I think land forces are going to have a problem in the future with the current procurement plan and the vehicles it wants to retire.
As we all know some 3000 vehicles are going to be acquired under YNHZA project both tracked and wheeled.
2000 are going to be wheeled FNSS pars alpha and sadly bmc altug although the composition is unclear.
Around 1000 are going to be tracked be that otokar tulpar or FNSS Kaplan family or bmc crap.
At the same time 2500 m113 and 2000 acv 15 will leave service as they are inadequate for combat.
And the Mrap fleet is 3000-4000 strong and that is for our army to little equipment to be honest.
So I propose first to upgrade around a thousand acv 15 as they are currently doing know not directly for front line duty but secondary duty.
250 equipped with RCWS another 250 open gun turret and the other 500 for special purpose ambulance, shorad, recovery, mortars, command and control, supply logistics.
And buy additional 4x4 apc something not to heavy max 12 tons like NMS L similar to the JLTV preferably around a 1000 vehicles equipped with different types of RCWS from ASELSAN