TR Aircraft Carrier & Amphibious Ship Programs


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So yeah, what do you want to show when the next time the enemy want to show us their carriers like France did in support of Greece. Today's enemies can be joined by others in the future and you need to be prepared.
Do you have additional 5 destroyers to cover A/C?
Let those mofos bring their strategic assets close to our shores. Our antiship missiles are waiting for them.


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Do you have additional 5 destroyers to cover A/C?
Let those mofos bring their strategic assets close to our shores. Our antiship missiles are waiting for them.
By the time we have the carrier we may very well have the destroyers. Money is not an issue as they will be very highly domestic production.

Brave Janissary

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Do you have additional 5 destroyers to cover A/C?
Let those mofos bring their strategic assets close to our shores. Our antiship missiles are waiting for them.

Firstly a aircraft carrier doesn't a open sea oceanic invade craft. His first mission a destroy enemy fleet. Aircrafts a better strikers than ships to surface fleet with his hard detection, speed, agile, maneuverability capabilities. They are capable saturation strikers when compared ships. And Satturation strike is the best nightmare of ships.


Your Geography is not related to owning a aircraft carrier. If you have a enough money, logistic and vision for the own that kind of ship, you can buy.

On the other hand

I agree to you about low protecting potential of us for a protecting lhd/ aircraft carrier.

But protecting a aircraft carrier and establishing aircraft strike group is a diffrent thing.

Aircraft carrier strike groups is a very complex fleets consist all kind of aspect for example, land attack cruisers, ssbn,ssns, asuw and asw ships, mine warfare ships, amfibic ships and units, logistic ships etc.

Our hope is protecting anadolu . Frenchs and italians generally use a 1 horizon and 1 freem for escorting to Charles de gualle or cavour.

They have a 80 vls in total and dont have a quadpack capability on aster series. so Freems carry 16 aster-30 and +16 aster 15 horizon carry a 16 aster-30 and 32 aster-15 .

So 32 Aster-30 and 48 aster-15.

İf we achive a just doublepacking Siper ;

1x İ class or one of the 16x vls carrier barbaros mlu = 16x Siper + 32x essm + 8 Atmaca + 8x Atmaca Land Attack Missile.
2x G class advent = 16x Siper + 32x Essm + 64x Sm-1

So 32 Siper + 64 Essm + 64 Sm-1 + 8x Atmaca Land Attack

So well


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Since it takes a long time maybe it's not wrong to look ahead. Now we don't need a carrier and it seems like a waste of resources but in the 2030's we will have a bigger Air force, economy and a population which will go into the direction of 100 million people.

I think Turkey will be an important player in Asia and Europe if we don't start procurement now, maybe we will wish we did so in 10 years


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Parallel / Inclined runways are also about operational efficiency. You may watch it in documentaries how fast USN dispatches an air wing from those inclined runways using multiple catapults or how frequently they may land as one runway is cleared asap making space for another landing or take off.
This is not possible in case of parallel runway due to the safety reasons. The runway is always occupied regardless of what has landed and should be kept cleared.
They have parallel runways. But only one has ski lift.
Take off and landing has to be done in turns If this is kept. But they have options to convert.




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F-16 bey, ne yapıyorsunuz?

I could not find the original source of the photo, if anyone knows it, please add it.

Please urgently provide our pilots with navalized jets, there are some of them who are extremely impatient.


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Option 4 ?
This option allows for STOVL operation as well as conventional CATOBAR on angled runway albeit being a tad intrusive with STOVL operation. For aircraft recovery it is the safest route.
But needs a lot of reconfiguration of flight deck.

If a lot of aircraft is to be stationed on the ship, especially a mixture of STOVL with conventional, then option 1 and 4 are most useful.


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I prefer 10 TF2000 and submarines instead of YNUG
TCG Anadolu should never have been built. We are not a rich nation to splash cash at such extravagant platforms. We do not have cash rich big brothers like Egypt has.
Bayraktar/Sancaktar class LSTs would have sufficed for our needs. At less than half the price of an LHD like Anadolu and much cheaper to maintain they would have been the logical choice.
Even TF2000 destroyer is an unnecessary expenditure. Yes, we need Air-Defence platforms. But a good number of 4500ton frigates would be the better and more balanced choice.
8 x I-class, 8 x 4500ton AD frigates with 4 modernised Barbaros class ships would be the cleverer and more economical choice in the long run.
10 OPVs with 4 Ada Class will give a very respectable corvette class force projection. (Let us not forget the 4 corvettes, the Dost Class ships we have with our coast guard either)
I agree we need more modern submarines. Milden project is the right choice. 500ton mini sub is an ingenious idea for the shallow seas we have around us.

But now the TCG Anadolu is here. We have to embrace it and make it work. These ships are best in twos. So when we can afford it we will have to consider a second one. We will have to find ways to protect these ships as well. Not having AD missiles like Hisar-O+ or Siper on board means we will have to attach to them, modern and effective protection ships, submarines etc while she is sailing, just like a carrier group.


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TCG Anadolu should never have been built. We are not a rich nation to splash cash at such extravagant platforms. We do not have cash rich big brothers like Egypt has.
Bayraktar/Sancaktar class LSTs would have sufficed for our needs. At less than half the price of an LHD like Anadolu and much cheaper to maintain they would have been the logical choice.
Even TF2000 destroyer is an unnecessary expenditure. Yes, we need Air-Defence platforms. But a good number of 4500ton frigates would be the better and more balanced choice.
8 x I-class, 8 x 4500ton AD frigates with 4 modernised Barbaros class ships would be the cleverer and more economical choice in the long run.
10 OPVs with 4 Ada Class will give a very respectable corvette class force projection. (Let us not forget the 4 corvettes, the Dost Class ships we have with our coast guard either)
I agree we need more modern submarines. Milden project is the right choice. 500ton mini sub is an ingenious idea for the shallow seas we have around us.

But now the TCG Anadolu is here. We have to embrace it and make it work. These ships are best in twos. So when we can afford it we will have to consider a second one. We will have to find ways to protect these ships as well. Not having AD missiles like Hisar-O+ or Siper on board means we will have to attach to them, modern and effective protection ships, submarines etc while she is sailing, just like a carrier group.
The largest, the biggest warships of imperial Japanese navy were:

"Sunk by American planes"
They shared same Destiny.

The Big is not always the best.


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Parallel / Inclined runways are also about operational efficiency. You may watch it in documentaries how fast USN dispatches an air wing from those inclined runways using multiple catapults or how frequently they may land as one runway is cleared asap making space for another landing or take off.
This is not possible in case of parallel runway due to the safety reasons. The runway is always occupied regardless of what has landed and should be kept cleared.
Angled deck does allow more space for catapults. Although not all angled deck carriers have catapults. Shandong have angled deck but no catapults at all. And the statistics is staggering between the Shandong and the Fords who maximize the angled deck for additional catapult.

As lately as 2022, Shandong manages 20 sorties/day while Ford manages 170 in 8.5 hours.


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Angled deck does allow more space for catapults. Although not all angled deck carriers have catapults. Shandong have angled deck but no catapults at all. And the statistics is staggering between the Shandong and the Fords who maximize the angled deck for additional catapult.

As lately as 2022, Shandong manages 20 sorties/day while Ford manages 170 in 8.5 hours.
In the end, there are only few examples of "proper aircraft carrier" so statistics wouldn't be reliable. I haven't heard LHD - AC designers start with relying on statistics as the ones do with corvettes / frigates. Their design is almost from scratch thus takes a longer time.


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Mr. Demir addresses the claims upon propulsion system of TCG Anadolu. He tells audience to check the construction dates.

However, i catch something and it feels uneasy; When the propulsion unit of Anadolu was delivered, Spanish Navy was conducting conceptual studies with ABB, rival of Siemens and leader of podded propeller market. Note: L61, Anadolu, Canberra runs on SiPOD made by Siemens, which is the source of the propulsion system related issues aboard both L61 and Canberra. Some "experts" point out that Anadolu runs on different propulsion system than the rest by pointing out the fact that Anadolu is equipped with diesel engines while others are diesel engines + gas turbine. Unfortunately they forget one fact: these machines are running on generator mode and has little to no effect on emerged issues, the source of the problem is the podded propeller, made by Siemens.

And i hope, Siemens has truly fixed pod related issues on L61 and Canberra and those fixes were applied on TCG Anadolu. Platform based issues were fixed on Anadolu anyway.

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