Marcin Obara/PAP
Poland’s defence minister has taken part in a ceremony to establish the Cyberspace Defence Force, a brand new branch of the Polish Armed Forces.
The establishment of the force reflects the growing threats cyber-attacks pose to the country’s civilian and military infrastructure.
"The Cyberspace Defence Force, which is part of the regular army, has defence capabilities, reconnaissance and offensive capabilities, if necessary," said Mariusz Blaszczak, the defence minister, at the ceremony.
"We are well aware of the fact that in the 21st century, cyber-attacks have become one of the tools of aggressive politics, including those of our neighbour," said Blaszczak, making a veiled reference to Russia. "Therefore, these capabilities for the Polish Armed Forces are of a fundamental and key nature."
Blaszczak also said that "we have been consistently building our capabilities in the field of cyber-security."
"In 2019, we established the National Cyberspace Security Centre, consolidating previously dispersed institutions that were active within this area," he continued.
During the ceremony, Brigadier Karol Molenda was appointed as the force’s first commander.

Defence Minister launches Cyberspace Defence Forces
Poland’s defence minister has taken part in a ceremony to establish the Cyberspace Defence Force, a brand new branch of the Polish Armed Forces.