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  1. schuimpjes

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Whoever made the decision (drone attack), they’re not fight for Yemeni people but for themselves. Did they thought if they did something then nothing happened?
  2. schuimpjes

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Hodeida Port is an important port for Northern Yemen (Houthi controlled). The bombing of fuel supplies there will affect the whole Northern Yemen. From logistics (transportation), to generators for electricity. Expect more expensive fuel because less supply of oil, basic ‘supply and demand ‘...
  3. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Not gonna joke, but Holosun is one of Chinese (PRC) success story. Named by Huanic as Holosun for US (and everywhere else) market, Hwoyoung for Chinese market.
  4. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

    Anyone have information about Indonesian F-16 equipped with MIDS (for Link-16) or not? All of the above can’t happen without it. As long as know, Indonesian F-16 only equipped with SADL. MIDS not even written on DSCA document for F-15ID. F-15 Eagle II tapi mandul
  5. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

    Can western systems and Russian or others “talk” to each other at this scale (even with Scytalis)? I don’t know. TNI AU sending F-16 to Pitch Black 2024 instead of Su-27/30 is a right decision. Interoperability becomes more important with today’s regional geopolitical situation.
  6. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Indonesian Air Force, Tentara Nasional Indonesia-Angkatan Udara (TNI-AU)

    Look at NIFC–CA of US Navy and see one of the way how they use their F-35. Basically, the F-35 would be the forward observer penetrate area with A2/AD. Growler used its capabilities to lessen the effectiveness of the air defense. Super Hornet far from the A2/AD environment get their target from...
  7. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    MBZ berpengaruh di kawasan yang secara geopolitik masuk Muslim World. Tendensinya anti-demokrasi dan anti-IM beserta turunannya yang entah Bannaisme (dari nama Hasan al-Banna) maupun Qutbisme (Sayyid Qutb). Bannaisme, Islamis lewat jalan demokrasi, perubahan gradual. Qutbisme, revolutionary...
  8. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    90an awal, CIA stance nya masih sama kayak Mukhabarat al-Amah Saudi atau ISI Pakistan urusan Al-Qaeda (atau Maktab Al-Khidamah/MAK sebelumnya), bahkan pas Omar Abdul Rahman atau The Blind Sheikh pindah ke NYC, dia masih dibantu secara langsung atau tidak langsung sama CIA. Tapi ada imigran Mesir...
  9. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    USAF Kessel Run Northrop Grumman dapet proyek untuk memperbarui sistem di CAOC di Lanud Al Udeid, Qatar. Fungsinya kayak Controller’s Cabin Inggris jaman WWII, komunikasi pake telepon kabel ke Bentley Priory, masih pake tongkat-tongkat untuk mindahin penanda posisi pesawat teman sama lawan...
  10. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Sebenernya bisa pake kontraktor. NSA (direkturnya dual-hatting/merangkap komandan US CYBERCOM) dulu kontraktor terbesarnya SAIC, sampe SAIC punya sebutan NSA West. Edward Snowden juga kontraktor dari Booz Allen Hamilton. Ngerekrut yang udah profesional jadi TNI gapapa juga sih, tapi apa...
  11. schuimpjes

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    One of their target was Mohammad Deif for this very strike. Target like him could afford more NCV (non-combatant casualty value) for Israeli. But for anyone standard, their tolerance for NCV is higher ngl. To kill one target, it’s okay to kill hundreds other rather than risk of losing the target.
  12. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Dua hari setelah DIU nya DoD ganti kepemimpinan ke Raj sama Chris Kirchhoff, mereka dapet kabar kalo tahun depannya mereka bakal gak dapet anggaran alias dibunuh, istilahnya di-zeroed sama Kongres. Pupus sebelum berkembang. Mereka cari tau siapa yang mau nge-zeroed mereka, akhirnya ketauan dua...
  13. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    And what he called as Sada (near Parachinar) was Sada Training Camp. Still under Abdul Rasul Sayyaf, but notoriously ran by Abdullah Azzam (MAK). Khaled Sheikh Mohammad jebolan situ juga
  14. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Just found out of what he meant by “Akademi Militer Mujahidin Afghanistan” at around 10:00 was University of Dawa Al Jihad. Interestingly, the place was under the responsibility of Abdul Rasul Sayyaf instead of someone most radical of the four fundamentalists of the seven alliance, Hekmatyar...
  15. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Sinop, tempatnya Army Security Agency (BKO NSA) untuk SIGINT ke Soviet dulu.
  16. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Pas awal emang iya, 2024 targetnya udah mendaratkan orang di bulan lagi. Tapi setelah misi Artemis I tahun 2022 untuk muterin bulan tanpa awak pake Orion, optimis semua on schedule lagi. Artemis II rencananya September 2025, tiga awak dari AS, satu Kanada. Artemis II misinya kayak Artemis I...
  17. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    2 launch vehicles yang akan dan sudah terlibat di program Artemis. Space Launch System (SLS). Video bawah misi Artemis 1. Starship

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