Flat top platform!!??
Is this real or just a wishful thinking, if it's true, what kind of flat tops we're looking for?
4 Destroyer will be great though
10B....!! I don't think we have political will if it's in that amount, policies maker will opted for more Diesel subs, frigates and perhap LHD than nuclear powered sub
Depends on the money, if we seriously wanted it and willing to pay for it, i bet they'll provide as long we're not a threat for their allied (Australia & Singapore)
I am hoping they offer us similar deal like they give to the Brazilians, having total 6-8 diesel sub with 2 nuclear sub sound great though, just my wet dream 😂
I hear you and agree with what you said, ga usah muluk muluk bisa buat pespur sendiri lah, coba buat industri drone seperti turki dr yg man portable, suicide drone, medium range seperti bayraktar untuk mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap senjata buatan luar negri
That's what i wanted too if i am in charge 😂
Sell Indonesian shared to UAE and join Kaan, kaan i believe will be second most capable plane after Ngad, More than event F22