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She can cry me a river, her country invaded Azerbaijan and ethnically cleansed close to 800'000 Azerbaijanis from Karabakh.Chinese husband talks to his Armenian wife about the ceasefire, his wife was so sad cause some villages she used to live now are no longer theirs, Armenia lost a lot of lands, the only good thing is that her brother fighting in the army now can come back home to reunite with the family.
if you clean your shoes with the flag of Azerbaijan or Turkey, i tell you 100%, ill do the same... thats why, all people supported him for doing it... that guy was also from Zengilan, lost 7 close relatives like his uncle and so on.. why do you think i like army technologies? all because we grow up waiting to take the revenge... Armenians killed all women, kids, we never did it... We would kill only soldiers or those old who participated at Khogaly massacreThey will be probably considered as heroes,given rank promotion,pay rises and apartments.
Ramil Safarov - Wikipedia
150.000 is wrong number, they were only 60.000. They said like that to get independence. imagine, in Shusha only 5000 people lived, if you add up capital and villages its only 60.000Don't mind Nein, he can be rough around the edges sometimes.
Armenia invaded and occupied 20% of Azerbaycan's lands back in 90's when Sovjet dissolved. Armenia did so with Sovjet armed forces help, while Azerbaycan didn't have much equipment at the time.
MINSK group (US, RUSSIA, FRANCE) played for time and made a ceasefire. They never did anything except play for time.
Anyway, regarding Azerbaycan. UN recognized the occupied territory as Azerbaycans land and so did even the MINSK group, yet they did nothing to push Armenia to hand it back (over 500.000 Azerbaycani ppl fled that area when Armenia invaded and killed even civilians).
After so many year. Azerbaycan built up it's forces and waited. and with Turkey and Israel's help they have taken back the control of the land. (only 150.000 Armenians lived there peacefully together with Azerbaycani ppl).
So I hope you understand how that region/territory is Azerbaycan's lands.
They will be probably considered as heroes,given rank promotion,pay rises and apartments.
Ramil Safarov - Wikipedia
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to MuslimArmenians have no leg to stand when a terrorist like Monte Melkonian is declared a national hero also where they have a memorial dedicated to Asala Terrorists.
This is not some whataboutism its about hypocrisy of the armenians who constantly cry victimhood. Seriously i dont have any sympathy at all for them whatever bad happens from now on I dont care or I laugh.
Remember this when the Earthquake happened in Turkey only thing I saw was Armenians celebrating and saying its Gods punishment now they lost Karabag which is Gods punishment for them.
I cant feel sympathy for a people that constantly lied, cried victimhood while dragging our people through the mud.
George Orwell even got scammed by an Armenian which he made clear in his books. Our founder Ataturk even made it clear that Armenians do not belong in our lands anymore even today we are finding mass graves of Turks killed by Armenian terrorists which is ignored by the international community of both politicians and historians.
Historians today treat every genocide like its the holocaust. Holocaust and the so called armenian genocide is like comparing apples and oranges. The Germans targeted the Jews while the Armenians backed by the Russians tried to carve out a ethnostate in Anatolia. The jews did not rebel or commit terrorist acts backed by the Western Allies against Germany.
After being a big part in deceiving the world (especially Armenians) during the Karabagh II conflict, by spreading BS news and showing Armenian side as the one winning and with the upper hand, which after the capitulation, Armenian people went bonkers,When you can't even trust your fellow Armenians
lolWhen you can't even trust your fellow Armenians