Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions


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The goal of the Armenian authorities is to ensure that the proximity of Armenian villages to the territory of Azerbaijan does not disturb, but inspires its residents, in particular, with the prospects of mutual trade. This was stated by Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan at a meeting with residents of border villages.
Pashinyan: “The proximity to Azerbaijan should please us.”

Well, if the Armenians really decided to give up their crazy dreams of creating a second Armenian state on Turkic lands, then this is a wise decision.

P.S. Another thing is that “Bayraktars” with their miraculous MAM-L can talk some sense into any idiot :)
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After the decision was made to withdraw Russian peacekeepers from Karabakh, the joint Turkish-Russian monitoring center in Agdam (Azerbaijan) ends its activities.

View attachment 67382

The Russian Kommersant called what happened in recent years an «absolute victory for Azerbaijan».

This is our common Victory.
Teşekkürler Türkiye :love: :love: :love:

There was always a concern when the 5 year peacekeeping plan of Russia was put in place that it was a simple russian trick to allow the russians in and once in to stay in. Because anyone whose experienced and knows Russian history knows how treacherous and deceitful they behave politically.

Not so long ago "Erdoğan said at the NATO summit in Vilnius on July 12 that Russian peacekeepers will leave Azerbaijan in 2025. "The agreement provides for Russian soldiers to stay in these places until 2025. Russia will leave here in 2025. The agreement is in this direction. I also believe that Russia will stick to this agreement. My dear brother Ilham Aliyev is also watching this closely," Erdoğan added."

Erdogans comment would have been said to keep pressure on the russia to not expect that Turkey would tolerate their betrayal should it take place. With the expectation that once the agreement is fulfilled they f'k back to moscow.

The Russians naturally responded bitterly and every step of the way have tried to cut Turkey from the process.

But here we, a total and complete defeat for Russia. Maybe the first time a Russian frozen conflict has been defeated. Imagine if this was a European nation achieving this it would have made front page news everywhere in the euro origin world.

Kommersant should also called it an "absloute defeat for Russia". too since the occupation of Azerbaijan lands was always a Russian plot, the armenians were just the useful idiots in it.
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No way you made this about Erdogan?

Azerbaijan has stated that Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed from day 1, Ilham Aliyev also said it himself multiple times.

Russia don’t seem to care much about Turkey’s position in Syria, for example.


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If we are to look for anything beyond the actual agreement that stipulated Russian presence for the period of until 2025, then I would rather look at the 2022 declaration of allied relations between Azerbaijan and Russia.

Among other things, it states that the two countries should combat separatism + respect for territorial integrity & sovereignity.
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No way you made this about Erdogan?

Azerbaijan has stated that Russian peacekeepers are temporarily stationed from day 1, Ilham Aliyev also said it himself multiple times.

Russia don’t seem to care much about Turkey’s position in Syria, for example.

Without Turkish support Russians are still humiliating you today and there would be nothing you could do about it. As a small nation you could have done nothing to stop Russia or Iran from intervening against you. Its the fact a big and serious nation stood by you that you could achieve what you achieved.

As for Syria Russians have done everything possible to hinder Turkiye there, just like they have done in Libya. But Turkey is no longer 10 million against a 120 million with zero industry, its a country of 90 million with a rapidly expanding defence industry. Azerbaijan got to enjoy the fruits of these developments. As domestic developments expand Turks are going to expand, that's inevitable. An externality of that all friendly and brotherly nations will benefit from it.

Also im the last guy on here to give erdogan any credit, maybe the most anti-erdogan poster on this forum. But when erdogan spoke he spoke on behalf of the Turkish state position, that's what's important.

My advice is to be humble and respectful, not to get caught up in ego. What matters is winning, nothing else. To see the bigger picture and not get caught up in petty domestic perceptions. Turkish cypriots to a degree are suffering from this, forgetting the hell they were in until Turkey intervened. Don't allow our collective enemies to have it so easy.


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You basically claimed that Russian Peacekeepers left because of Erdogan’s statement my friend.

Where did I deny Turkish support?
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you seem super ignorant and naïve. Without Turkish support Russians are still humiliating you today and there would be nothing you could do about it. As a small nation you could have done nothing to stop Russia or Iran from intervening against you. Its the fact a big and serious nation stood by you that you could achieve what you achieved.

As for Syria Russians have done everything possible to hinder Turkiye there, just like they have done in Libya. But Turkey is no longer 10 million against a 120 million with zero industry, its a country of 90 million with a rapidly expanding defence industry. Azerbaijan got to enjoy the fruits of these developments. As domestic developments expand Turks are going to expand, that's inevitable. An externality of that all friendly and brotherly nations will benefit from it.

Also im the last guy on here to give erdogan any credit, maybe the most anti-erdogan poster on this forum. But when erdogan spoke he spoke on behalf of the Turkish state position, that's what's important.

My advice is to be humble and respectful, not to get caught up in ego. What matters is winning, nothing else. To see the bigger picture and not get caught up in petty domestic perceptions. Turkish cypriots to a degree are suffering from this, forgetting the hell they were in until Turkey intervened. Don't allow our collective enemies to have it so easy.
I advise against the tone you are employing. We are brothers with Azerbaijani Turks, but we are not "the big brother". That is exactly how Russians self-sabotaged and basically killed the pan-Slavic project, by acting superior to other Slavic brothers like Poles or Ukrainians. "You wouldn't do this without us" is a very alienating way of conducting ourselves.

We had -and still have- a duty to support Azerbaijan. We did it. They benefited from it. As did we. It is a great achievement of both peoples. I advise you to revisit Ömer Seyfettin's famous story, "Diyet". That's an important story about dignity.


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Btw, it was the 1-day military operation on 19 September 2023 and its aftermath (dismantling of NKR) that made the Russian peacekeepers redundant. There was no reason for their stay. This should be the main point more than any statements.


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New batch of artillery systems getting readied to be shipped to Armenia (screengrabs from an interview with the company's CEO)







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Personal remarks and insults would not be tolerated. I call you to stay within the lines of respect and not engage in attacks against users.

Warning was given and message edited.

Thank you!


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I advise against the tone you are employing. We are brothers with Azerbaijani Turks, but we are not "the big brother". That is exactly how Russians self-sabotaged and basically killed the pan-Slavic project, by acting superior to other Slavic brothers like Poles or Ukrainians. "You wouldn't do this without us" is a very alienating way of conducting ourselves.

We had -and still have- a duty to support Azerbaijan. We did it. They benefited from it. As did we. It is a great achievement of both peoples. I advise you to revisit Ömer Seyfettin's famous story, "Diyet". That's an important story about dignity.

Nothing wrong with the tone, it was neutral. I'm simply pointing out the reality. The other dude was making assumptions that couldn't have been further from the truth. I'm a straight forward guy, now if you want me to make the language super safe and super soft i can and still convey the exact same message. But understand this there is no malice or insult in anything i have to say unless its directed against say Russia or entities who directly cause the worst shit against our people. Which fortunately this forum has no issue with.

For example claiming about making it about erdogan as if i was personally crediting erdogan. I was the guy on here who always worried that erdogan could end up being the weak link and potentially selling Azerbaijan out. I was simply pointing out that the Turkish position was being made clear to Russia, just like the Turkish position was made clear to Iran and Russia should anyone intervene against Azerbaijan. Erdogan as the head of the state is the one whose going to say it. Who else should i say said it? When the war was boiling it was "Turkey" who openly stated that if anyone intervenes against Azerbaijan, then Turkey will enter.

Then pointing out the importance of the relationship with Turkey. Nothing to do with big brother, or anything ego related. Its a simple reality, that for some reason becomes hyper sensitive when you point it out. Its like the entire world understood the importance of having Turkey back Azerbaijan out. But when Turks point it out it seems to create hyper sensitivity and backlash. Behave that way and you will lose in the long run collectively, i see that among many Turkish Cypriots today who see Turkey as the enemy and EU as the good guy.

So of the points i made all were correct. And when i mention ignorance and naivety, i don't mean that as insult its just the way it seems to be to me. I've had far worse shit directed at me personally on this forum, I've never cared whether a mod deals with it or not but saying that I've never seen mods hand out warnings for it. Seems a little strange to me.

I personally would love to have a situation where Turkey could go into the north of syria, iraq and smash the PKK only for another nation to tell the USA and Russia to stay out of it. If we had that, jesus christ that nation i would be day and night be praising. But Turkey doesnt have that. The Turkish cypriots have that, the Azerbaijans have that and looking into the future other nations will get it from Turkey too. But i dont think Turkey will ever have that, its absolute great shame. Unless a nation like Pakistan becomes a super power, most will come to rely on Turkey.

Let me add something else, when an Azerbaijan talks about seeing Russia as an ally, imagine your own brother becomes close friends with a murderer, with someone who has a reputation for betrayal and every filth going, would you stay silent and say yeah brother he's great a guy, or would you warn him of the danger he facing. What is the honourable thing to do?


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After the decision was made to withdraw Russian peacekeepers from Karabakh, the joint Turkish-Russian monitoring center in Agdam (Azerbaijan) ends its activities.

View attachment 67382

The Russian Kommersant called what happened in recent years an «absolute victory for Azerbaijan».

This is our common Victory.
Teşekkürler Türkiye :love: :love: :love:
ruzzian "Good Will" 🤡


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I never said I see Russia as an ally. I simply pointed out the 2022 declaration between Azerbaijan and Russia.

“The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan build their relations on the basis of allied interaction, mutual respect for independence, state sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the state borders of the two countries”

“The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan resolutely suppress on their territories the activities of organizations and persons directed against the state sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the other Party.”


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I never said I see Russia as an ally. I simply pointed out the 2022 declaration between Azerbaijan and Russia.

“The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan build their relations on the basis of allied interaction, mutual respect for independence, state sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of the state borders of the two countries”

“The Russian Federation and the Republic of Azerbaijan resolutely suppress on their territories the activities of organizations and persons directed against the state sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the other Party.”

good. Never fall for Russian tricks, Turks made that mistake in the past and hundreds of years of hell followed with it.


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These vehicles have zero aesthetics.
They look like constipated guinea pigs.
That's kind of a distorted image (screegrab from a YT video) but the Kalyani MGS isn't significantly different from other Mounted artillery platforms out there which use similar trucks. Infact, most 155mm 39 cal platforms just come with a basic truck

Here's a chinese 39 cal one during a recent exercise along our border


155mm 52 cal version of Kalyani MGS


39 cal (this is what Armenia ordered)



Serbian Nora-B52


Saudi's SAMI 8x8


Swedish Archer


South African Denel's


Slovakian Zuzana


Yavuz MKE

Yavuz 155mm 6x6 self-propelled howitzer MKE IDEF 11405171 | IDEF 2017  Online Show Daily News | Defence security military exhibition 2017 daily  news category
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