He has no choice,he has to sign a deal so that Americans will be present in Ukraine.This is discusting how Trump goes with other leaders off the world... Zelensky should sign nothing with Trump...
Get some common sense and start negotiations with US support and try to end the war?Well,without American support or presence in this case what's the EU going to do?
Russia will attack more then ever after this.
What can the EU do?
Trump doesnt do support,he leads the negotiations but without Trump there is no negotiation.Get some common sense and start negotiations with US support and try to end the war?
Looks like it all was planned to keep Zelensky and the EU out of the negotiations.Holy hell, Graham threw Zelensky under the bus.
Holy hell, Graham threw Zelensky under the bus.
Again, kissinger's words literally sums up the end result with any relations with the USHoly hell, Graham threw Zelensky under the bus.
Looks like it all was planned to keep Zelensky and the EU out of the negotiations.
Dont be surprised if it takes place in Türkiye.
What Trump doesn’t understand is that without Zelensky and Europe, the negotiations are meaningless. You can’t negotiate a ceasefire or a peace without one of the combatants. Ukraine will not abide by any decision made without them.
And the good thing is that today Trump and the US showed the world their true colours. They are imperialistic bullies who would throw their allies under the bus in no time if they feel it suits their needs. People who follow geopolitics knew this already, but maybe it will be a wake up call for those Europeans naive enough to believe the US is their ally.
Europe is surrounded by bullies, both to the East and to the West. It is time to buckle up and start arming itself. All European countries with more advanced technology should make their own nuclear weapons. It is inadmissible that countries like Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden or the Netherlands don’t have nukes already.
I also hope that Poland will realize that the US is only a temporary ally and they would be thrown under the bus just like Ukraine in an eventual conflict with Russia. Poland also needs to get its own nuclear weapons. There is no other “security guarantee” that will work.
As i watch Trump behave it reminds me of this book i read a while ago, anyone else on here ever read it?
Worth keeping in mind europeans that trump and russia already worked together against Turkiye in Syria. Let me say something else, if america were to drop support expect fance and germany to betray everyone else in europe. They will probably be the first to cut deals with russia. Especially that sleaze ball macron.
Also what the f'k is wrong with america? Look at these clowns. Dudes been engaged in a war for 3 years with Russia and the shit head is antagonising him over a suit. Americans betraying their allies is not a new thing, but f'k me these clowns are behaving as if Russia has given them direct orders.
What an absolute clown show from Trump and his clown mate Vance.
Didnt we tell this already years ago when you(EU countries) people kept denying it.And the good thing is that today Trump and the US showed the world their true colours. They are imperialistic bullies who would throw their allies under the bus in no time if they feel it suits their needs. People who follow geopolitics knew this already, but maybe it will be a wake up call for those Europeans naive enough to believe the US is their ally.
Good luck with that.Europe is surrounded by bullies, both to the East and to the West. It is time to buckle up and start arming itself. All European countries with more advanced technology should make their own nuclear weapons. It is inadmissible that countries like Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden or the Netherlands don’t have nukes already.
Yeah the only country able to defend itself against Russia,the rest cant.I also hope that Poland will realize that the US is only a temporary ally and they would be thrown under the bus just like Ukraine in an eventual conflict with Russia. Poland also needs to get its own nuclear weapons. There is no other “security guarantee” that will work.
Nothing wrong with america, they are the only sane country at the moment, they want the war to end, this war is bad for everyone, how can you not comprehend that? Being from Europe do you realize how much the economy suffered from this war? War is bad for everyone, for Europe, for Ukraine, for Russia, for USA, for everyone.
So the logical thing is to end it?
Its not that easy,Trump sees it as a business opportunity which is not how geopolitics works.Nothing wrong with america, they are the only sane country at the moment, they want the war to end, this war is bad for everyone, how can you not comprehend that? Being from Europe do you realize how much the economy suffered from this war? War is bad for everyone, for Europe, for Ukraine, for Russia, for USA, for everyone.
So the logical thing is to end it?
Nothing wrong with america, they are the only sane country at the moment, they want the war to end, this war is bad for everyone, how can you not comprehend that? Being from Europe do you realize how much the economy suffered from this war? War is bad for everyone, for Europe, for Ukraine, for Russia, for USA, for everyone.
So the logical thing is to end it?
Its not that easy,Trump sees it as a business opportunity which is not how geopolitics works.
For Ukraine it is existential to get the territories back,fo Russia to keep them.
So,how do you want to end it if both sides cant compromise?
Lets say Trump makes a deal with Putin,
Russia keeps all it has and the war ends.
How can Ukraine and the EU accept this?
Come up with a solution.
I don't think war ends when you capitulate on Ukraine. ill tell you what i think could happen. 1st you will empower Russia, sooner rather then later she will start a new war. 2nd. The Europeans thinking they lost American protection will start to divide among themselves. France and Germany will look to suck up to Russia. Countries like Poland the UK will this as a threat. You will see alliances forming within Europe to counter each other, let alone Russia. The EU project will probably die under such a situation. Potentially old wounds among Europes states will resurface and small sporadic conflicts may take place that could lead to bigger situations. Maybe europe returns to how she operated previous to the american enforced status.
However so far everything is just talk, lets see if the Trump admin works to reduce American influence in the world. Also i don't think 4 years will be enough to undo the american project even if the Trump admin desperately wants too.
How is it capitulating its ending the war which kills thousands and thousands of young ukranian men, and if it keeps up they will soon crumble. Read my post above, whats better for Europe?
Also how will you empower Russia, start what war? With who? lol... it won't ever start a war against a NATO country so theres hardly much left, also a peace deal that would be made could add certain things into it, like aggressive action against an european country will result in blabla consequences etc...