Recent content by zio

  1. Z

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Anti ship atmaca have a capability to attack land targets with iir seeker version.
  2. Z

    TR Navy Navy|News & Discussions

    At the beginning of sub atmaca project carrying capsule will be drive with fiberoptic to go as far as long undersea and than will be fired from capsule,the main idea submarine should be far away to avoid detection from firing missile,but they turn back to classic system,actually it was very hard...
  3. Z

    TR Indigenously Made Firearms & Medium Calibre Weapons

    It seems new type of 20mm ammo from MKE.
  4. Z

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Some TB2 motors comes from TEI,Mahmut Akşit said before ,they can improve it.
  5. Z

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Most of the acoustic projets are finished with success,the only ones two of them are not clear yet single crystal sonars.stealth material for acustic signals.
  6. Z

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Link for siper on board maim mast P1222 hisar class
  7. Z

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    A clear message-1923- This ship will be first one powered by national systems,tubitak rute and or mavi batu.
  8. Z

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    If we add on düfas,hızır and asroc type lightweight torpedo,hisar class with antisubmarine helicopter,roketsan antisub rockets,yakamos sonar,orka torpedos,silent electric motors,she would be pure antisubmarine warship.
  9. Z

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    There is no difference between aselflir 500 and 600 on laser illumination etc..both 35km.
  10. Z

    TR F-16 Özgür | Hürkuş - Fighter Trainer Aircraft Projects

    Hürkuş B1 cockpit versus HürkuşB2
  11. Z

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Making meteksan out of busines in sonar systems
  12. Z

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Roketsan çakır or atmaca missile will be on malaysian navy
  13. Z

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    If we get T-link between fighters and warships,cenk aesa radar can do volume search with more power and more effective S band,than fighters FCR can look for a certain area more effectively and can track more rapidly,because volume search needs time.Awacs can not fly on front lines but warships...

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