Featured Coup in Israel ???


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Turkiye has always been a flawed democracy from the start.

Country has coups, authoratarianism and totaltarianism you had one party ruling for decades also had censorship numerous times. Not just Tayyip who engaged in censorship. While at the same time it has elections and a supreme court which is independant.

Adnan Menderes got hanged by the military. Eventhough his career was finished his execution basically turned him into a martyr.

Turkiye is just complex really.

it was set up as a constitutional republic with a democratic character. Pure democracy in secular societies generally leads to extreme socialism then communism, and in islamist ones theocratic tyranny. A republic and its constitution is to protect the individual rights of its constituents, to protect her citizens from the ignorance of the majority and the manipulations of the minority.

irrespective of what we were and what we currently are, we don't want tyranny we don't want dictatorship and we don't want corruption. Freedom and personal liberties will only exist as long as people are willing to fight for them and to protect them. If you get caught sleeping you could find yourself one night waking up in a theocratic tyranny like the shit they have in Iran. Where women are even beaten to death because they don't wear a headscarf.

As far as Adnan is concerned the guy was basically a feto type character, a traitor to the republic. Its a bit like the islamists making a martyr out of the kurdish islamist leader who sided with the british to revolt against the Turks. He's a martyr to ignorant islamists but in reality just another traitor in which the major powers of europe have always utilised against the ignorant islamists.

Worth keeping in mind that erdogan was FETO's child and the wests great hope to turn Turkiye upside down. And trust they have many more such characters lined up within and out Turkiye. When your nation is a 27 trillion dollar occupy, its easy to buy politicians in a nation that totals less then 1 trillion.

People always talk about lobbying in the US without realising that number one international lobbyer of peoples politicians is the USA. And like I always say pay attention to the guys in charge or with influence, they end up in american owned schools in Turkiye and then are sent to Pennsylvania to continue their education and then sent back to rule Turkiye.

In the arab dictatorships its even more obvious where the arab dictators are given british wives just like the king of oman, or assad of syria or the kurdish tribal leaders of the KRG. One or two generations in the leaders of these nations are basically assets of the western nation.

And depending on the local culture they create leaders for the christians, the muslims, the athiests etc etc.
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Oh now going that path now? Nope it was not about the mosque, the mosque wasnt even in question back then, its construction started 4 years later.
The protests were about a shopping mall being built in a public park, on a completely different place, but i know you make it about religion to get brownie points from religious foreigners here who are ignorant about the issue, the Turks here know that you are not telling the truth.
The mall was just an allegation. However, the mosque was planned as part of the artillery barracks project.


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The mall was just an allegation. However, the mosque was planned as part of the artillery barracks project.
The original protests were about a park being demolished to build a mall, nobody had anything against the mosque.
It became about more than the park in the weeks following brutal police intervention, yet mosque was never a focus, stop inventing stories pls.

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