The Unknown Mentor of Che Guevara, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh


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& Good day to Other

Muhammad Abdul-Karim al-Khattabi: The Unknown Mentor of Che Guevara, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh

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- He was a Moroccan political
and military leader;

- He and his brother Mhemmed
led a large-scale revolt
by a coalition of Riffian tribes
against French and Spanish colonization
of the Rif, in Morocco;

- His guerrilla tactics, which included
the first-ever use of tunneling
as a technique of modern warfare,
directly influenced
Chi Minh, Mao Zedong
& Che Guevara;

- One of his biggest victory was in

Battle of Annual;
Date: 22 July 1921 – 9 August 1921
Location: Annual, Morocco
- He lead a 3000 Riffian tribes vs
20,000 - 23,000 Spanish army;
- His tribes gained the victory in the expense of 800 shahid or wounded;
- Spanish casualities were 13,363 killed or wounded.

- Lastly, he surrender after
intense combat in 10 months against
combined forces of France & Spain,
with more than 250,000 soldiers,
supported by large numbers of
aircraft and artillery,
plus the use of chemical bombs
against the population there.
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Underground Warfare: Great Military Mines From Ancient Times To World War One​

One of the first records of a military mine comes from one of these conquests. In 396 BC, Romans led by Camillus besieged the city of Veii. Setting many of his men to work digging, Camillus divided them into four groups, each taking six-hour shifts. They worked day and night to complete a tunnel beneath the city walls as quickly as possible. It is likely that, while one group was digging, another was carrying away the heaps of earth that would otherwise have given away what they were doing.
This became one of the first successful mining infiltrations. Roman soldiers poured down the completed tunnel into the center of Veii, taking the defenders by surprise. The city fell, and Rome was one step closer to being an empire.



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Muhammad Abdul-Karim al-Khattabi: The Unknown Mentor of Che Guevara, Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh

Source 1.0
Source 2.0


- He was a Moroccan political
and military leader;

- He and his brother Mhemmed
led a large-scale revolt
by a coalition of Riffian tribes
against French and Spanish colonization
of the Rif, in Morocco;

- His guerrilla tactics, which included
the first-ever use of tunneling
as a technique of modern warfare,
directly influenced
Chi Minh, Mao Zedong
& Che Guevara;

- One of his biggest victory was in

Battle of Annual;
Date: 22 July 1921 – 9 August 1921
Location: Annual, Morocco
- He lead a 3000 Riffian tribes vs
20,000 - 23,000 Spanish army;
- His tribes gained the victory in the expense of 800 shahid or wounded;
- Spanish casualities were 13,363 killed or wounded.

- Lastly, he surrender after
intense combat in 10 months against
combined forces of France & Spain,
with more than 250,000 soldiers,
supported by large numbers of
aircraft and artillery,
plus the use of chemical bombs
against the population there.

He fought as long as he could. But the odds were stacked up against him.

Underrated figure in Islamic history and in World History.
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