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  1. Putin's 3 Day War

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Personally i don't pay much attention to al Jazeera for the most part its been as anti-Turkey as most other Arab owned media entities. I still remember seeing the documentary they did "world war one through arab eyes" which basically portrayed the Ottoman Turks as the evil enemy of the Arabs and...
  2. Putin's 3 Day War

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Unless Islam reforms I personally don't see it improving anything if I'm honest. The various civilisations of the world left Islam behind a long time ago. We need to see one Muslim majority state reach first world status before seeing if indeed the Islamic civilisation can exist in this modern...
  3. Putin's 3 Day War

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    To be fair that would the rational position to take. When you follow ideology in the sense that we are going to support someone because they are the same religion as us you will find yourself embarrassed time and time again. Turks have experienced this, god knows how many times the OIC has...
  4. Putin's 3 Day War

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Geography made any large scale war untenable. The Ottomans used to march thousands of miles from istanbul across deserts and mountains deep into Iran only for the safavids to run from the battle. As a result any serious endeavour wasn't sustainable. However, technology is very different now.
  5. Putin's 3 Day War

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Its good because the more these liars over use it the more it works to dismantle the past 100 years of slanderous racially motivated lies. Its a similar theme with the west pushing nonstop propaganda about Turkeys genocide on the Kurds. Absolute nonsense, complete fabricated lies.
  6. Putin's 3 Day War

    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Armenians at it again, another accusation of "genocide" directed at Azerbaijan. Nothing but lies out of these people.
  7. Putin's 3 Day War

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    they will do what greeks do, go silent for a few days and then continue as normal as if it never happened. also Russian propagandists don't divert the issue, you just got sent packing out of kherson lets focus on this great event before you make long posts about totally unrelated issues. Lets...
  8. Putin's 3 Day War

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Those wars were great business for the biggest american businesses. Even Bush whose family made their fortune in oil made massive gains by destroying Iraq. Those wars and conflicts were great successes for the military industrial complex. also your english is difficult to understand.
  9. Putin's 3 Day War

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    hopefully the Ukrainians return the favour.
  10. Putin's 3 Day War

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    was this the actual trap everyone was talking about? where they botch the retreat so badly that they had been preparing for the last month, that 20k of their own troops end up trapped? If so that's the kind of trap only the Russians could have hatched.
  11. Putin's 3 Day War

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    And as a result, today the entire world laughs at them.
  12. Putin's 3 Day War

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    When the Turks first swung into Syria to fight Isis and cut off the PKK terrorist state from forming at her border, she realised how easy it was for armoured columns to be picked off by anti-tank weapons and what not. So when Afrin came around she changed up her tactics relying more on air power...
  13. Putin's 3 Day War

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    The failure of this disastrous and misguided invasion of Ukraine stems entirely from Putin, but Russians cannot question their dictator. This is why the war will reach its natural conclusion of the complete defeat of Russia in Ukraine. If the stem of the failure cannot be countered, nothing...
  14. Putin's 3 Day War

    TR Libya Operations & Updates

    didnt erdogan just sell these guys TB2 drones? I wonder if they will try to ship them to Haftar too.
  15. Putin's 3 Day War

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Incredible stuff, an actual d list comedian who we can all watch on youtube prancing about as a woman, basically showed he's got more balls and more smarts about him then the entire Russian political establishment. It really just goes to show how many of these so called world leaders are...
  16. Putin's 3 Day War

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Russia. Russians have shown themselves to be a clown army. Sending untrained alcoholics to the frontlines to sleep out in the open. Logistically they also been terrible. So my guess is the winter months are going to be far worse for Russia to deal with then Ukraine. Ukrainians will at least have...

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