Recent content by Bilge adam reis

  1. Bilge adam reis

    TR F-16 Özgür | Hürkuş - Fighter Trainer Aircraft Projects

    We should sell Hürkuş to the poor countries where they can use these platforms for Air to ground, hürkuş has some pristine AG capabilities, It can use lots of smart munitions like güdüm kitli MK84 etc. Tucanos were used just like this in great effect. Sometimes drones can't carry the heavier...
  2. Bilge adam reis

    TR Propulsion Systems

    Lots of F16s crashed too does that make them bad planes? Also these tests are just for the civilian one, think about how many years the militarized one wll take.
  3. Bilge adam reis

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    We don't even have meteor, back in the days they were also claiming we reverse engineered something to made atmaca, greece is a country that can't even build a MRAP for Its own landforce lol.
  4. Bilge adam reis

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    lavuğa bak almanyada euro ile maaş alıp babalar gibi yaşıyor türkiyede rahatsınız diyor :DDD gençliğimi siktiniz
  5. Bilge adam reis

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    ne imrenecem amk tabi senin tuzun kuru orada euro ile maaş alıp besleniyorsun gel buraya asgari ücretle yaşa hele, kutsalın benim hayatımı mahvediyorsa o kutsalını daha çok hakaret ederler.
  6. Bilge adam reis

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Yaw türkiyede bile değilsin, kime kölelik yaptığımı söylemezsen namertsin.
  7. Bilge adam reis

    TR Politics

    Welfare dweller is trying to lecture me a real turk who is living in this harsh economy LOL! Because of people like you I wasted my youth We have allah inshallah who'll fight against the dollar!
  8. Bilge adam reis

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Sizin gibi almanlara kölelik etmek istemiyorum kardeşim, ya da welfare da yaşamak :D Ordan yaşayıp türkiyenin daha da kötüleşmesini istemek kolay.
  9. Bilge adam reis

    TR Politics

    You are a turk that lives in germany and supports a oppressive Islamist goverment while calling turkish woman whores, Im more Turk than you because I live here, audacity to talk about being ashamed while living on welfare. Mf lives in a free country and wants a oppresive one for us and expects...
  10. Bilge adam reis

    TR Politics

    You islamist know more about kissing the ass of west, we have plenty of evidence for that. How does that feel being funded by british or the EU? Give me my passport and money I'll be happy to leave this shithole. You live in germany a christian country how does that feel?
  11. Bilge adam reis

    TR Politics

    results of being a shithole Its easy talk your mouth up there in germany mr muslims also calling turkish woman whores because they don't want to marry your pakistani cousins. I can tell you this soon you'll be deported back Turkiye, also the hospitals you seem to talk about are all full you...
  12. Bilge adam reis

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Strickland told some truth about religion thats probably hurt your feelings, but still facts are facts, because of some people we can't even afford meat while some people live in europe and praising their freedom while wanting their own country to suffer and become a islamic shithole like Iran...
  13. Bilge adam reis

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Islam is just a updated hebrew religion this isn't anti islam every prophet, angel entity comes from the hebrew myhtology. Kaaba was a ziggurat that was used to store statues of goddeses and the so called hacca gitmek was also a paganist ritual. Acting like jews OH ANTI SEMITISM!! whenever...
  14. Bilge adam reis

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    arkadaşlar bi sorum var neden bazı gurbetçiler almanya ya da diğer avrupa ülkelerinde yaşayıp özgürlüklerini tadıp Türkiyenin daha az özgür ve kusura bakmayın bok çukuru olmasını destekliyorlar. ekmek olmuş 20 tl et yemeye kalksan cüzdanı bırakıyorsun nasıl bir ülke olduk
  15. Bilge adam reis

    TR Politics

    according to this guy having less freedom is a good thing aight. Enjoying other nations freedom and cheering for less freedom in your own country yeah islamism checks out. I hope to see right wing party win the elections in germany so I can welcome you to Turkiye @IC3M@N FX. To the admins...

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