Selama ekosistem digital dll kita belum jelas dan clear kayanya f35 masih jauh. Apalagi AS sensitif ngeliat barang kita ada barang rusia segala. Kecuali ya bener su series ilang mgkin f35 masuk
Turki mandiri bisa cuman negaranya ga stabil2 amat. Ngeri juga
Actually India is very diverse buy till now they didnt have American fighter.
Maybe the Egyptian, but egyptian didnt have korean fighter
Also opung luhut is trained in Germany by GSG9 maybe he also know or understand Germans little bit.
Just think their recent kizilelma, it is like a...
Cool and amazing threat to start.
I like the concept of these ATGM like these. NLAW using PLOS just same like FGM 172 SRAW both of this missile like a position between unguided AT to more advanced complexes ATGM like Javelin, TOW etc.
In this modern time in 2020s, the successful one is NLAW...
Just in my opinion, the world will packed with AR15 vs AK series,... too monotone
SAHA expo just happen a week ago maybe they have some time limitation to take the new one model
Turkish weaponry like missile and bomb that compatible with F16 and exported to other has good market share because many country use F16 but have some restriction or money to get US made weponry
yeah sure but i also digging more in internet archieve regarding ISIS, they are totally choatic badass who likely against all the world, all believe etc. yes i just found some old (2013-2018) ISIS archive like propaganda, video from "heavenly" propaganda with kinder etc to horrible asfk isis...
iya banget dan kaya pengen banget kita masuk salah satunya
Pro amrika bilnag "Kalo kalian pro china, alustsita TNI ga bakalan dipermudah kalau beli dari AS, atau sekutunya, kalian akan ditipu dll
Pro RRC : kalian klo pro amerika akan dihisap, kalian ekonominya dipersulit dll
china tech is...
jadi kaya inget modelan gini make orang yang "berbeda" etnis kultur atau latarnya. Kaya ambil contoh dulu China di Tiananmen pakai pasukan dari luar Beijing dan pasukan yang jauh dari Beijing biar secara kultural, perasaan dll ga terikat sama orang2 Beijing
nanti hilang bro, link dood dll...
yeah like that actually even illegals domino, qiuqiu and zeus geledek or kakek merah still operating and listed in PSE
kita pernah juga to, pake meriam 105 wkwkkw
kadang kaya dari "pedalaman" lebih sadis. Apalagi dia melihat etnis Ukraina itu sebagai bukan sodaraan lagi atau yah gtu...
if we are as good as chinese, good tech etc so we can make our own karya anak bangsa... so we can see ton of locl govt application etc, not really reliable
like ojol brand "karya ank bangsa" but Karya Anak Bangalore