Recent content by BaburKhan

  1. BaburKhan

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Bayraktar AKINCI was seen with the air-to-air missile pylon. It is estimated that the air-to-air missile firing tests will be tested by establishing a data link with the MURAD AESA radar integrated into AKINCI or the radar of another aircraft.
  2. BaburKhan

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    I thought the same Way.
  3. BaburKhan

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Gökhan will have a Range up to 200 km +, Gökhan ER likely up to 400 km like the chinese PL-21.
  4. BaburKhan

    TR Space Space Programs

    If we have a Satellite with 0,5 m Resolution, I don't exactly know. Imece 1 is in Space, it have a Submeter Resolution. There is no SAR Satellite from Turkey in the Orbit now, it is planned to launch Göktürk-III, which have SAR Capability. SAR Capabillity is important to track and classify...
  5. BaburKhan

    TR Air Defence Programs
  6. BaburKhan

    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    Can not develop TRMotor a similar Engine like F414/EJ-200 ? It's better, also for possible Exports.
  7. BaburKhan

    TR Air Defence Programs Is this about new Generation of Hisar - O Systems will enter serial Production ? Hisar A & O are allready in TAF Invertory.
  8. BaburKhan

    TR Air Defence Programs

    It was a Mistake by Aselsan to put S-400 on the Hakim-100 Flyer, the Article by Turdef was removed.
  9. BaburKhan

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Turan Oğuz explain in his Tweet likely Variants of Tayfun and Cenk ballistic Missiles.
  10. BaburKhan

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    MILDEN will not be suited for ICBM, Russia, US and China SSBN Submarines which are capable of firing ICBM. They are from Weight and Size not comparable to MILDEN. Even with VLS MILDEN can just launch Gezgin SLCM or Tayfun for quik land Attacks or to Strike Carrier sized Ships from safe Distance.
  11. BaburKhan

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    AFAST have shown a Design with VLS.
  12. BaburKhan

    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    This mean we need an indigenous Engine for Hürjet in lonh term. In other Way I doubt the US would allow to supply Hürjet to Syrien and libyan Allies. It is very important to strengthen their Air Force's and Air Defence, in other Way Turkey could be overwhelmed to protect it's Allies.

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