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  1. Barry

    TR Imprisoning Istanbul mayor and it’s ramifications for defence industry

    The UK routinely denies the rights of it's citizens. If you know anyone that needed the welfare state you know they've suffered trying to get assistance as is their right.
  2. Barry

    TR Politics

    Greeks basing their entire cultural and social existence on their hate of Turks is great tbh. Not even a loving wife thinks of her husband as much as the Greek thinks of the Turk.
  3. Barry

    TR Politics

    Always funny to see the Arab Wanabe Umtards posting from whatever ME hellhole they live in to start talking shit about Secularism and Turkiye. If one of these morons opened a book other than the Quran, that'd be nice. All they can do is talk shit in-between the see-saw of killing each other or...
  4. Barry

    TR Politics

    These Islamists and traitors need the Ali Kemal treatment. But as usual, Turks need to be on the brink of catastrophe before they wake up and do anything. When you've got patriots being attacked by the police, but the Zagros donkeys can gather in their thousands with Siktirlan portraits and...
  5. Barry

    TR Politics

    Live for the day we're free of Islamists, Uncle Mehmet sell-outs and whatever new skirt the PKK likes to wear.
  6. Barry

    TR Politics

    Hopefully he was allowed to take his "amedspor" scarf to keep him warm in his cell.
  7. Barry

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Military secret 1) We have an actual Military
  8. Barry

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Good tbh
  9. Barry

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    Honestly it's refreshing seeing the US treat white nations like they're brown nations. Get to see what the rest of the world feels like when it comes to the USA.
  10. Barry

    Live Conflict Syria Civil War

    Just looks like they're legitimising the PKK/YPG/PEDO groups. Nothing about the US, the US-supplied weaponry, nothing about the leaders of these terror organisations being brought to justice, either in the courts or a yellow bag, nothing about the bulk of PKK rats being dealt with properly...
  11. Barry

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    And more brow-beating about human rights and how we're not European plus something worthless about visas
  12. Barry

    TR Marine Mavi Vatan (Blue Homeland)

    Good, fuck off back to your own waters
  13. Barry

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Hopefully it ends up being their route into yellow bags.
  14. Barry

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Open a book
  15. Barry

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    It's not enough to lay down arms. Every single rat that carried a weapon, collected funds, kidnapped children, trafficked humans and drugs will be walking instead of laying in a yellow bag
  16. Barry

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Totally against turkish lives being spent to protect Europe. Let the homeland of "EuRoPEaN VaLuEs" look after itself
  17. Barry

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    All they know is how to be traitors whilst handwaving it away as God's Will. There's a bit of Sheikh Said in all of these people.
  18. Barry

    Live Conflict Syria Civil War

    Good sources cited
  19. Barry

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Can see why EU would be left out. What does the EU know of peace? They're always too busy supporting PKK, supporting the inhumane isolation of Turkish Cypriots in their own home, throwing them under the bus after the annan plan failed, they had no problem sinking boats of refugees fleeing the...
  20. Barry

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    6. Sell ass to the ummah

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