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  1. E

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Israel attacked Egypt they did not beat back a large Arab coalition that attacked them , you can lie and cry about it as much as you want but the world watched it happen and know the truth . only brainwashed Westerns Boomers pretend that it was anything else than Israel attacking Egypt like...
  2. E

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    you can stop posting , just with that we can tell you are historically illiterate
  3. E

    TR Libya Operations & Updates

    lmao what a bunch of clown
  4. E

    TR Libya Operations & Updates

    is there a possibility that it was a trap to expel her since she is affiliated with Haftar /eastern Libya force ?
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I think you are right on comparing this war to the Iraq/Iran one , but both Russia and Ukraine have a far older population with lower birthrate than Iraq/Iran during theirs war so I wouldn't expect them to be able to hold on fighting for as long as them
  6. E

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    man I hope for something like that , but I fail to see how they could put any real opposition the rest of the Russian army in today situation , aren't they too scattered and theirs more "heavy" equipment (like tanks) been seized from them ? unless a relevant part of the regular army side with...
  7. E

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    like did he really except it do end in any others way ? such a dumb move he should have gone all in or done nothing at all
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    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

  9. E

    Live Conflict Wagner coup attempt in Russia

    Prigozhin is a dead man walking no way Putin will let him go after the he have done , he is an utter moron for not understanding that
  10. E

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    I personally hope that if Bashar can't be removed a analogue to the Korean situation is achieved only with a prosperous north and a retarded hereditary ideological dictatorship in the south ( only with no china a reunification is possible military down the line ) ,but I don't think the territory...
  11. E

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    I thinks pro Russian like him think Russia give the SAA anti drone system that would save them from the Turkish army
  12. E

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    always good to see Russian plane shot down

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