You live in a house of glass and can't take it I know this much.
The tea is fantastic carry on your lovely day
Yes all 90,000+ servings made for it in POW camps (after this lot said they would last a 1000 years and folded in 2 weeks).
That's a lot of tea.
Unfortunately the Pak GHQ didn't agree and issued this "very alpha chad" stamp in protest:

"Challenge to world conscience".....after perpetration of genocide on more than half its people (murdering up to 3 million of them according to Bangladesh).
Then again its not surprising given the post-war whinge about it regarding the biraader allies:
The origins of Pakistan-Turkish BROTHERHOOD
Indian republic founded after British Indian rule ended. It is remarkable how Indian's use 'India' [present day Indian Republic] when the fact of the matter is there was a BRITISH INDIA prior to 1947. I was just going through UK National Archives yesterday from the partition files. They record...

Consequently, next time cutting out all frills, told them politely but firmly that we had faced temporary setbacks but were neither down militarily nor economically and were a modern army therefore thanking them their offer of the museum pieces was not acceptable. I reiterated my disappointment to them over the time and manner the negotiations had dragged on impressing upon them that "had Turkey been in trouble without getting involved in any such meetings we would have opened our stores to the Turkish brothers to take whatever they needed". Whereupon apologetically they showed their inability to offer any current stuff but offered to buy anything for us at small agreed commission which I turned down
Realising the improvement in our political situation and certain there won’t be another round, it was pointless to try for any other items at exhorbitant prices. Preferring to wait during the breather we got we could get better equipment at more acceptable prices. Though I kept on pressing the Turks for the promised clearance from General Haig, making it quite a joke; the "Bottle of Haig" never arrived as I knew it would not! However,
My conducting officer, a senior Turkish Colonel, informed me that the Turkish Government wanted to make a presentation to their brother country of some badly needed arms and armament and would I please see the stores. Despite my polite decline he kept on pestering me. Finally, I agreed to have a look after the Ambassador’s persistence : in a small army store lying in a corner were few coils of telephone cables, couple of old rusted 3-in mortars and similar bits and pieces! I felt like crying: was it a joke, an affront or mere ignorance!
"Carry on your lovely day" is indeed the best retort a Turkish general would have given to this kind of grovelling.
Exactly the reason why this forum formed as well.