Do you have additional 5 destroyers to cover A/C?
Let those mofos bring their strategic assets close to our shores. Our antiship missiles are waiting for them.
Firstly a aircraft carrier doesn't a open sea oceanic invade craft. His first mission a destroy enemy fleet. Aircrafts a better strikers than ships to surface fleet with his hard detection, speed, agile, maneuverability capabilities. They are capable saturation strikers when compared ships. And Satturation strike is the best nightmare of ships.
Your Geography is not related to owning a aircraft carrier. If you have a enough money, logistic and vision for the own that kind of ship, you can buy.
On the other hand
I agree to you about low protecting potential of us for a protecting lhd/ aircraft carrier.
But protecting a aircraft carrier and establishing aircraft strike group is a diffrent thing.
Aircraft carrier strike groups is a very complex fleets consist all kind of aspect for example, land attack cruisers, ssbn,ssns, asuw and asw ships, mine warfare ships, amfibic ships and units, logistic ships etc.
Our hope is protecting anadolu . Frenchs and italians generally use a 1 horizon and 1 freem for escorting to Charles de gualle or cavour.
They have a 80 vls in total and dont have a quadpack capability on aster series. so Freems carry 16 aster-30 and +16 aster 15 horizon carry a 16 aster-30 and 32 aster-15 .
So 32 Aster-30 and 48 aster-15.
İf we achive a just doublepacking Siper ;
1x İ class or one of the 16x vls carrier barbaros mlu = 16x Siper + 32x essm + 8 Atmaca + 8x Atmaca Land Attack Missile.
2x G class advent = 16x Siper + 32x Essm + 64x Sm-1
So 32 Siper + 64 Essm + 64 Sm-1 + 8x Atmaca Land Attack
So well