more sense, so am i wrong or there was some fuss about that university on forum recenlty regarding dean appointment and curriculum regulations?


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Profound words, malkolm was the man..., now it all has more sense, so am i wrong or there was some fuss about that university on forum recenlty regarding dean appointment and curriculum regulations?

Bogazici is mainly liberal since the dean is close with akp they think the university will change with it.

The students literally put a lbgt flag with the Kaabah committing blasphemy. Its a matter of time before they do it with the Turkish flag. Desecrating our sacred things wont stop them desecrating our flag.
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Looks like Boğaziçi Protests might be Gezi V 2.0 if everything goes in it's current course. So, let's discuss the event in this specific thread.

Some Back Ground info.


Melih Bulu, who has ties to the ruling AKP, was appointed as rector with a presidential decree on 2 January 2021. Faculty members stated that this was the first rector chosen outside a university since the 1980 coup d'état. The action was seen by students as a political movement and part of anti-democratic practices since the 2016 coup d'état attempt.


Hundreds of people participated in the protests on 4 January 2021. Some protesters regarded the appointment as the violation of "academic freedom and scientific autonomy, as well as the democratic values" of the university. Demonstrators also shouted slogans such as "Melih Bulu is not our rector" and "We don't want a state-appointed rector."

One of university's buildings was captured by students who were able to enter the campus. Later, protesters clashed with the police as they tried to break a barricade in front of university entry. Security forces used pepper spray to disperse the demonstrators. Two students were detained in the course of protests. In the following days 37 students were arrested. The protests occurred on both the European and Asian side of Istanbul, with thousands of people joining. In the following days the protests continued on the campus. Many other Turkish universities and universities from around the world expressed solidarity. 23 days after the nomination of Bulu, still no academic from the university agreed of working together with Bulu as a vice-rector. Also the protests of the students continued. Every day academics of the university protest in front of the rector-hall. Students did an LGBT pride, to target homophobic statements of Bulu.

Due to the fact that Erdoğan blamed the students of being not creative enough, the students called for sending artwork to the campus. In the following days than 500 artworks from more than 150 artists arrived at the campus and are exhibited there in the Resistance Exhibition. The presidency of the univerity tried to close the space in front of its building, which was ignored by the students. Some art got stolen on the campus by unknown people. On the 28th of January security guards attacked a tent of the students and broke it. The students reacted with further protests to that. In the night of the 29th of January 2021 four students were detained by the police, under them three organizers of the exhibition. The ministry of Interior Süleyman Soylu announced in public that ''four LGBT perverts'' were detained.

On the 1st of February 2021 the police blocked again the gate of the south campus to prevent a demonstration. Water Cannons, barricades and at least one sniper was installed. Several Students were detained. Also in Izmir numberous people were detained. Later the police stormed the campus in the night. In total 159 people were detained. On the following day several people were detained in Ankara. The Mikroblogging-Service Twitter blocked a tweet of Süleyman Soylu, where he called LGBT people again ''perverts''.


President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that "a routine appointment" was "being used to provoke the universities." MHP chairman Devlet Bahçeli stated in his written statement that the rector was appointed by legal means and the issue was closed. Bahçeli added that the protesters should not "strain their chances" and "not get caught up in anarchist projects", describing the protests "a conspiracy that needs to be crushed."

The mayor of Istanbul, Ekrem İmamoğlu from the left-wing main opposition party CHP, supported the protests. Canan Kaftancıoğlu, the chairwoman of the CHP branch in İstanbul also spoke in solidarity with the protest and was named by Erdoğan "a terrorist of the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front." This led to a criminal complaint against the president by Kaftancıoğlu.

Personal note: Boğaziçi is one of the oldest university in Turkey dating back to 1863 and arguably it's the best university in Turkey.


Today there were some protests in Ankara too.

Also today ordinary people tried to support protests in Kadıköy. Unfortunetly, police rained plastic bullets onto people.

Protests in Eskişehir.


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I tell you this Bogazici university is not really Turkish its an American university with a dark past.

Unfortunately Turkey has so many foreign owned universities ever since the 1800s.

They are nothing more than used to subvert society and raise and educate future puppets to run the country. Not to mention these foreign universities ran by the Americans, Italians, French and the British nothing more than teach you to hate your people and culture.

Here is a quote from Brother Malcom X

View attachment 13293


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So chp is shorthsighted as usual, what is there to support, cutting the branch on which you sit?
If the blasphemy is most creative thing that those future leaders of turkey is best they can do, maybe it is better to close uiversity for good, someone should explain them that parroting shitty ideas from couple of decades invented in west is not progress, only recycling post modernistic nonsense.


I know, this topic might get very heated in the upcoming days, so, as moderation team we urge everyone to follow forum rules.


So chp is shorthsighted as usual, what is there to support, cutting the branch on which you sit?
If the blasphemy is most creative thing that those future leaders of turkey is best they can do, maybe it is better to close uiversity for good, someone should explain them that parroting shitty ideas from couple of decades invented in west is not progress, onky parroting post modernistic nonsense.
Some 4 people, did a stupid thing. It's not the fault of the whole Boğaziçi institution. More over the problem here is "Melih Bulu, appointed as rector with a presidential decree "

None has problem with anything else.



Boğaziçi students talking about "blasphemy" even the conservative students protecting the rights of their friends who got arrested.

Yesterday, 159 students arrested in the university. Total arrests of the students exceed 200.


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Some 4 people, did a stupid thing. It's not the fault of the whole Boğaziçi institution. More over the problem here is "Melih Bulu, appointed as rector with a presidential decree "

None has problem with anything else.
Ok let ma ask you how many power state has over university beside that, can it change curriculum by whim, what is exactllh problem with vice dean position, how much he can interviene in dayly life of university, is there legit justification of the students uproar?
Regarding stupid thing you mentioned, was anyone of the protest leaders condemn that act or expresed strong disagrememt with that kind of actions?


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Some 4 people, did a stupid thing. It's not the fault of the whole Boğaziçi institution. More over the problem here is "Melih Bulu, appointed as rector with a presidential decree "

None has problem with anything else.

But that was always like that untill Erdogan came to power. Nobody have problems when Ahmed Necdet Sezer pointed.


Let's also put this some as people who are not living in Turkey might think that it's illegal to protest in Turkey.

Turkish Constitution.

(As amended on October 3, 2001; Act No.4709)

Everyone has the right to hold unarmed and peaceful meetings and demonstration marches without prior permission.


But that was always like that untill Erdogan came to power. Nobody have problems when Ahmed Necdet Sezer pointed.
Since 1980s, Boğaziçi deans always selected from Boğaziçi. Previous dean was also appointed by Erdogan but it was from the university, so students and academia accepted it. This time Erdogan appointed a random guy from university. Students and teachers object to this.

Since his election, Melih Bulu couldn't find a vice dean from University. Every teacher is rejecting him.


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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Let's also put this some as people who are not living in Turkey might think that it's illegal to protest in Turkey.

Turkish Constitution.

(As amended on October 3, 2001; Act No.4709)

Everyone has the right to hold unarmed and peaceful meetings and demonstration marches without prior permission.
As well as state has right to protect itself, those proclaimed rights are not once abused in misused, lets be serious :) but because of the respect to you and others turkish members from this moment i will stay out of the polemics, as you said, this is sensitive internal issue were i as outsider can only divert possible constructive discussion.


Ok let ma ask you how many power state has over university beside that, can it change curriculum by whim, what is exactllh problem with vice dean position, how much he can interviene in dayly life of university, is there legit justification of the students uproar?
Regarding stupid thing you mentioned, was anyone of the protest leaders condemn that act or expresed strong disagrememt with that kind of actions?
- Curriculum is not the issue here.
- It's not Vİce dean but Dean positiion, i explained in the above post.
- He can intervene severely, like firing people from the university.
- Legit justification is written in Turkish constitution. Every Turkish Citizen of Turkey has right to protest.
- You should watch the video above for your last question.


As well as state has right to protect itself, those proclaimed rights are not once abused in misused, lets be serious :) but because of the respect to you and others turkish members from this moment i will stay out of the polemics, as you said, this is sensitive internal issue were i as outsider can only divert possible constructive discussion.
Are you seriously discussing a constitutional right of Turkish Citizens? They do nothing put chanting slogans wanting the resignation of Melih Bulu in the university and it becomes a threat to state?


From now on, i will only share news and won't get involved into discussions. I don't want to moderate a thread that i'm actively participating in it.

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