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  1. TheInsider

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    There are rumors that the Gulen is delivered to MIT (I have big doubts but the US delivered APO in the past). If true what the US got in return is a mystery.
  2. TheInsider

    TR Nuclear Energy Program

    1) Former Soviet Republics. Those are leftover Soviet mines and those states are not fully in control. They are not producing fuel they are just excavating ore under heavy IAEA control and supervision. 2) Nope. Everything you do has to be done under strict IAEA supervision otherwise you will...
  3. TheInsider

    TR Nuclear Energy Program

    Turkiye is theorized to be rich in fissile materials but Turkish authorities have never done any prospecting because producing fuel from ore seemed like a dangerous business. Current uranium reserves are around ~50000 tons with this latest discovery.
  4. TheInsider

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Acun is Adnancı his brother is also Adnancı. Acun got his job with the help of Adnan Oktar. Acun was promoted with the help of Adnan. Acun bought a channel and became a media patron with the help of Adnan Oktar.
  5. TheInsider

    TR Space Space Programs

    EZ Fergani can sell satellites to the state or provide global positioning services for a monthly/yearly fee.
  6. TheInsider

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    Yeah they are nothing new. The problem was feeding and cooling them as mobile ground radars have SWaP concerns. Also, 10000 30W modules will provide better capability(like resolution) than 3000 100W modules even though both will have the same output. On the con side, more modules means higher...
  7. TheInsider

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    Kürecik is X band. ALP-500G is S band. ALP-500G will have ~10000 modules I expect a peak output of 3MW to 10MW depending on what kind of modules will be used (30W modules vs 100W modules I heard these 2). The radar will have its own facility/building with huge cooling and power delivery systems.
  8. TheInsider

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Baykar wants to produce turbofan engines for their own products there are reasons for that. They won't compete with TEI and they can't. Baykar might be sanctioned in the future which means Baykar might lose access to TEI engines. Baykar is also afraid of government change. It can effect their...
  9. TheInsider

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    This is such a wrong take that I don't know where to start. You just can't use average Alibaba IR cameras as an IRST. You can't use 1$ electric motors for precision tracking and stabilization. FLIRs cost 1 million $ and there are good reasons for it.
  10. TheInsider

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Interesting words from Haluk Bayraktar. According to him, Baykar is developing a turbofan engine that will be ready for serial production in 5 years. Some people say he talks about TF-6000 but the schedule is too long for TF-6000.
  11. TheInsider

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    There are reports that Houthis hit the USS Eisenhower. Allegedly the USS Eisenhower is damaged and moving to a Saudi port on its own.
  12. TheInsider

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    The government uses Hudapar against HDP/DEM in southeastern provinces.
  13. TheInsider

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Iran does this to create problems between Azerbaijan and Turkiye. It is a well-known scheme by Turkish authorities. Iranians use Hudapar and some elements inside Saadet/Yeniden Refah Party. This is not something new.
  14. TheInsider

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    They are Iranian funded and supported.
  15. TheInsider

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    Every circle will have at least 2 better 3 sensors to achieve healthy triangulation inside the circle and circles will probably intersect each other to some degree so 3906x3= 11718 sensors will be needed. Now you need to combine this into a network you need a huge data transfer capability and...
  16. TheInsider

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    This has a short range. It is impossible to cover all of Turkiye with this. Critical facilities might be covered with this kind of sensor. If a radar is shown as a circle on a map this is shown as a dot. How many dots do you need to fill a circle? What happens when the weather is bad?
  17. TheInsider

    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    I expect an initial production of 2 per month to be scaled up as the new factory matures. I expect all 250 tanks to be delivered in 5-6 years.
  18. TheInsider

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    MWIS is short for Mid Wave Infrared System. It is the same thing as the DAS(with a better sensor 640p vs 720p). The picture shows a single camera of the MWIS. It will be placed all around the aircraft and it is also an infrared-based missile warning system on top of being a 360 degree infrared...
  19. TheInsider

    TR Sensors and Detector Programs

    It is not theorized it is one of the requirements. Creating a precise firing solution for a missile with several(3) IRSTs is possible and it is not limited to IIR missiles. You need azimuth, elevation and range data to create a firing solution. A single IRST can only provide the first 2 unless...
  20. TheInsider

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Poor translation. Only V/UHF radio delivery is completed. Regarding BUHSET development studies were carried out. It is another miss translation.

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