Contribution/ L’heure de solder les comptes a sonné, avec les ennemis traditionnels de l’Algérie
Le roi du Maroc vient d’enterrer définitivement la dernière lueur d’espoir, de réouverture des frontières ouest du pays.

Algeria / Time has come to settle all accounts with the traditional enemy Morocco
Admin 26 novembre 2021
The king of Morocco has just definitively buried the last ray of hope, of reopening the country's western borders.
Mohamed VI, who made the choice to normalize his relations with the Zionist entity, instead of normalizing them, naturally, with his neighbor Algeria, does not know that he has just opened the door to hell, which will close, like the slab of a tomb, on his throne and his family.
Algeria constituted, for the Moroccan populations of the east, a blessing from the sky, which allowed them to live with dignity, for a very long time, thanks to food products, subsidized by the Algerian public treasury, which arrived afloat, on the Moroccan market, and in the basket of the little housewife.
Algeria supplied this country with gas, cheap, at preferential prices, which allowed the monarchy to meet the needs of its populations and its industry, without drawing on the public treasury.
The decision taken by Algeria to suspend the delivery of Gas to Morocco, through the Maghreb-Europe Gas Pipeline, is a measure that responds to the constant and violent hostilities, displayed by the King of Morocco, towards his benefactor Algeria.
This measure, which has very important social consequences, in this country, has caused a shock wave within the population, who do not understand why their king is paddling against the vital interests of his people.
This year, the winter will be very harsh for the Moroccan populations, a good part of which will be deprived of gas and heating. The king, by such a measure, sanctions, first of all, the populations of the Rif.
The economic consequences of the suspension of the delivery of Algerian gas to Morocco are very high. The king must go to the international spot market, where prices are multiplied by six.
This must inevitably cause an increase in gas and electricity prices in this country.
The Moroccan people must pay for these increases with death in their souls, aggravating a social unrest that is spreading and growing.
By normalizing his relations with the Zionist entity, the king has officially transformed his country, into a platform of subversion, which threatens the security and stability of the entire Maghreb region, the Sahel and Africa, where we begins to point out the misdeeds of the king's subversive policy, within the African Union, whose unity risks being shattered.
The Zionist entity plans to transfer nuclear waste from the Dimona nuclear power plant to Morocco, possibly Western Sahara.
The nuisances of normalization are looming on the horizon for the monarchy. Morocco must prepare for further betrayals against its country, which the Zionist entity will impose upon it, without qualms.
The objective of destroying the African Union, and preventing the continent from moving towards economic integration, by reducing military interference and looting the resources of these countries, is a Machiavellian colonial plan, of the triumvirate, Maroco / Franco / Zionist.
Morocco has just received the Israeli Minister of Defense, Benny Gantz, notoriously known to be a war criminal, to be brought before the international criminal tribunal sooner or later.
This minister who was afraid to make this trip to Morocco, had to have his plane escorted by American f35s, to secure it, passing very far from the Algerian air borders.
Morocco continues to bluff, believing that its new alliance will give in to Algeria.
Now that hostilities have been officially declared by the king, and for security reasons, Algeria will cement its borders, much to the despair of the Moroccan populations.
The king is doing very bad calculations, hoping to reap very high dividends, by putting himself under the protection of the Zionist entity. The Zionist axis is known to be a master of division and subversion.
He installs chaos, wherever he goes, by making the kiss of a peephole, his credo, in international relations.
We must expect in Morocco, an accentuation of conflicts and divisions, due to the arrival, with weapons and baggage, of the Zionist entity, in this country.
The king does not seek to protect his country with this new alliance. Rather, he seeks to protect his throne and his family, who are at bay, even if it means abandoning his people.
The Moroccan people are not fooled. He went out en masse to the street to show his anger and denounce the king's serious slippages.
As if by chance, it is the radio silence, in the television channels and the French press, which did not knowingly cover the launch of the gloomy spring in Morocco, that the Zionist war minister came to inaugurate in great detail.
Within the framework of the Maroco-Zionist axis, the Zionist entity which will not give gifts to the king, will manage to sell him his hardware, and for that, he will have to go into more debt, to pay for it.
The King of Morocco has plunged his country into an infernal spiral of escalations, by unsustainable war efforts, in Western Sahara, requiring for this, the purchase of a large quantity of weapons that will not change, on the ground , the balances of forces, in the region. They will remain, for a long time, to the advantage of Algeria.
The king tried desperately, and in vain, to divert the gas pipeline from Nigeria, to pass it through Morocco.
The works of this gas pipeline, soon arrive at the borders of Niger, to pass to Algeria, reducing the dreams of the king, into a nightmare, who so hoped to supply all of Europe with gas.
The Nigerian gas pipeline will be connected to Ain Amenas. It will supply all of Europe, thus placing Algeria in a position of strength, regionally and internationally.
Morocco is lending at all costs on the international financial markets, making the kingdom's debt unsustainable.
The Moroccans are pushed to the limit, by the king, who does not see and does not hear the growls of his people, impoverished and weakened, but who patiently digs the furrows of the tornado, which will take away, forever, this monarchy.
The Zionist entity is seriously mistaken, putting its foot in the nest of a bee-eater, believing to subjugate the peoples of the Maghreb, as always, through betrayal and subversion.
Such an escalation only worsens the plight of the Jews of Morocco, who will be the first victims, should the inevitable disorder take hold in the kingdom.
King Mohamed VI is very ill, and he will not survive so many challenges, which risk overtaking his monarchy at any time.
In this swamp infested with crocodiles, Algeria must remain on the alert, as long as it has not yet crossed the pond of all dangers, to arrive safely.
Other maneuvers of destabilization, against Algeria will be furnished, in the secret offices of the king, with the Zionist trademark, by attempting to carry out actions of sabotage, assassinations, and uprisings of the populations against the rulers.
The Moroccan / Zionist Axis Trojan horse, Mak and Rachad, two terrorist organizations, has collapsed following heavy strikes by the Algerian government, which hunts down these subversive cells, to their last entrenchment.
Algeria has opted for firmness, to defend its interests. It will not tolerate any attempt at division or destabilization.
If the enemy is countered in the west, he can infiltrate from the east and the south. In the recent past, we have experienced the arrival through the southern borders of Syrian jihadists, under the status of migrants who fought in northern Syria, in terrorist militias.
Sub-Saharan migration to Algeria is also another major issue, which is being exploited, destabilizing Algeria.
It is useful to recall that Mossad spy cells, made up of Sub-Saharan migrants, were dismantled in 2018, in Ghardaia.
The massive transfer of the Hausa ethnic group to Algeria is another major issue, which must be dealt with quickly. The Hausa are the Kurds of the Sahel, in search of a welcoming country, to settle there permanently.
The highest authorities of the country have just taken salutary measures to step up actions to combat illegal migration, networks of smuggling of migrants and trafficking in persons.
The wilayas in the south of the country must be strengthened, with more resources, to neutralize the activity of the networks of migrant smugglers, which have redoubled in intensity, their activity, bound for Algeria.
The public authorities must absolutely put an end to these networks of trafficking in persons, instrumentalized by third parties who are hostile to us, and who transfer thousands of Nigerien children, reduced to slavery, to Algeria, for the practice of begging.
The betrayals and deceptions of the modern colonist are commonplace. France, which has ignited the fires of discord throughout the region, is trying, in a courteous and diplomatic manner, to calm things down, by offering Algeria an exceptional partnership, the ground of which is already undermined.
France, through the official voice of its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jean-Yves le Drian, and its Prime Minister Jean Castex, are trying to praise the traditions of respect for their country, while everyone knows, that in relations international, respect is not a known tradition in France, in Africa or elsewhere.
Algeria is willing to consider peaceful relations with France, which unfortunately refuses to part with its colonial culture, which is still alive, and which constitutes an intergenerational and interstate heritage.
The fire of discord has also been kindled everywhere in Africa, in the name of the fight against terrorism, which is now the best pretext to justify foreign interventions.
Whole territories are the prey of armed and terrorist groups, in the Horn of Africa, in Lake Chad, in the Gulf of Guinea, in the Sahel and in the Maghreb, opening the royal road to Western multinationals, who plunder shamelessly these territories, pushing its populations, towards the paths of exile.
We are living a crucial period, of passage from a unipolar world, characterized by a dreadful domination of the world, by America, towards a multipolar world, where new powerful state actors, emerge in international relations, strongly contesting colonial supremacy. western.
New hotbeds of tensions and crises arise in a violent manner, as a result of this unfair competition, dangerously threatening the security and stability of States.
In such a situation, Algeria must be strong, resilient and modern, because we live in a world where betrayal is the rule, and any weakness on our part will pay dearly.
Close attention should be paid to arsonists who return in firefighter gear, but who are still at risk of starting other larger fires.
(*) Hassen Kacimi
Expert in migratory flows and threats in the Sahel