Recent content by LordAragon

  1. L

    TR Air-Force TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Any salty reaction from Greek media or the venerable "yunan speaker"?
  2. L

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    The latest picture of tcg istanbul, note the cenk-s radar is already installed, is that VLS modul behind the main gun? What an elegant ship she is
  3. L

    TR F-16 Özgür | Hürkuş - Fighter Trainer Aircraft Projects

    How is the development of Aselsan's Aesa radar for the ozgur project going on? If I'm not mistaken it should've been delivered in 2022 right?
  4. L

    TR Air Defence Programs

    Pakistan should choose this system over the albatross for their corvettes. If only my country could emulate what turkiyes doing, I hope you guys would pull the big tickets project like TF-2000 destroyer, milden with vls and MMU without any problems and delay, And I really hope TOGG would be a...
  5. L

    TR Air Defence Programs

    Korean uses K-vls system to launch their indigenous missiles, and cmiiw south africa has their own vls for umkhonto missiles
  6. L

    TR Air Defence Programs

    You sure european has no equivalent? Afaik, turkish systems like korkut is a copy of oerlikon skyshield, skyranger and mantis. And germany already shown their directed energy weapon way before turkey did.
  7. L

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Any info about Cenk-s? When will aselsan unveil it? They need to conduct live fire test using it first right?
  8. L

    TR Economy & Updates

    That looks good, but still Imho doesn't hold a candle against chinese ones in terms of quality, innovation and competitiveness like what you claimed. What turkey needs are commercially global brands such as samsung, hyundai that keeps innovating and keeps striving for it's quality.
  9. L

    TR Economy & Updates

    Sorry, may I know list of turkish commercial products that are superior than chinese ones? Do turks have alternatives to likes of xiaomi, huawaei or any phone from BBK groups? Or do turks have any local automotive industry or maybe produce train and hsr that can rival the chinese?
  10. L

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Towed array sonar. I don't know what is the correct term in English for the holes in the stern of the ship to place the TAS like this.
  11. L

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    I'm new to this forum and pardon for my lack of knowledge, will I class have TAS? Because it seems doesn't have any door or windows on it's stern

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