Bangladesh Featured BroTecs Technologies


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BroTecs Technologies is an R&D and technology development company based in Bangladesh. I randomly came across it few days ago. First I thought it was one of those 'startups'. But after a bit digging, I came to realize they were legit and was quite surprised by the work they have done in their respective field. Honestly didn't expect that much from a BD based technology company.

The busssines post did a story on them, which gives an Idea.

Bangladesh’s Brotecs makes air-to-ground SATCOM cheaper​


There have been only a handful of stories of Bangladeshis that have managed to shake up the technology-driven world over the years while motivating and stirring up the minds of youths to join the race and do something bigger, braver and bolder.

This is one of those stories. It’s about Brotecs Technologies LLC, which has made a name for Bangladesh around the world and set a uniquely inspiring example for local tech enterprises.

This company has now become a mainstay for billion-dollar aviation companies like Bombardier, Gulfstream and Dassault that sell fighter jets and private executive planes in nearly 100 countries around the globe.

Brotecs co-founder Nahid Hossain is the man now these companies go to when they need to make sure the pilots and passengers of their aircraft are getting the facilities to maintain proper communication with the ground.

Brotecs has developed a technology for them that help aeroplane manufacturers with cheaper talk-time between the flyers and the ground. With this, an air-to-ground call costs only $1. It was $9 before.

The developer company specialises in air-to-ground communications that help celebrities and business tycoons make audio and video calls while travelling by air. They call it “the office in the sky.”

Becoming a global name

Global players like Honeywell, Rockwell Collins, Gogo Business Aviation, Viasat, Inmarsat and Satcom Direct, who control the SATCOM sector in the business aviation industry, now come to Brotecs for specific solutions.

“Our business has gone global. We provide customised solutions to Chinese businessmen, Arab sheikhs, European celebrities and American sports stars,” said Nahid.

Brotecs providess aviation IoT solution for more than 150 types of military aircraft around the world.

Its clients include government agencies of different countries, for which such information amounts to crucial intelligence and confidentiality is the top priority.

“We have developed next-generation technologies like NEXT, a smart cabin router that has built-in artificial intelligence. Products like NEXT have also opened up new means to solidify Brotecs’s stronghold in the global market,” Nahid said.

Aiming to innovate and develop technology to solve problems that can change people’s lives, Nahid and Brotecs have also come up with several other products. The company already has five patents under its name.

Some key facts-

*18 years in aviation busssines

*24k aircrafts uses BroTecs developed communication software technologies.

*World-wide service in 42 countries.

*Some prominent customers/partners are– Boeing, Airbus, Dassault Aviation, bomberdier Gulfstream, Collins Aerospace, Rockwell Collins, Honeywell, L3HARRIS and others.

Some of their solutions–

They have also developed some avionics hardwares.

1. ACG-901 (Legacy to IP Adapter)

ACG-901 is an advanced and intelligent aviation IoT gateway solution specially designed for Aviation industry that creates a bridge between legacy airborne communication interfaces and next generation IP world. In order to support legacy systems it seamlessly integrates and extends all its IP based features to analog legacy system (ISDN BRI, Arinc 746 CEPT E1, Iridium 9523 LBT, 4-wire and FXS & FXO) via its array of low-level channel drivers and built-in hardware adapters on it’s Board. These channel drivers will act as a bridge / IP Adapter between the physical analog systems to next generation inbuilt IP PBX system.


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2. AD2IP (CEPT-E1 to SIP Gateway)

AD2IP is an advanced and intelligent gateway solution specially designed for Aviation industry that creates a bridge between Arinc-746 CEPT-E1 interfaces and next generation IP world. In order to support legacy systems it seamlessly integrates and extends all its IP based features to legacy system (Arinc 746 CEPT E1) via its array of low-level channel drivers and built-in hardware adapters on it’s Board. These channel drivers will act as a bridge / IP Adapter between the physical systems to next generation inbuilt IP PBX system.


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3. IP2BRI (ISDN BRI SIP Gateway)

IP2BRI is an advanced communication solution specially designed for Aviation industry that creates a bridge between ISDN BRI interfaces and next generation IP world. In order to support legacy systems it seamlessly integrates and extends all its IP based features to legacy system (ISDN BRI) via its array of low-level channel drivers and built-in hardware adapters on it’s Board. These channel drivers will act as a bridge / IP Adapter between the physical systems to next generation inbuilt IP PBX system.



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And perhaps what is most interesting and relevant BroTecs has developed military grade communication solutions for potential defence applications.

1. AeroComm Satellite Secure Communication

AeroComm is the Satellite friendly end-to-end military grade secure communication solution for business aviation. It ensures high grade secure and real-time voice and messaging with strong, dynamic and end-to-end encryption. With advanced encryption technology, phone calls and text messages are private. AeroComm does not save any information about messages, calls, pictures, photos or phonebook on the server.

AeroComm uses standard encryption technologies including:

  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) for symmetric encryption
  • 384-bit Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Authentication
  • Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) for key agreement
  • Double Ratchet Algorithm to provide end-to-end encryption for messaging
End-to-end encrypted voice and messaging using dynamic encryption, which ensures that each voice call session or message threads are encrypted using a random algorithm and a random key handshaking. AeroComm encrypts all phone calls & messages using end-to-end encryption making it is impossible to eavesdrop on conversations.

AeroComm uses our patented Satellite-friendly iSVC audio codec specifically designed for Aviation industry with the support of high latency & jittery satellite network. iSVC provides an adaptive audio quality based on current network conditions.


Secure Voice

End-to-End Secure Call:
  • Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange with Hash commitment for session key to provide perfect forward secrecy.
  • Short Authentication String (SAS) Base256 is calculated as Keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) of the shared secret from against Man-in-the-Middle-Attack (MitM).
  • End-to-End Secure with Mutual Voice Authentication
  • Key continuity by caching key material from previous sessions for use in the next.

Secured Messaging
  • XMPP with Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate pinning.
  • OMEMO-based end-to-end e cncrypted messaging.
  • Signal Protocol (Double Ratchet Algorithm) for end to end encryption and forward secrecy.
  • It offers future and forward secrecy and deniability with message synchronization and offline delivery.
  • Use of PKI for encrypting the
As cryptographic primitives, the Double Ratchet Algorithm uses:
  • For the DH Ratchet
    • Elliptic curve Diffie–Hellman (ECDH) with Curve25519,
  • For Message Authentication Codes (MAC, authentication)
    • Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) based on SHA-256,
  • For symmetric encryption
    • The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), partially in Cipher Block Chaining mode (CBC) with padding as per PKCS #5 and partially in Counter mode (CTR) without padding,
  • For the HASH Ratchet
    • HMAC


Satellite Secure Call

When call terminate to regular phone line (PSTN) or mobile line, AeroComm creates Satellite Secured Call.
  • Transport Layer Security
  • Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol ((RFC 3711) for Secure Voice with SDES key exchange, AES encryption and SHA hashing.
  • Keys exchange using Security Descriptions for Media Streams (SDESC, RFC 4568)
  • Secure RTCP (SRTCP)
  • Multiple layers of encryption optimized for Satellite Secure Call using 2 x 128-bit whitening keys as an additional layer to a standard AES-128 encryption and 128-bit key dynamic encryption.



In the security world the evaluation of encryption systems is based on scientifically approved methods to analyze and validate encryption algorithms.
AeroComm uses government approved security algorithms that meet FIPS-140 validation requirements as described in NIST FIPS PUB 140-2 Annex A and NIST FIPS PUB 140-2 Annex D.
AeroComm’s End-to-End Secure Voice specification is compliant with the following Government security standards:
  • NSA Suite B Cryptography
  • NIST SP 800-56A
  • NIST SP 800-38A
  • FIPS PUB 197
  • FIPS PUB 180-2
  • FIPS PUB 198

See more details–

2. Secure Legacy Communication

Secure Legacy Communication

  • Provides secure and reliable communication on Aero-H voice channels
  • Bridges Aero-H voice channels to Cabin VoIP network
  • Seamless integration with existing communication setup
  • Flexible in customization to cater to individual aircraft requirements
  • Environmental and Mechanical compliant for airworthiness
  • Utilizes certified Rockwell Collins SAT-906 or Honeywell MCS-7100 (HD-710) Inmarsat terminals for aircraft communication
  • Avionics hardware integrations with A429 and CAN-BUS
  • Remote maintenance over 3G
  • RTCA/DO-160 Compliant
  • DO-176C/ED-12C Compliant
  • AS9100 Compliant


Embedded System Development​

Some of their embedded system development include–
  • Bare metal firmware (FW) for sensors.
  • Digital Signal Processing (DSP) development.

See for more solutions–

They have also expanded their busssines in variety of sectors including ITSP & TELECOM, Healthcare, marine solutions and Cyber Security.

In conclusion– I think BroTecs primary military-grade communication solutions should be on government and BD army's agenda. Perhaps this is an opportunity to start investing in domestic solutions with future potentials to expand and grow in more advanced and dedicated military com systems. Having provided 150 military aircrafts globally with their communication solution already, speaks of their credibility.

Also, their embedded system development, notablely bare metal firmware (FW) for sensors and Digital Signal Processing (DSP) has the potential for defence applications down the road if the scope can be expanded. (Advanced DSP is utilized in AESA radar)

@Isa Khan @Micheal Corleone @yf120 @PutinBro @Knowledgeseeker et al.

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