Recent content by OPTIMUS

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    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    In prototype aircraft, two of the highest commanders also shows the highest confidence in aircraft. HÜRJET will prove to be a sales racket in four contingents and revenues from sales funds will open all doors to KAAN.
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    TR Land Vehicle Programs

    SSB deserves great praise indeed. Congratulations. Gentlemen, Turkish defense industry is very strongly positioned, especially in armored wheeled vehicles. We have BMC, FNSS and OTOKAR. in fact, BMC and FNSS win, OTOKAR loses. As long as OTOKAR does not change its product philosophy. she won't...
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    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    but they are not suitable as transport aircraft. What did the TurAf want to have: maneuvering aircraft or transport aircraft? You can't even get an F110 engine into the plane. As far as ASELSAN capabilities are concerned: My suggestion then: From the Russians we should get bare Su 35 and the...
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    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Do you know what has been modernized at Spanish EF2000 : not much. Nevertheless, Spain has run out of money : Upgrage included the following: * one computer symbol generator, * a digital video and voice recorder, * a laser designator POD and * a control panel for maintenance. A total of...
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    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Due to the upgrade from Tranche 1 to Trannche 2 of the Spanish Air Force, Spain could not pay for completed 14 new Eurofighters and the new ones had to be stored until Spain paid the money for 14 new EF2000s. Gentlemen, when we talk about upgrading from T1 to T2, we must have money and a lot of...
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    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    For special forces, the belly is wanted. It is always better, even a MUST, to have a little belly instead of a six-pack!!! Without a belly you have no chance of being selected, especially in SAT and SAS. For troops operating at heights a belly is a must. The Jonies know very well what I'm...
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    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    My personal opinion: If I were to see Tranche 1 aircraft in the Turkish Air Force at some point, it would be the second Casa Olayi for me (see CASA OLAYI by Nezih Tavlas -1990). And many generals and politicians would have filled their pockets again!!!!
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    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    impossible!!! In Tranche 1 machines, all microprocessors are of the Motorola 68020 type, which is called a General Purpose Processor (GPP). In these LRU computers, the application software can only work with this one specific hardware of the respective mission computer, which can make changes...
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    Live Conflict Syria Civil War

    Süper.....:wütend::wütend::wütend::wütend: (Super....angry:😠😠😠)
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    Danish Armed Forces |News and updates Israel täuscht seine Kunden, wo immer es kann. According to the Danish portal DR, the...
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    TR Baykar - News

    Baykar is looking for safe Harbors where she can dock in the event of a political change in Türkiye. to justify this, Baykar has taken more than enough domestic political threats. Company thinks about its own survival. And that is very justified. Unfortunately.....
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    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    some Spanish companies have long been TAI suppliers for some relevant components.
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    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    It's coming. Engines won't be a problem. In addition, Spanish and Turkish companies can and will work together on engines. I deliberately say Turkish companies...
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    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    it's not the right time. It is a trap set by the offshoot of Al Qaeda and puppet of America. Türk Silahli Kuvvetleri acts alone and on his own authority. Türk Silahli Kuvvetleri does not benefit from the actions of others, especially not from HTS. Think about it for a moment, if TSK starts...
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    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    This guy was officially warned because of some messages on various forums and made Mouth death a while. It's time for another warning. He is not allowed to make any announcements about Turkish defence developments.

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