If Yours Have A Chance To Make A 3 Modernization Projects In Turkish Army

Brave Janissary

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5 635
Which ones would these be ? Dont Forget this modernizations must be change much more thing not like modernizating service pistol in army etc.

My List ;



Turning Barbaros Mlu + 2 Yavuz Class to Light Air Defence Frigate,

Today Turkey need immideatly Air defence frigates. But there is much more years to first 4 Tf-2000.

On the other hand Barbaros mlu concept and radar suit very suitable for running long range air defence missiles.

Smart-s Mk2 could be enough for s band long range radar role, Mar-d could be good for x band multi function radar role and also aselsan akr-d block-2 could be good for ins guidance of missile until midcourse.

Also there is many humors that barbaros class have many stabilization problems due his vls just for this reason they carry much less missile than his capacity. That's not a officall but , İf we replace front ciws with 8x vls (not burried) ship can be stabilazed . Barbaros class have a very capable and great powerpack wich equal to 5000-6000 tonnes ships used, so he can carry extra tonnage of that kind of modernization. Stabilization problem can be solved.

And there is a another thing ? What İf Usa dont sell us a vls tubes ?

There will be another solution ;

We can use 4 gabya class 8x vls launchers in first two barbaros which have 16x vls in the back , 2 for front of first two barbaros, 2 for front of last two ships of yavuz class.

On the other hand we can use 8x aft launchers of first two barbaros class to the his front. Until modernization finishes of kemalreis and salih reis mdas will be ready.

So we can use old 8x mk-41 vls modules in the front of first 2 barbaros and last 2 ships of yavuz class and for aft 16x vls we can use mdas or cold launch tubes for Siper.

Trust me if we do it we can have equal ships to fremm aaw version just because his herakles radar and vls capability (cant have quadpack) doesnt give much more than that.

On the other hand if we can add milgems to 4x vls with quadpack capability for essm/g-40 we can use him like general propose frigate. İf we give a order to our small private shipyards to a asw corvette like a turkish subsystem version of a ship who dearsan builded for turkmenistan it would be real and great corvette for instead of light frigate milgems. Until hims we can still use atmaca and 76mm moded burak's for asuw missions.

Until 2023

AAW = 4 Barbaros + 2 Yavuz (first 2 yavuz decommision due his bad sittuation)
ASW-GENERAL PURPOSE : 8x Gabya + 4x Modded Milgem
ASUW : Modded 6x Burak Class

6 AAW - 12 ASW - 6 ASUW good balance


AAW = 4 Barbaros + 2 Yavuz + 1 Tf-2000
ASW-GENERAL PURPOSE : 4x Gabya + 4x Modded Milgem + 4x İ class
Asuw = 4-6 x Local Subsystemed version of Turkmen Class Corvette


AAW = 4 Barbaros + 3 Tf-2000
ASW-GENERAL PURPOSE : 12x İ class (4x Modded Milgem Converted to İ class Frigate his Mid Life Upgrade)
Asuw = 4-6 x Local Subsystemed version of Turkmen Class Corvette


AAW = 8x Tf-2000 (+1 Tf-200 for support Possible Carrier strike group)
ASW-GENERAL PURPOSE : 10x İ class + 6x Tf-100
Asuw = 6x Local Subsystemed version of Turkmen Class Corvette + 2 İ class converted Asuw for using long range Asuw mission on carrier strike groups.


2- Modernization and Specialization Of All F-16's ;


Yes we exit F-35 project and there is more time until first MMU fleets. We need a bomber instead of F-4's. But we can fill the gap with Modernization and Specialization Of All F-16's.

For this we need 5 critical thing. Completing of Özgür project + National F-16 Aesa Radar + National Cft Solution for all F-16 Blocks + Possible integration of Meteor missile to F-16's or national equal.

There is 5 Critical Mission of our Fighters in air force ;

Air Superiorty : Yes we need air superiorty fighters we think before that buy ef-2000 but we selected for this mission also f-35 until mmu due his stealth capability. But all of us know what they lived. Now we can gain a good air superiorty fighter with modernization . Our F-16 blok-30's is the one of the best speedest, climb rated and also thrust to weight ratio capable fighter nato. But they need a many things for increase his this capability. 1- Aesa radar, 2- Cft (for carrying 6x amraam + 2x sidewinder.) + standart jchms + wide ranged iir missile (already used ) + maybe long range bvr missiles (like meteor.) İf we modernize him with these they can be good fighters. İf you have jchms + wide ranged iir missile there is no need for extra maneouvrability like ef-2000 . Also his radar and weapon range will be good with aesa + meteor like missile. This can be good stop gap until MMU.
Sead : F-16 already used great sead aircraft after the f-4 retirement in the usa air force. With cft + aesa + Akbaba missiles he can did great job.
Deep Strike : F-16 carriage capacity is not bad. İts close the f-4. With cft + fuel tanks his range will be great. Also with smart ammos they have no need carry high load of bombs.
Anti-Ship : İt can be running great with Aesa radared and som-j loaded Hürjets + Ucavs
Close Air Support : also hürjet and ucavs did great jobs in this mission.

So we can pass 20+20 = 40 f-16's to instead of f-4's who already did anti ship and cas mission in the past. Also we modernize our all F-16's with aesa + cft etc. it would be great until mmu.

3- Modernization Of 340 Leopard 2a4 + 500 Acv-30 Until Altay + Korhan ;


Today we have only 160 around battle survival tanks in all 2000+ tanked inventory. Only Sabra's battle survival againts enemy with his era + active protection systems.

Our Leopard 2a4's good in againts sabot ammos in tank vs tank fight but he's a weak againts heat warheaded anti tank missiles. We can must modernize all leopard 2a4's with just era armour package + Fırat Modernization Pack (Yamgöz + Lazer ikaz + rcws ) + pulat or akkor active protection systems + Dm-63 sabot ammos againts greek leopard 2a6 hel's

Total 500 modern tank doesnt enough for a country who lived in mid-east + in a war 3 diffrent country etc. But if we modernize with speed 500 acv-15/300 with 450-500 hp tümosan engine ( a motor who used in pars 6x6) and 2x Omtas or Tow Launcher (Most İmportant) + Yamgöz + Lazer ikaz + passive protection system.

New modded Acv's will be great supporter of our tanks in the field with his anti tank launcher. Without anti tank launcher acv's unprotected againts enemy tanks . Just because ifv's are fighting with tanks in the first line of the battlefield.

With this 3 great modernization our army will be more stronger in three diffrent area. On the other hand gezgin integration on type-209's with capsule + land based siper air defence system is important.

I am waiting for your comments and answers.

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