Recent content by TR_123456

  1. TR_123456

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    That doesnt matter,they do surveys about going to war,the outcome is almost 98% no. You need a ''ready army'' not ''willing to fight'' people. Dont make it look know you are wrong in this,going to war is not easy but i wont argue with you on this. Lets just wait and see
  2. TR_123456

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    That comment is because Europe cares more about LGBTQXYZ shit then having active armies. Do you know in which shape European armies are or you want to act like everything is ok? German,Dutch,Belgian.Danish,Cech,Slowak,Bulgarian armies are ''none'' existant. UK has a navy,France has an army and...
  3. TR_123456

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    You need to be honest now. Didnt you already know that with the weapons supplied to Ukraine at the beginning of the war there was no chance Ukraine could defeat the Russians? We all knew,everything was sent to keep Russia bussy,no real weapons were given. And now they wake up when its almost to...
  4. TR_123456

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    What he meant to say is that the EU needs cheap energy to be compatable with the rest of the world. There is no benefit in producing in the EU when its not feasible in terms of energy costs. If the gas pipeline from Algeria becomes a fact then the EU has a chance,if not he is right. Or,the war...
  5. TR_123456

    Casual Discussion Introduction

    Welcome @skshakilvai35 @mTT (y) (y) (y)
  6. TR_123456

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    He needs to understand EU politics which doesnt include what people want but whats best for the EU.
  7. TR_123456

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    This guy is an idiot,dont take him to serious.
  8. TR_123456

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    My prediction:No ceasefire or any deal,the war goes on but Ukraine gets better weapons to actually do something against the Russians.
  9. TR_123456

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Use logic,where are you going to put the VLS on such a small sub(probably 6,3/4 m diameter) in diameter?
  10. TR_123456

    Israel apartheid consequences for the colonial state and geopolitics

    You might be surprised in the near future. Most of the Republican constituency hates Jews and there are some real powerful ones.
  11. TR_123456

    Morocco Moroccan Armed Forces

    When will the first C-390 be operational?
  12. TR_123456

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    You know they want us to be in charge of the ''peaceforce'' right? And why would they want us to lead,you think?
  13. TR_123456

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Its not about the project itself,take another look from a different angle. Ask the question,why would the UK not join the US project instead?
  14. TR_123456

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    France wont have a choice,wait and see.
  15. TR_123456

    Morocco Moroccan Armed Forces

    Hmm,spare engines not included in the deal when made?

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