Brazilian Army conducts unprecedented military exercises in Amazonia


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Brasilia, Oct 15 (Prensa Latina) The Brazilian Army carried out unprecedented military exercises in localities of the Amazon (north) between September 8th and 22nd to simulate a war, according to a statement from the Ministry of Defense.

The Forte specialized portal indicates that the operation involved 3,600 troops and was concentrated in the cities of Manacapuru, Moura and Novo Airão, in the Amazon region, within a radius of 100 to 300 kilometers from the capital Manaus.

It pointed out that the Army spent six million reais (a little more than 1,070,000 dollars), only on fuel, flight hours and transportation to simulate a war between two Amazon countries, in an unprecedented military maneuver.

The military decided to create a war camp in which a supposed 'red country' invaded a blue one, for which it was necessary to expel the invaders.

Analysts consider that such a scenario was an obvious reference to Venezuela and the continuation of the sequence of attacks and provocations by the far-right government of Jair Bolsonaro.

The drill was conducted at a time of tension with Caracas and at the same time during the visit (September 18th) of the US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, in a border area with the neighboring country.

Senators criticized Pompeo's visit to Roraima (in the north of the country), where for some, such as Telmario Mota, he disrespected Brazilian sovereignty and received applause from the Minister of Foreign Affairs.


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