Biological determinism


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United Kingdom
It's debatable whether or not you could get them out of Tibet, but certainly, they should be recruited into our "special intelligence unit and military regiment" to assist Britain in the coming war between China and the American-led coalition.

Due to their hatred of the Chinese regime, they would be useful allies in regards to the "special operations" of this military regiment.

Hatred is a key and vital ingredient within the military doctrine devised by Jareth Tempest, it is what provides "fuel" to increase the power of the curse on a massive scale.

However, I appreciate your suggestion by No.10 in conjunction with the MI.

Rule Britannia.


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United Kingdom
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Hong Kong
China has by far the most powerful military in the world now. Has done for the past decade. The Chinese have followed a successful strategy built around dominating the South China sea and pushing the American carrier groups out. At which point the American military is actually very, very weak. Russia/Japan have stronger overall military's. I would argue that the British have a better military now as well.

The American military is big, but the British military was big, so was the Soviet military when those Empire fell. The US is going through the same process now. The US has lost any ability to project power, lost any ability to control its southern border and the Caribbean sea and also lost its manufacturing to China/Japan. At this point the Chinese aren't taking Taiwan because they don't want to upset the Korean's and Japanese, the Americans are a non-factor.

Nonetheless, it is not to say that America couldn't lead an international coalition army to invade China by using India as a front base to attack them.

The combined military might of America and NATO is still superior to the Chinese military, and there is no reason to suggest that China couldn't be defeated, invaded, and subjugated by the Western allies.

Ultimately, I believe that a conventional war between America/NATO and China is inevitable because they have deliberately concocted a deadly virus to spread globally in order to kill people in every country throughout the world.

That the Covid-19 has killed people in every country was simply meant to conceal China's primary target being America and NATO, which makes it all the more pernicious, and the CCP must, and will be destroyed.


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United Kingdom
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Hong Kong
Sorry, can you summarize it or poimt out what the session was about., do not have time to look whole session.

The Session was attended by a mere 200 out of the original 650 members of Congress because more than 50 percent of America's politicians had recently died, according to my sources in April 2021.

However, they didn't die of Covid-19, but they were killed by the baneful magic and paranormal armies of Jareth Tempest.

Consequently, China can still be defeated, invaded, and subjugated by using the same military doctrine, which had been used to kill more than 50 percent of America's politicians during April 2021.

Ultimately, "China bashing" is the only real point behind this OP, and my purpose is to demonstrate that China can still be defeated, despite the enormous size of its military.


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Basically, I think it is errant, delusional, and wishful thinking to have assumed that such differences are primarily explained by the environment, but instead, genetics are the primary root cause of such differences, which implies that such differences cannot be overcome by hard work and proper nutrition.
Yes, I agree. But the use of environment to explain differances is not just used by CCP. Is this not exactly what is used in UK, USA etc? It would be a brave person who would say 'Blacks are thick but make good boxers' because they are born that way. Instead historical racism and slavery is used as the reason to explain the poor performance of Blacks in higher education etc.

While I agree that biology determines much of our lives - I have twin daughters and have observed remarkable similarity between the two. However the fact is within any demographic there are exceptions to the majority and we must as society observe equality for all otherwise we would be punishing some and removing the possibility of change - also it would create dischord in society.


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The combined military might of America and NATO is still superior to the Chinese military, and there is no reason to suggest that China couldn't be defeated, invaded, and subjugated by the Western allies
Absolutely zero chance. Such a venture would be replay of the German Operation Barbrossa and lead to destruction of US armies. All you have to do is look at Chinese combat performance against US in the Korean War when China was dirt poor and it's soldiers nothing but peasant farmers holding bamboo sticks and grenades. Yet it took massive use of Us air power to halt them. Only then did the yellow tide abate but not after having pushed US forces south of Yalu River.
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Nation of residence
United Kingdom
Nation of origin
Hong Kong
Absolutely zero chance. Such a venture would be replay of the German Operation Barbrossa and lead to destruction of US armies. All you have to do is look at Chinese combat performance against US in the Korean War when China was dirt poor and it's soldiers nothing but peasant farmers holding bamboo sticks and grenades. Yet it took massive use of Us air power to halt them. Only then did the yellow tide abate but not after having pushed US forces south of Yalu River.

China's numerically superior army can be obliterated by the destroyer angels mentioned in Isaiah 37:36 and 2 Kings 19:35.

Those angels can be called upon by humans and deployed against the PLA in order to destroy China's nuclear weapons, destroy all military equipment, and to kill all the enemy combatants within the army, navy, and airforce, etc.

The badly mutilated bodies of Chinese enemy combatants would be hardly recognisable and left to rot, according to Jeremiah 25:33.

Such a military conflict could be described as "asymmetric warfare", because the war could be easily won with the Chinese death count at 99.99 percent against the Allies at 0.01 percent of the total.

Consequently, this is no conventional war by any means at all.

However, in regards to this OP, I suspect that you are acting as ambassador, intermediary, and messenger on behalf of the CCP.
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China's numerically superior army can be obliterated by the destroyer angels mentioned in Isaiah 37:36 and 2 Kings 19:35.

Those angels can be called upon by humans and deployed against the PLA in order to destroy China's nuclear weapons, destroy all military equipment, and to kill all the enemy combatants within the army, navy, and airforce, etc.

The badly mutilated bodies of Chinese enemy combatants would be hardly recognisable and left to rot, according to Jeremiah 25:33.

Such a military conflict could be described as "asymmetric warfare", because the war could be easily won with the Chinese death count at 99.99 percent against the Allies at 0.01 percent of the total.

Consequently, this is no conventional war by any means at all.

However, in regards to this OP, I suspect that you are acting as ambassador, intermediary, and messenger on behalf of the CCP.


Nation of residence
United Kingdom
Nation of origin
Hong Kong
How does MMA have any bearing on military prowess?

Basically, the analogy of MMA has been used to compare and disparage China's military prowess in regards to the novel military doctrine we have developed.

That China's UFC champions are vastly outnumbered by Black, Hispanic, and White champions in America (and elsewhere) is a result of biological determinism, which cannot be overcome by strict discipline, hard work, proper nutrition, and healthy environment.

By the same token, Chinese people on the whole are reluctant to leave their comfort zone, and therefore, would fail to adapt to this modern military doctrine due to cultural differences and biological determinism.

Consequently, the CCP would fail to recruit sufficient numbers of suitable Chinese who are able to operate this new weapons system in order to prevent all out foreign invasion of their country.

Ultimately, the Chinese PLA would be overwhelmed and overpowered by the numerical advantage of occult operators within the Allied camp.

Again, such a numerical advantage can be expressed in terms of the bell curve, and is directly a result of cultural differences and biological determinism.

Plus the fact that the PLA would never know all the intricate fine details of this new military doctrine to achieve parity and stalemate against the belligerent nations trying to conquer them.
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The Session was attended by a mere 200 out of the original 650 members of Congress because more than 50 percent of America's politicians had recently died, according to my sources in April 2021.

However, they didn't die of Covid-19, but they were killed by the baneful magic and paranormal armies of Jareth Tempest.

Consequently, China can still be defeated, invaded, and subjugated by using the same military doctrine, which had been used to kill more than 50 percent of America's politicians during April 2021.

Ultimately, "China bashing" is the only real point behind this OP, and my purpose is to demonstrate that China can still be defeated, despite the enormous size of its military.
Thx for overview, due said i will pass further discussion.

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