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  1. Foulgrim

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    The Arab states must remove the recognition of Israel as a state, expel the American bases from their states and strangle the flow of oil from the Straits of Hormuz to the western states and mainly to the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and of course Israel, which is the elephant with clay...
  2. Foulgrim

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Unfortunately for Israel, the time has come. Time is up, an Iranian official said. May all this end in the creation of a Palestinian state.
  3. Foulgrim

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    I think it's time for Iran to live up to the phrase "time is up" with a grand launch of surface-to-surface ballistic missiles. Operation Martyr Soleimani showed the US in January 2020 that thuggery does not pass. The ideal would be for Iran to make a heavy attack on whatever military bases and...
  4. Foulgrim

    TR Aftermath of the earthquakes in Turkey's South-east

    The destruction is unfortunately colossal. The death toll will surely exceed 2,000 as 2,824 buildings have collapsed in Turkey alone, trapping thousands of people under the rubble. 😢
  5. Foulgrim

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    In the end, human stupidity has no limits. These will be people of Russian origin living south of Athens. The majority of people in Greece support Ukraine.
  6. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek - Turkish Relations

    Devshirme's practice is not much different from what it was initially done with the Janissaries. Besides, the difference is zero, in the beginning there was the kidnapping of the defeated soldiers as Islamized mercenaries while in the Devshirme system they used to kidnap children of other...
  7. Foulgrim

    TR Marine Mavi Vatan (Blue Homeland)

    That's what he says, i have a different opinion. In my opinion, Turkey made the best geopolitical move it could in World War II, managed to stay neutral and by the end of the war go to the side of the victors. This is called in Greek "adroit neutral". The US did exactly the same in the 1930s...
  8. Foulgrim

    TR Marine Mavi Vatan (Blue Homeland)

    The Akritas user is as if I am listening to the Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the Government of New Democracy. You will tell him something and he will try to present you as a liar and a propagandist. In some issues, Greece is indeed right. Example: Threat from the amphibious ships of...
  9. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek - Turkish Relations

    Unfortunately in the West there are such perceptions. Western society knows that the Janissaries come from Islamized non-Turkish populations. But society in the West, including in Greece, has the illusion that the Ottoman army was a "mercenary" army that enslaved its defeated opponents and...
  10. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek - Turkish Relations

    Unfortunately in the western states there is the illusion that the Janissaries were the majority of the soldiers of the Ottoman Army. For some reason, many in Greece, including university professors, think this is true, but the historical facts tell a completely different story. For example, in...
  11. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek - Turkish Relations

    🤦 You always say that the Turks are escalating and Greece is the victim. But this is not happening because both countries have aggressive policies and rhetoric. The amphibious vessels of the Aegean Army exist, as does the illegal militarization of dozens of islands in the Eastern Aegean. The...
  12. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek - Turkish Relations

    Unfortunately in the western states there is the illusion that the Janissaries were the majority of the soldiers of the Ottoman Army. For some reason, many in Greece, including university professors, think this is true, but the historical facts tell a completely different story. For example, in...
  13. Foulgrim

    Greece Navy Greek FDI HN frigates & Gowind class light frigates Programs

    Delivery Timeline: 2x FDI Standard I(31/3/2025 & 31/10/2025): 2 8-cell Sylver A50 launchers, ie 16 ASTER 30 missiles 8 MM40 Block 3c anti-ship missiles 1 Super Rapido 76 mm cannon CANTO torpedo countermeasures 2 Narwal cannons of 20 mm 1x FDI Standard II(31/10/2026) The additional features of...
  14. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek - Turkish Relations

    In this topic there is the possibility of expressing views on Greek-Turkish relations and the issues that govern it. If there are no comments that violate the terms of the forum, the discussion can continue in a civilized way. Aggressive rhetoric is clearly not a way of dialogue, you are right...
  15. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek - Turkish Relations

    To tell me that for 20 years there has been a meaningful dialogue between Greece and Turkey is at least funny. This dialogue takes place without the intention of a solution but in order for one side or the other to put what it wants and demands without any intention for equal use, protection and...
  16. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek - Turkish Relations

    Things are very simple regarding the confrontation between Greece and Turkey in the Aegean Sea. - Demilitarization of the Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean as required to be in accordance with the transnational Agreements signed by Greece. No details are needed, the texts are known and what...
  17. Foulgrim

    News Greek FM Dendias in Ukraine

    And i write you the following again: If the Greek minority of Ukraine has in its documents as a community the numbers written by Mr. Dendias, let them make them public! Otherwise we will talk about fiction. Ukraine in 2001 had a population of 48,400,000 inhabitants while today it has 43,322,000...
  18. Foulgrim

    News Greek FM Dendias in Ukraine

    So I ask you again: Where did Mr. Dendias find this information? Did the Greek Foreign Minister go and count all the Greeks of Ukraine one by one? Since there will be no new demographic data until 2023, i do not think we can talk about 150,000 or 200,000 Greeks in Ukraine. These numbers are pure...
  19. Foulgrim

    News Greek FM Dendias in Ukraine

    There has always been a Turkish community in Greece, just as there is an Albanian and Pomak community. Regardless of whether the Greek state tries to hide behind the term "Muslim minority".

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