Background to the scheme for citizen proposals
Link to background material
The rules on the citizen proposal scheme are laid down in Executive Order no. 35 of 17 January 2018 on a scheme for citizen proposals with a view to consideration in the Folketing. You can read the executive order on Legal Information here .The Executive Order has been issued pursuant to Act no. 1672 of 26 December 2017 on the establishment of a scheme for citizen proposals for consideration in the Folketing. You can read the law on Legal Information here .
You can read more about the Folketing's consideration of the bill here.
The bill implements a parliamentary resolution on the possibility of having citizen-driven resolution proposals considered in the Folketing. The resolution was adopted by the Folketing on 2 June 2016.
Read i.a. the motion for a resolution and what was said during the first reading here.
Prior to this resolution, a similar resolution was presented in 2014, which, however, did not reach the final second reading and thus a vote in the Folketing.
Read i.a. the motion for a resolution and what was said during the first reading here.
There is a similar system in the EU: the European Citizens' Initiative, which allows a group of EU citizens to call on the European Commission to present a bill in one of the EU's areas of competence. A citizens' initiative must be signed by at least 1 million EU citizens in order for a proposal to be submitted to the European Commission.
The Constitution is the foundation of Danish democracy, and all other laws and regulations must remain within the framework of the Constitution.
Baggrund for
Folketinget vedtog den 19. december 2017 Forslag til lov om etablering af en ordning for borgerforslag med henblik på behandling af Folketinget. Læs bl.a. lovforslaget, og hvad der blev sagt under 1. behandling her.
I think the idea behind this is magnificent. The only problem is that the board (politicians) evaluating these can chose to throw ideas into the trash.
Like the case beneath.
B 140 Proposal for a parliamentary resolution on the abolition of ministerial pensions and pensions for ministerial children (citizens' proposal).
By: Peter Skaarup (DF) , Pernille Skipper (EL) , Christina Egelund (LA) , Carolina Magdalene Maier (ALT) , Morten Østergaard (RV) , Karsten Hønge (SF) and Mette Abildgaard (KF)
Committee: Committee on the Rules of Procedure
Collection: 2017-18
Status: Rejected
About the motion for a resolution
Submitted 11-04-2018
1. considered / referred to committee 03-05-2018
Report submitted 29-05-2018
2. treated / rejected 04-06-2018
See the full schedule
Ministerial area:
Ministry of Finance
The resolution, which stems from a citizens' proposal, means that ministerial pensions and pensions for children of ministers must be abolished. In addition, the proposal means that special pension terms for members of the Folketing must be abolished, so that their pension terms must follow the educators' agreement, and that members of parliament and ministers must follow the ordinary age of pension.
The proposal was rejected. For voted 0, against 55 (S, V, LA and KF), neither for nor against 44 (DF, EL, ALT, RV and SF).
As you can see from the Vote a majority seems to be able to decide the outcome. I think it would be more beneficial if at least 25-35% of the yes votes could have unleashed a referendum. That would truly make these politicians more vary about their behavior. As it is they can just trash these ideas.
Still the democratic system works and people can follow these cases because the institutes governing and protecting democracy is transparent and tells the public of what the politicians do. and who votes what.