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  1. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Abis Kejaksaan Agung nangkep anggota Densus 88, Kantor Kejagung didatengin Polisi show of force dong wkwk
  2. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Lembaga anti-korupsi Hong Kong, ICAC, dulu didirikannya primary targetnya Polisi Hong Kong yang terkenal korup banget, sampe-sampe kantor ICAC digruduk polisi lol. Sebenernya bukan Polisi nya doang sih yang korup di Hong Kong dulu, hampir semua, sampe pemadam kebakaran itu mau madamin api kalo...
  3. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Kejahatan itu lahan basah atau banyak duit kalo penegak hukum nya mau menyalahgunakan kewenangan. Instead of caught the criminals, why not used them as cash cows. Ditangkep kalo uangnya seret. Edit: Kalo lancar, kenapa ditangkep? Biarkan para kriminal itu berbisnis ria. Latin American law...
  4. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Gak tau pastinya kenapa, tapi yakin per-centeng an. Jampidsus nya itu lagi nanganin kasus tambang ilegal kan? Semua yang ilegal itu bakal (tetap) berjalan kalo penegak hukumnya tutup mata, membiarkan, dilindungi, di-backing dan pasti dapet kickback. Yang paling lumrah orang biasanya aja...
  5. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia Not surprising at all. Oslo Accord I couldn’t happened without Fafo of Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO) that directly or indirectly connected to Norwegian Labour Party involvement with talks...
  6. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia Men/Pangak Vietnam dipilih Parlemen Vietnam untuk jadi Presiden baru. Dia terkenal orang penting di kampanye anti-korupsi Sekjen Partai, kampanye yang buat beberapa pejabat berjatuhan, termasuk Presiden sebelumnya yang...
  7. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    IS-Somalia is quite interesting after Islamic State territorial loss in Syria and Iraq, also called by some as Islamic State Central. Even though IS local administrations are administered by wilayat, but substantially it is administered by the maktab or offices. They loss much of their...
  8. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Sarapnya kena wkwk Gitu-gitu pernah buat lagu diambil alih sama The Beach Boys, ada yang diubah juga sih Kalo gak tau Beach Boys mungkin tau lagunya yang lebih terkenal di bawah
  9. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Not related with the death of Ebrahim Raisi after he met with Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan. Not related. Azerbaijan and Israeli relations is relatively beneficial for both countries. Israel demands or needs for oil about 40% of it from Azerbaijan. Meanwhile, Israel also exports their weapons and...
  10. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    60s psychedelic song. Wild time Voting age was 21 and poor 18 year old could only just accept what decided to them. Draft dodging joined some friends with colorful painted VW Station Wagon, literally became a hippie. LSD was rampant, anti-Vietnam War sentiments everywhere, some of your friends...
  11. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    All out “against syirik demokrasi folk” right here. Di ujung tanduk masuk Nusakambangan, hopefully not lah
  12. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    This not applicable if you’re Night Stalker and ATO/FCD pilot lol
  13. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    The vibe of theocrat Plus, Al-Maidah 5:44
  14. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    The best example right now is Swiss direct democracy on their cantonal level. Federally also based, the Federal Assembly chose 7 people to Federal Council and president position would be changed for 1 year between the Federal Council members. Lessen the potential for abuse of power.
  15. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    @Gary also for this actually, but only between the so called experts, like Iranian Assembly of Experts that choosing the Supreme Leader. Practically, that not representing anyone but Iranians with ‘79 Revolution ideas. No simple freedom of expression even.
  16. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Not just the drones gonna be the trends, but also the countermeasures, especially electronic countermeasures for area denial and SmartShooter SMASH like devices.
  17. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Meanwhile, Chinese People Armed Police (PAP) looks like also training with sUAS, maybe en masse even. Btw, cool Multicam Arid-like PAP21 (or whatever) camo
  18. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia US Special Force (SFGs) or Green Berets started to train with sUAS (Small Unmanned Aerial System) to 12-men A-Team or ODA level (equivalent to Kopassus 13-men prayudha). This training...
  19. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    And turned you into a theocrat The school not as committed as the communists back then What’s the question?
  20. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Good then. Glad you not attended Al-Mukmin, Ngruki. At least they got money from the selling of Ijazah or education business lah

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