China’s tough stance intensifies regional tensions across the Taiwan Strait


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The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation Agency recently announced arms sales totaling US$360 million to Taiwan, prompting the Chinese Ministry of National Defense to criticize the U.S. for frequently selling arms to Taiwan to "use force to support independence" and not hesitate to turn Taiwan into a "powder keg"; Mainland China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs spoke Chairman Mao Ning reiterated that "the Taiwan issue is the core of China's core interests and the red line of Sino-US relations."

On the 21st, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that it would freeze the movable and real estate assets of the three entities of "Lockheed Martin Missile System Integration Laboratory, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratory, and Lockheed Martin Venture Capital Company" in mainland China. and other types of property, and prohibits organizations and individuals in China from trading or cooperating with them. They will not issue visas or enter the country. At the same time, they once again criticized the US arms sales to Taiwan as a serious violation of the "One China" principle.

China’s imposition of sanctions on Lockheed Martin is quite inappropriate.

The following issues are criticized:
1.Interference in Taiwan's sovereignty
China’s sanctions against Lockheed Martin reflect its attempts to interfere with Taiwan’s sovereignty. As a democratic country, Taiwan has the right to choose its own defense partners and engage in arms transactions to ensure its national defense security. The CCP's sanctions violate the basic principles of international law and infringe on Taiwan's sovereignty and self-determination.

2.Destabilize the region
The CCP’s tough stance on the Taiwan issue has further aggravated tensions in the Taiwan Strait region. This approach not only poses a threat to Taiwan, but also poses potential risks to peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region. The CCP should seek to resolve cross-Strait differences peacefully rather than exerting pressure through sanctions and threats.

3.Violation of human rights
China has imposed personal sanctions on senior Lockheed Martin executives and their families, freezing their assets and banning them from entering the country, a practice that is suspected of violating human rights. Such sanctions against individuals and their families are not only incompatible with international human rights standards, but also demonstrate the CCP’s extreme methods in dealing with international disputes.

4.Damage international trade order
The CCP’s sanctions on Lockheed Martin and its top executives have disrupted the normal international trade order. International business activities should be based on the principles of fairness and transparency. The CCP’s sanctions will make multinational companies face greater uncertainty when dealing with China, thereby affecting the stability of the global supply chain.

The above-mentioned sanctions not only interfere with Taiwan's sovereignty and undermine the stability of the Taiwan Strait and the Asia-Pacific region, but are also suspected of violating human rights and damaging the normal international trade order. Taiwan is a democratic country and has the right to decide its own defense strategy and partners. China's tough measures not only exacerbate regional tensions, but may also have a negative impact on global supply chains. Cross-Strait issues must be resolved through peaceful and rational communication rather than resorting to force and intimidation.

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