PLA Tibet Military Region conducts a military drill that involving 10+ regiments and brigades !
xizhimen Experienced member Messages 7,391 Reactions 384 Nation of residence Nation of origin Aug 25, 2021 #1 PLA Tibet Military Region conducts a military drill that involving 10+ regiments and brigades !
xizhimen Experienced member Messages 7,391 Reactions 384 Nation of residence Nation of origin Aug 25, 2021 #2 PLA Tibet Military Region recently conducts a military drill that involving 10+ regiments and brigades. 近日,西藏军区组织所属10多个旅团,在海拔4000多米的高原腹地围绕高原山地联合立体作战,开展“雪域使命-2021”多兵种全时、全域、全要素跨昼夜实兵实弹演习。不断提高部队在高海拔地域联合作战、精准打击、高效毁伤、综合保障等综合实战能力。
PLA Tibet Military Region recently conducts a military drill that involving 10+ regiments and brigades. 近日,西藏军区组织所属10多个旅团,在海拔4000多米的高原腹地围绕高原山地联合立体作战,开展“雪域使命-2021”多兵种全时、全域、全要素跨昼夜实兵实弹演习。不断提高部队在高海拔地域联合作战、精准打击、高效毁伤、综合保障等综合实战能力。