Recent content by moz68k

  1. moz68k

    TR Industry, Science and Technology

    Barring any magical innovation that completely replaces how ICs are designed and manufactured there will always be a rift in technology between established manufacturers and newcomers. This is the unfortunate reality. The chips our factories manufacture will never be cost-effective or cutting...
  2. moz68k

    TR Industry, Science and Technology

    SMIC (China) is pushing ASML DUV systems to their absolute limits (5nm) with multipatterning. I wonder what manufacturer of DUV machines we'll be using before (if ever?) ASELSAN produces something. Probably Canon. We're so far behind that these factories will only serve our military...
  3. moz68k

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    IIRC Kotil mentioned TAI having a substantial titanium stockpile in an interview a few years back. It could be that they got a sweetheart deal from some shady supplier and never checked the quality. Unacceptable. UPDATE There are two companies (probably more) going by the anglicized name Baoji...
  4. moz68k

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    TAI part of Boeing and Spirit counterfeit titanium scandal. This might have contributed to TK's ouster. Really bad for TAI's reputation and business. From the NYT:
  5. moz68k

    TR Air-Force TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Dr. Mehmet Demiroğlu was a frequent collaborator of Dr. Mahmut Akşit, so he's a turbomachinery guy through and through. He has patents under GE in his name. It might be good for TAI, seeing that most projects' success now revolves around the development of indigenous engines. I'm conflicted...
  6. moz68k

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    What if the thrust class of Baykar's engine is the same as TF-6000, the only difference being attritability? It might be the approach Baykar is going for.
  7. moz68k

    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    Yeah what's the discrepancy between payload of T-50 and Hürjet? They seem identical in most aspects (engine, dimensions), Hürjet even has slightly more wing area. Is TAI being conservative on purpose? Perhaps precisely because of this?
  8. moz68k

    TR Propulsion Systems

    The S- (Smart) prefix on all of these indicate that TÜBİTAK is building an ecosystem of homegrown software tools for defence including Computer-aided Engineering (CAE) and Software Development Kits (SDKs). Likely intent of some of tools I see: - S-RT-DevKit: Integration with GİS, TÜBİTAK's...
  9. moz68k

    TR Air-Force TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Yeah, looks like they tuned the PID controllers with data from the first flight. I hope they keep GTU-0 flying, if only for testing avionics and basic flight controls.
  10. moz68k

    TR Attack & Utility Helicopter Programs

    Isn't the main gearbox of ATAK-II the same as T-925? I always saw the test flight last year as more of proof of concept for the mechanical portions of both, placed in a attack helicopter shell for... reasons. It isn't a big deal if ATAK-II is put on the back burner as long as progress is being...
  11. moz68k

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    F-35 APG-81 SAR imaging for air-to-ground attack, having multiple arrays or a repositionable one isn't a significant advantage for this use-case:
  12. moz68k

    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    And still no supersonic flight. Maybe this first prototype is built to only test the subsonic envelope? In the documentary there were two prototypes being built, but we haven't seen the second one since.
  13. moz68k

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    This is great, but I would prefer a MediaWiki-based platform (like Fandom) for flexibility and version control. I also think using an existing wiki platform (again, like Fandom) would help with search engine optimization (SEO). There are XenForo wiki plugins that can come close, so if we stick...
  14. moz68k

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Continuing discussion here. What you said is sadly true, but it's unfortunately the reality of Wikipedia. My hope is that we could have something like, which is so beyond Wikipedia, they're basically not worth comparing when looking up radar-related stuff. For me it doesn't...
  15. moz68k

    TR Air-Force TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Continuing my rant, I'd like to propose an English language wiki (free from idiotic Wikipedia mods) headed by a babayiğit from this forum on cutting-edge Turkish defence projects—starting with the KAAN. I'd like to envision it as a neutral, leading source of truth on open-source info on such...

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