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  1. The Dutchman

    How did you find us?

    A friend from a defence company here in the Netherlands told me about a new defence forum so i joined to check it out.
  2. The Dutchman

    Happy Republic Day Türkiye.

    Happy Republic Day to all Turks!
  3. The Dutchman

    News 43 countries including Turkey call on China to respect Uyghur rights

    Twice the same answer? Couldnt find anything else to counter with? Sucks doesnt it when you are out of answers? Anyway,ill leave you to it,see you around.
  4. The Dutchman

    News 43 countries including Turkey call on China to respect Uyghur rights

    All in debt to China or have economic interests,nothing new.
  5. The Dutchman

    News 43 countries including Turkey call on China to respect Uyghur rights

    You dont get it do you,or you are just ignorant? Its not about taking sides,its about reality,here in the West you can think for yourself and decide for yourself. Nobody can dictate anything to anyone,people are free to make up their mind unlike in China where you cannot because its forbidden by...
  6. The Dutchman

    News 43 countries including Turkey call on China to respect Uyghur rights

    Saudi Arabia needs China as a costumor for oil and gas and since the US left the ME,the Saudis decided to be close to China for ´´protection´´ in case of. See,the Saudi monarchy is not safe without the US protecting them against internal or external threads. But you knew that already,didnt you...
  7. The Dutchman

    News 43 countries including Turkey call on China to respect Uyghur rights

    The point is that all of these countries have an independent opinion,they are not blackmailed to vote against or for anything. The countries you have mentioned are all in debt to China therefore open to blackmail by China. Many examples of this have been noted,shown by the international...
  8. The Dutchman

    News 43 countries including Turkey call on China to respect Uyghur rights

    Every day you open a thread about how wonderful China is,a new bridge,new buildings,new roads,happy people,best in sports,best in economics,best in everything blah blah blah.
  9. The Dutchman

    News 43 countries including Turkey call on China to respect Uyghur rights

    And your everyday propaganda,should they do something about that to?
  10. The Dutchman

    News 43 countries including Turkey call on China to respect Uyghur rights

    How many of these supporting countries are in debt to China in any way?
  11. The Dutchman

    India Indian Coffee House

    And whats this got to do with India?
  12. The Dutchman

    News Hellenic Patriots Are Moving to Saudi Arabia

    And why would you be needing those Patriots? you dont actually think there will be a war between you and the Turks,do you?
  13. The Dutchman

    News Hellenic Patriots Are Moving to Saudi Arabia

    I think thats what he meant.
  14. The Dutchman

    Pakistan Pakistani MALE UAV program

    I dont understand,the Pakistanis were boosting about their UAV programs,what happened to them? This is really funny,Burraq was the best bla bla and now they are buying the Anka from Turkey.
  15. The Dutchman

    PK Navy Jinnah Class Frigate Project

    Ok but the Pakistanis are complaining about it having only 16VLS.
  16. The Dutchman

    Pakistan Pakistani MALE UAV program

    I dont understand,whats he saying?
  17. The Dutchman

    Israeli study: Turkey is strongest maritime force in the region

    I never claimed that,we have many US weapon systems but you guys always claim that Israel is nothing without the US,thats why i reacted. No need to be defensive buddy,it is what it is. Good night to you.

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