Recent content by Pakistani-Practice

  1. P

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Legally is fine, but, most Pakistanis don't agree with illegal travelers.
  2. P

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Good that they caught the guy. What are the maximum punishments for crimes such as recording without permission in Turkey?
  3. P

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    This is a misconception. The masses in Pakistan do not consider Turks the same as Pakistanis. Who has told you this? I don't understand. We are proudly Pakistanis.
  4. P

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Do you have the source of where Erdogan made this statement?
  5. P

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Why is it that Turks are quick to generalize? When they see a Muslim doing something bad - they blame the religion. When they see a person from another country doing something bad - they blame the country. But, when a Turk does something bad, they don't blame the entirety of Turkey, why?

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