Captain Wales
Committed member
I wonder why does Indonesian ship design seems to be stuck with a big, wide and tall superstructure like that, both Kerambit and this OPV seems to be taking their design cues from SIGMA's design
Can they produce military grade steel?steel industry is more inline with strategic industry, Indonesian steel sector receive more investment compared to other manufacturing sector in the last quarter report. Indonesian produced around 11,6 million tonnes of steel last year with capacity of around 13 million tonnes
Kemenperin: Industri logam penyumbang terbesar investasi manufaktur
Senin, 26 Juli 2021 19:00 WIB
Ilustrasi: Petugas beraktivitas di pabrik pembuatan baja Kawasan Industri Cikarang, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat. ANTARA FOTO/Fakhri Hermansyah/foc.
Jakarta (ANTARA) - Direktur Jenderal Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi, dan Elektronika (ILMATE) Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) Taufiek Bawazier menyebut industri logam dasar, barang logam, bukan mesin dan peralatannya, sebagai kelompok penyumbang terbesar pada penanaman modal di sektor manufaktur dengan nilai Rp27,9 triliun atau berkontribusi 12,7 persen pada triwulan I/2021.
"Artinya, industri baja terus memberikan kontribusi besarnya bagi penerimaan devisa, terutama dalam proses hilirisasi atau peningkatan nilai tambah bahan baku di dalam negeri,” kata Taufiek lewat keterangannya di Jakarta, Senin.
Taufiek juga menyebut ndustri baja selama ini memberikan kontribusi signifikan bagi perekonomian nasional, mulai dari peningkatan pada investasi, penyerapan tenaga kerja, hingga ekspor.
Pada Januari-Maret 2021 nilai ekspor industri logam dasar tercatat sebesar 5,87 miliar dolar AS atau naik tujuh persen dibanding capaian di periode yang sama tahun lalu mencapai 5,48 miliar dolar AS.
Meskipun di tengah hantaman dampak pandemi COVID-19 permintaan terhadap produk baja di pasar ekspor mengalami peningkatan hingga kuartal pertama tahun ini seiring dengan berjalannya kegiatan konstruksi.
Baca juga: Menperin prediksi industri logam dasar tumbuh 3,54 persen tahun ini
“Kami juga terus mendorong peningkatan penggunaan produk baja di dalam negeri, karena pembangunan konstruksi di tanah air yang masih terus berjalan,” imbuhnya.
Taufiek mengemukakan hampir seluruh negara mengalami penurunan produksi baja pada tahun 2020 karena dampak pandemi. Namun hal tersebut tidak terjadi di beberapa negara, seperti China yang produksinya justru meningkat 5,2 persen.
Berikutnya produksi baja di Turki meningkat 6 persen, Iran meningkat 13 persen, dan Indonesia mampu meningkat hingga 30,25 persen dibandingkan pada 2019.
Adapun kemampuan industri baja nasional, tercemin dari kapasitas produksi bahan baku baja nasional (slab, billet, bloom) saat ini lebih dari 13 juta ton dengan perkiraan produksi tahun 2020 sebesar 11,6 juta ton atau meningkat 30,25 persen dibanding tahun 2019 yang mencapai 8,9 juta ton.
Selain itu utilisasi pada tahun 2020 juga meningkat hingga 88,38 persen dibandingkan 2019 sebesar 67,86 persen.
“Sektor industri baja merupakan indikator perekonomian suatu negara. Artinya, kalau industri bajanya tumbuh, tentunya ekonomi kita bisa terbangun dengan kuat. Selain itu, yang penting adalah kita harus mengoptimalkan produk-produk dalam negeri,” tegasnya.
Seiring dengan kebijakan substitusi impor sebesar 35 persen pada tahun 2022 yang diinisiasi oleh Kemenperin, Indonesia berhasil menekan impor baja hingga 34 persen pada tahun 2020 dibanding tahun-tahun sebelumnya.
Baca juga: Tekan impor, Kemenperin pacu produk logam ber-SNI
Pewarta: Sella Panduarsa Gareta
Editor: Risbiani Fardaniah
Kemenperin: Industri logam penyumbang terbesar investasi manufaktur
Direktur Jenderal Industri Logam, Mesin, Alat Transportasi, dan Elektronika (ILMATE) Kementerian Perindustrian (Kemenperin) Taufiek Bawazier menyebut industri
Can they produce military grade steel?
What TF is military grade steel Care to provide some example as which steel is "military grade"Can they produce military grade steel?
ampun suhu....What TF is military grade steel Care to provide some example as which steel is "military grade"
hayoo bingung,, langsung jempol mainan Google ncari yg judulnya military grade steel, tapi malah tambah keblinger
more better and wide view from the bridge can increase the situational awareness of the crew, and another plus side is this kind of design giving more spacious bridge can accomodate more equipment console inside
To make space for accommodation, store more food and fuel. Looks like they have added one extra deck to make space and extended the supper structure towards the fore, so it looks abrupt. They are probably at the very beginning of the design process and at this stage they don't really actually need to mount supper structure on the hydrodynamic model, it has no purpose or goal. Maybe they needed to scale supper structure a bit to achieve certain things.I wonder why does Indonesian ship design seems to be stuck with a big, wide and tall superstructure like that, both Kerambit and this OPV seems to be taking their design cues from SIGMA's design
for me "military grade" is something that come from the lowest bidder.What TF is military grade steel Care to provide some example as which steel is "military grade"
for me "military grade" is something that come from the lowest bidder.
I got the feeling that the crack was due to poor welding rather than the base material itself.ampun suhu....
at least steel that can be use as Anoa body. Years ago Pindad said Local steel is so bad they crack, but I don't know how is it now.
It's a hightime for them to dip in this field . Not only they were flooded with this nation brightest ( debatable !! )They also backed by a thousand of their sub manufacturing factories who were the potential customer and they were always strive to a high standard so the healthy feedback infos to the producer were a guaranteed flow ..CNC machine made by Astra
It's a hightime for them to dip in this field . Not only they were flooded with this nation brightest ( debatable !! )They also backed by a thousand of their sub manufacturing factories who were the potential customer and they were always strive to a high standard so the healthy feedback infos to the producer were a guaranteed flow ..
Finally some light in these trying times ...
They were the biggest manufacturing conglomerates growing inhouse so it's obvious for any government to put their hands regardless on who's regime incharge ... With a daily output of a millions motorbike perday and truck/cars hovering between a 100 k perday ..... Surely it's in everybody interest they could operate normally and optimally on a dailly basis ...They do get the best human power. Their manufacturing is quite massive and mostly JV with Japanese companies. It is actually designed by Soeharto since the start. More like our version of Chaebols.
They were the biggest manufacturing conglomerates growing inhouse so it's obvious for any government to put their hands regardless on who's regime incharge ... With a daily output of a millions motorbike perday and truck/cars hovering between a 100 k perday ..... Surely it's in everybody interest they could operate normally and optimally on a dailly basis ...
Yup, gov saved the company during Asia Financial Crisis and for some time it becomes state owned enterprises. I dont know why gov didnt do the same with Texmaco, another promising company.
Astra beginning is actually coming from Soeharto who want to develop automotive industry in the country. It is Soeharto that makes Toyota partner with Astra. Toyota Indonesia is also partially own by Astra and it includes its engine manufacturing division. Some Toyota engine has been made in Indonesia since 1980's under JV company PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia.
With JV with Toyota then Astra grows by suppling the parts as well.