Recent content by Nicoz

  1. Nicoz

    Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)

    I can get it if we're talking about Anoa or even Harimau Hitam But aren't JLTV or Komodo or even Turangga using comercial engine, their maintanance should be simpler than APC or Medium tank. I know this just a teory, but if they have a propper FOB when the're under fire they can send the QRF...
  2. Nicoz

    Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)

    Ehm..., I don't if this is a proper or not. But I need to voice this out, I know everyone of us is having a rage about the news of two TNI personel that fallen in action. But for me calling the KKB if we cant call them terrorist as 'monkey' is very disripectfull to those who're fallen. Are...
  3. Nicoz

    Indonesia Infrastructure Program and Progress

    The number of customer is there, but the area is to congested by competitor that made the company deem it not feasible to build new line, for a few our own ISP partner already build their own local FO line in the area. So we just handle the netlink from our end to theirs. Because one of it is...
  4. Nicoz

    Indonesia Infrastructure Program and Progress

    My internet subscription as follow - First Media 60 mbps (470 k) - telkomsel Halo ( 200 k) - telkomsel simpati (140 k) The irony is, I work at one of the NAP in Indonesia but cant enjoy our own service due to my neighbourhood not on a viably commercial area there goes my 50 % discount.
  5. Nicoz

    Indonesia Navy Indonesian Navy, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Laut (TNI-AL)

    By GOD I wish the MOD keep the CBG going at least until the 4,5&6 boat so we can absorb more of the knowledge to build one. Then move on with more advance design as we go.. (Either its scorpene or A26 or turkish one) Made the iver as dedicated AAW with ABM if possible Then took that 8 30FFM by...
  6. Nicoz

    Indonesia Indonesian Army,Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Darat (TNI-AD)

    Nicoz reporting for duty. Well, mostly just lurking like in the old formil or pak.df
  7. Nicoz

    Casual Discussion Introduction

    Thanks for the welcome New member here Hope we can stay n contribute

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