Shame I follow that page

Shame I follow that page
F16s from Turkey , Rafales from Qatar, Mig29s from Azerbaijan, Pilatus PC-9s from Slovakia and Stealth Halloumi-35s from TRNC are performing training together"International Anatolian Phoenix-21" exercise started. In addition to our national elements, Azerbaijan, Qatar, TRNC and Slovakia are also participating in the exercise performed at our 3rd Main Jet Base Command in Konya.
Sounds logical, I can't imagine US troops training with Turkish Cypriots, that would be a nice headline.Azerbaijani operational teams participating in the Anatolian Phoenix 2021 exercise in Konya. Interesting thing is that there is a picture of Azerbaijani servicemen with Kale KCR 556 rifles. It is known that units tied to the Turkish Gendarmerie is also participating and they probably got them for testing from them.
Interesting news are that US rejected participation in the last moment and later Slovakian JTAC also rejected to participate. According to sources from Greece and Slovakia the reason is the participation of TRNC CSAR teams.
Yep! TRNC AS-532 helicopter is participating in the exercise.Sounds logical, I can't imagine US troops training with Turkish Cypriots, that would be a nice headline.
One of the helicopters also look like TRNC CSAR choppers, I am not sure but TSK ones has "Türk Kara Kuvvetleri" text on their tail, TRNC Security Forces does not have that text although the painting is same. However it just flew in front of my window this morning. (We only have 2)