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    Korea Socio-economical affairs

    No problem for China :cool:
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    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Can soft launch missile work in big windstrom environment? I think hot launch is better.
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    Update: Latest status of Defence project in 2022

    Wow wow the Turk is Mad, Congrat :cool: . Can not wait to see MIUS and Goksungur detail design.
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    India India-Russia Relations

    Why not buy patriot or eurosam?
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    TR Propulsion Systems

    Translate in english please :)
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    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Engine not ready and money maybe. Eu and US sanction economy and militay next weeks or months will be hard and cloudy Turkey progress.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Mountain terraint, forest, cloudy, fog, dark night and snow winter. Perfect combination for armenia n more reguler soldier will come. Ambush n guerrilla will become nightmare for Azerbaijan
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Many night vision google n range finder send to armenia from diaspora. In night, in winter in fogy field thats became game changer. Common Azebaijan soldier dont have that. I hope i wrong
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Armenian : This just propaganda, we are strong n ready to battle until all armenian die :cool:
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Silent in battlefield, another ceasefire or Azerbaijan have big loss and withdraw?
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Everything for win battle, human wafe, guerrilla warfare
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Translate Translate please :-)
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Arm Armenia or Azerbaijan ?
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    How about guerilla warfare. Thaliban in Afgahanistan can survive and win.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Terrain more harder than south probably
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Armenia buying time, if Biden win armenia have three might backbone, EU, US and Russia.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    No need do that, Russia guarante armenia land sovereignty
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Translate please
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Because cease fire

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