Isa Khan

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Wing Commander M Mahfuzur Rahman, Engineering

April, 2020


Air defence plays a vital role in national security and usually is the first respondent in crisis. Trends of modern warfare suggest that the first mission conducted in war would be to neutralize opponent’s air defence system. Importance of sound air defence for any country to safeguard her national sovereignty and integrity cannot be overstated.

Air defence of any country works as a system with interconnected sensors, weapons and command-control. But unfortunately, till today Bangladesh could not construct a full integrated air defence encompassing all the air defence assets. The main difficulty to create such integrated system is the technological challenge. Until recently no suitable communication means existed to integrate mobile air defence assets. In 2018 Bangladesh launched their first satellite in space which is now fully operational.

But unfortunately, the immense potential offered by this $317 million satellite is barely utilized by the armed forces of Bangladesh. Utilization of Bangabandhu Satellite for integration of air defence assets might solve a long outstanding problem; absence of reliable and effective communication means for the mobile assets. Although there remain few challenges, utilization of Bangabandhu Satellite might still increase the overall all AD capability of Bangladesh.


‘Friendship to all malice to none’ with this foreign policy in mind, the Armed Forces of Bangladesh are mostly organized to protect the motherland. Although, this foreign policy does not preclude the necessity of offensive capability, main emphasis of asset acquisition and force structuring accounts for enhancing defensive capability. Air defence plays a vital role in national security and usually is the first respondent in crisis.

All the major wars after WWII started with massive air campaign against the opponents followed by land offensive. Trends of modern warfare suggest that the first mission conducted against enemy would be to neutralize their air defence system. Importance of sound air defence for any country to safeguard her national sovereignty and integrity cannot be over emphasized. This is amply reflected in the words of Bernard Law Montgomery, “If we lose the war in the air, we lose the war and lose it quickly.”

Air Defence (AD) of any country works as a system with interconnected sensors, weapons and command-control. But unfortunately, till today Bangladesh could not construct a fully integrated AD encompassing all the AD assets. The main difficulty to create such an integrated system is the technological challenge. Until recently, no suitable communication means existed to integrate mobile AD assets specially the naval ships that operate in a large geographical area.

Although, the newer ships are equipped with modern AD radars and SAM systems, lack of effective communication with AD Network compels them to contribute very less to the overall AD of Bangladesh as well as makes them vulnerable to hostile action. AD assets of Bangladesh Army rely on land telephone and short range radio communication to connect with ADOC.

Bangladesh has established Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) for her airspace on 01 February 2018.but lack of effective radar coverage in the EEZ area is creating significant difficulties for implementation of ADIZ. Bangladesh became the 57th member of the elite club of owning a satellite on 12th May 2018 by launching the long cherished Bangalbandhu-1 satellite (BB Sat-1) in the space. At present, the satellite is fully operational.

This satellite has a huge potential for armed forces to provide reliable voice and data communication link as well as can serve as communication backbone over a large geographical area, but the immense potential offered by this $317 million satellite is barely utilized by the armed forces. Utilization of Bangabandhu Satellite for integration of AD assets might solve a long outstanding problem; absence of reliable and effective communication means for the mobile AD assets. Integration of AD assets might enhance the overall AD capability of Bangladesh.

Requirement of Joint Service Integration of Air Defence Assets

AD is defined as all measures designed to nullify or reduce effectiveness of hostile air action. AD, otherwise known as ‘Defensive Counter Air’ (DCA) operation involves both active and passive measures conducted during peacetime and war. The term AD also encompasses Maritime Anti-Air Warfare.

Should the AD Assets of all Services be Integrated?

Doctrinal view.

‘Centralized control and decentralized execution’ have been proven as master tenet for air operation which is recognized by almost all the doctrines. Doctrinal views of different countries are as follows:
  • a. USA: US JP 3-30 emphasized the requirement of developing an integrated AD system by incorporating the capabilities of different components with a robust C2 architecture. Because of their time-sensitive nature, DCA operations require streamlined coordination and quick decision-making processes.
  • b. United Kingdom: United Kingdom doctrine on Air Defence clearly mentions about the requirement of integrating all the AD elements to be prepared to defend against air threats which may span the spectrum from theatre missiles, to conventional manned bombers, ground or maritime attack fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft and to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.
  • c. Bangladesh: National AD Plan of Bangladesh recognizes the importance of integrating different AD assets to enhance the combat effectiveness by improving its responsiveness, effectiveness and survivability. The doctrine also urged that any AD system, therefore, must incorporate efficient systems and technologies integrated into a net-centric environment for improved interoperability, reduced reaction time and enhanced command and control capabilities.
Historical Lesson
  • a. Catastrophe Caused by Non Integrated System: The failure of joint integration in air operation led to numerous blue on blue incidents. One of the worst examples of fratricide occurred during Operation Husky II. On 11 July 1943, 144 C-47s and C-53s carrying some 2,000 U.S. paratroopers flew towards the South coast of Sicily. A fatal miscommunication between Navy and air component resulted in own Navy shooting down 23 transport planes that killed over three hundred fellow paratroopers. Ironically, on the next day another 4 planes accidentally flying over a convoy of Allied ships were shot down.
  • b. Efficiency of an Integrated System: Israel enjoys one of the best integrated AD systems. This AD system integrates all the sensors and weapon to the command centers with real time data link into a single network. This time tested AD system is safeguarding Israel from an array of multi directional attacks in different conflicts. During Operation Protective Edge (July 8, 2014 - August 26, 2014), this integrated AD system shot down 90 percent of the rockets fired from Gaza. Between July 7 and July 10 alone, Iron Dome intercepted approximately 100 rockets.
Required Level of Integration for Bangladesh: JP 3-30 considers the span of control of AD assets is to be based on the number of subordinates, number of activities, range of weapon systems, force capabilities, and the size and complexity of the operational area. That implies, level of integration should be situation specific. So, what should be the level of integration of AD assets for Bangladesh?

Should the AD assets of Bangladesh Army and Navy be integrated with BAF AD assets? Officer Commanding ADOC opined that considering the threat, capabilities of own system and geography of Bangladesh, all the AD elements of Bangladesh should be integrated in to a single network. Director of DNW&EE also expressed similar opinion of integrating all AD assets. Integration of all AD assets, specially the naval assets, will also facilitate Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) implementation process. Survey results found strong consensus among the participants of three services that all the AD assets should be integrated into a single network. The mode of the response was ‘Strongly Agree’. Kruskal- Wallis test also reinforced the finding statistically.

Current State of Integration Basing on the primary data this study found that BAF initiated project for AD system integration will connect all the BAF sensors to ADOC through fiber optic/microwave link. BN initiated project will integrate naval AD assets Maritime Operation Center by TDL. BAF initiated project has the capability of future expansion that means this project has the prospect of connecting all AD assets of Bangladesh to create an integrated AD system for Bangladesh provided suitable communication means are utilized.

Prospect of Utilizing BB Sat-1 for AD Integration

Communication Link Options Available for AD System Integration

Several options are available for exchange of information/data from ADOC to other AD assets. The summary of all available communication means are as follows:


Suitability of Communication link

Requirement for AD System Integration
: Before picking up a suitable communication means for AD integration, it is essential to assess the requirement of AD integration system. Bandwidth requirement for AD system integration varies depending on technology used, network arrangement and user preference. However, most of the modern digital radars require 64 kbps data rate in case of transmitting track information and 128 kbps data rate for transmitting digital video data. Standard voice channel requires 64 kbps data rate.

Capabilities of BB Sat-1

Date rate and Coverage Area
: BB Sat-1 is equipped with 40 transponders; each transponder can support 40 Mbps data rate. BB Sat-1 can cover entire Bangladesh including the EEZ area, full of India, Pakistan, some portion of Middle East and South East Asian region. The footprint of BB Sat-1 is as following:


Capability of BB Sat-1 vis a vis Requirements of AD Integration: Basing on the bandwidth requirement, which is only 128 Kbps maximum, it can be deduced that any standard VSAT connected through BB Sat-1 can meet the requirement of AD element of Bangladesh.

Proposed Model to Utilize BB Sat-1 for Integration of AD Assets

Basing on the requirement, this study proposed a suitable model for integrating all the AD assets of Bangladesh. This model considered BB Sat-1 link for the mobile AD assets like BN ships and mobile radar of BAF which is the only feasible option. For other assets, fiber optic/ microwave LOS link has been considered as a cheaper and reliable option. Satellite link might also be used as a redundant link for the fiber optic. Analyzing all the factors the proposed model for integrating AD assets is as follows:


Challenges and Mitigations

Likely Challenges and Mitigations

Multi-Vendor Equipment
: Recent procurement plan of BAF indicates that in near future, few Western origin sensors are likely to enter BAF’s inventory. Latest Naval sensors are of Western origin and can support digital data. Quantum share of the Army sensors are from China. Equipment from multiple vendors differ in terms of interface, communication protocol which pose significant challenges for integration.

Mitigation for Multi-Vendor Equipment: It is expected that, BAF initiated project for AD integration will support multiple protocols that means the system will have the capability to equipment from different manufactures. However, interfacing with specific sensor would require befitting interfacing equipment which may be sourced from vendors.

No Dedicated Organization: Not only the hardware or software, successful implementation of the integration project would also require a dedicated group of skilled manpower. At present there is no dedicated unit/team to undertake the task. Only BAF has a handful of engineers/technicians who are skilled to undertake the task. Unfortunately, those skilled technicians are posted to different units.

  • a. Coordinating Organization: Integration of AD assets of three services is a joint service affair. To coordinate the integration process among the services, a Joint Committee at AFD may be formed. Existing Joint Service Communication and IT Committee may also be delegated with this responsibility. Survey result also indicated the same view; over 86% responded agreed that the integration process should be coordinated by AFD.
  • b. Initiating Organization: BAF has already initiated the project integrate her own AD assets. Moreover, BAF has experience and technical expertise to deal with the technical complexity of the integration project. Above all, AD of Bangladesh is the primary responsibility of BAF. Considering those, it becomes a natural deduction that BAF should take the lead to initiate the tri-service integration project. As anticipated, survey result also echoed the same deduction; an overwhelming 99% of the respondents believed that BAF should take the lead.
  • c. Dedicated Unit: A dedicated unit led by BAF and representation from other services may be established with primary responsibility to implement the project and carry out maintenance. To cope up with the changes in technology, the proposed unit would have to continue research and development and prepare manpower through training. Determination of exact manpower and equipment requirement for the proposed unit is beyond the scope of this research; a separate study may be conducted to ascertain the requirement.
Information Security: For any military system, information security is a paramount requirement. Integration of AD system by satellite without ensuring information security might prove detrimental than improvement. However, careful planning and appropriate mitigation steps would reduce odds of information pilferage.

Mitigations for Information Security: Satellite communication, by virtue of its technology is difficult to intercept unlike other communication methods like HF communication. Moreover, BB Sat-1 is a Bangladesh Government owned satellite which is controlled by Bangladesh Communication Satellite Company Limited. As such, it is expected that information security of BB Sat-1 would be much better than from other foreign commercial satellites. Moreover, VSATs support state of the art data encryption. To ensure better security, data from different sensors/ weapons should be encrypted by point to point encryption system. Appropriate encryption hardware/ software should be considered during technical planning.

Information Over Flood: Recognized Air Picture (RAP) forms the heart of AD system and is the central work tool at the ADOC. Various sensors, such as ground based radars, ship borne or airborne radars transmit data through a suitable communication link to ADOC. After fusing and verifying all the data, a RAP is formed. RAP provides a real time and complete air picture of the country. Using this picture, decision makers at ADOC monitor the airspace and make decisions, if a need for action arises. However, transmitting the full RAP to the point defence units might create information over flood and might in turn generate confusion. Survey results also commensurate with the same view. Over 76% of the respondents agreed to this statement.

Mitigation: The integrated AD system should have the provision to select specific sector of RAP to be transmitted to a specific unit. To avoid any information over flood, discretion is to be administered while sending information to the point defence units. Selected information basing on requirement, area of responsibility and weapon capability might be transmitted by ADOC to the concerned unit.

AD Capability Enhancement by Utilization of BB Sat-1

Contributing Factors for Effective AD

AD of any country is a holistic approach of the three core components of AD; namely the detection system, Command and control system and the weapon system. So, the performance of these three components will have significant influence on the performance of the system. Long range sensors, standoff weapon capability or efficient command control will definitely have positive impact on the overall capability of the system. But above all, AD always works as a coordinated system and for AD to function properly all the elements of must be integrated together to act as a system. So, level of integration among those elements plays a critical role and binds them to work as a single system.

The contributing factors for AD capabilities and their interrelation can be shown graphically:


Analysis: Impact of BB Sat-1

Impact on Sensor Capabilities
: Sensors are eyes to the AD system. But sensors working in discrete will have very less impact, if not no impact, on the overall AD capability. Larger coverage area is always a positive factor for AD system. It provides early warning and hence allows more reaction time. Coverage area of AD system is the sum of areas covered by each individual sensor in that network. Considering the ongoing integration project by BAF, it can be assumed that all the BAF radars will come under a same network. For the naval sensors, BB Sat-1 is the most suitable option considering the freedom of movement in the entire EEZ area of Bangladesh.

Impact on Command and Control System: The efficiency of command and control can be measured by the ‘Organizational Delay’ incurred by that organization. Organizational delay can be termed as the time taken by the organization from the first appearance of a target on the sensor to the executive order passed by the controller. The lower the organizational delay the better the efficiency of AD system. Other than the human cognitive factors, the main source of organizational delay is the time lag incurred by communication system. In a manual system, an operator will need at least 1 minute to pass the information of 10 targets. As a result, in manual system there will be always a time lag with real time information. Manual system is also prone to human error. Whereas, time lag is less than 1 sec for satellite, that means BB Sat integration will provide real time information to the AD system.

Impact on Utilization of Weapon System: The capability of weapon system is largely dominated by technology, quality of training, doctrine etc. However, situational awareness also plays an important role to improve the performance of weapon system. Dissemination of RAP through BB Sat link to the weapon system would enhance situational awareness and it would also reduce the risk of ‘Blue on Blue’ engagement. Through BB Sat, Naval ships might get the RAP of their concerned area even when their own radar is switched off. That means any station with or without radar, or even their own radar is switched off can get target information from the neighboring sensors through BB sat from ADOC.

Survey result also commensurate with the findings form KPI. The mode of the response is ‘Agree’ and 97% of the respondents believe that BB Sat link will increase situational awareness. As BB Sat will enable to transmit voice and data in real time it would greatly reduce the risk of fratricide. The mode of the response is ‘Agree’ and 82% of the respondents agree that BB sat link will help to reduce fratricide. Basing on the data it can be deduced that, exchange of real time information through BB Sat will enhance situational awareness of all AD elements. In addition to that, naval ships will be greatly benefited by RAP even when their own radar is switched off. Real time exchange of information will reduce the chance of fratricide. As a whole, integration of AD elements through BB Sat will have positive impact on the weapon system by increasing its efficiency.


Impact on Survivability: The most influential factors of survivability are mobility and redundancy. BB Sat can offer both to AD system. Satellite communication system is inherently mobile. Utilizing portable VSAT, it is possible to establish communication from a moving platform like ship or aircraft. Survey results also showed the similar views. About 97% respondents agreed that BB Sat-1 will ensure mobility of AD assets and hence increase the chance of survivability. Mobility also offers flexibility for the commanders to deploy the assets. On the other hand, BB Sat-1 might also be used as redundant link of the fiber optic/ microwave LOS link, HF link which will reduce the dependency on a single link and improve redundancy of the whole system. Evaluating the data, it is evident that BB Sat will enhance the survivability of the AD system of Bangladesh.

Impact on Reliability: Reliability of a communication link depends on various factors like availability, electronic security and all weather capability. Like other satellite communication systems, BB sat-1 is also very reliable with an availability rate of over 99% in its coverage area. Which makes it the most reliable communication link over all other ground based communication systems. Satellite link also supports wide range of encryption systems and advanced encryption system can also be implemented for AD network which will enhance electronic security. Basing on the data it can be deduced that satellite link is more reliable than any other ground based communication system and utilizing BB Sat-1 for AD system integration will enhance the reliability of the system.

Overall Capability Enhancement of AD System

Utilization of BB Sat to integrate mobile AD assets and static AD assets (as redundant link) will have positive impact on weapon system, command and control system. With its ability to provide seamless communication to the mobile AD elements, BB Sat-1 will ensure flexibility for the commanders in planning and deployment of assets. Moreover, it will also reduce fratricide, enhance survivability and reliability of the overall AD system. Basing on all the deductions it can be assumed that BB Sat integration will influence positively on AD System capability of Bangladesh. The impact can be shown graphically. In the figure, the factors in blue color indicates positive influence by BB Sat-1 and the factors in white color indicate there is no influence of BB Sat-1 on those factors.



AD is crucial for any country to safeguard her sovereignty and interests in both peace and wartime. AD of any country is a coordinated system with three core components; namely the detection system, Command and control system and the weapon system. Aside from the performance of individual components, level of integration plays a critical role and binds them to work as a single system. Therefore, effective integration of AD assets is an important factor that influences the overall capability of AD system.

Although BAF is primarily responsible for AD of Bangladesh, AD is still a joint service affair. All the services of armed forces have credible AD assets in their inventory. But, unfortunately, those AD assets are not integrated in a single network. Though historical lessons and doctrines of different armed forces around the world promote the concept of a unified AD network, still no initiative has been taken to create a single AD network for Bangladesh. The main hinderance to construct a single network is the technological challenge. Until recently, no suitable communication means existed to interconnect AD assets which are mobile and operate in a large geographical area.

Bangladesh became the 57th member of the elite club of owning a satellite on 12th May 2018 by launching the long cherished BB Sat-1 in the space which is now fully operational. Analyzing the data of BB Sat-1 and comparing them to the requirements of AD system integration, it is evident that BB Sat might solve a long outstanding technical challenge to connect mobile AD assets. This satellite also offers an opportunity to create a redundant communication link for the fixed assets. And this integration might enhance the overall air defence capability of Bangladesh.

Overall capability of AD system largely depends on factors like capability of sensor system, capability of weapon system, efficiency of C2 system, survivability of the system, reliability of the system and flexibility offered by the system. This study found out that Integration of AD assets by BB Sat-1 will have positive impact on all the factors contributing to the AD capability. Satellite link would provide a feasible means to connect naval radars to the central AD network of Bangladesh. Assessment of the primary data revels that, real time data exchange offered by satellite link will enhance situational awareness, reduce organizational delay time and as well as reduce fratricide substantially.

These positive shifts in the contributing variables will have optimistic impact on the sensor, C2 and weapon capabilities of the system. The most influential factors of survivability are mobility and redundancy. Analysis reveals that, BB Sat-1 can offer both to AD system. Satellite communication system is inherently mobile. Mobility also offers flexibility for the commanders to deploy the assets. On the other hand, BB Sat-1 might also be used as redundant link of the fiber optic/ microwave LOS link, HF link which will reduce the dependency on a single link and hence improve the redundancy of whole system. Reliability of a communication link depends on various factors like availability, electronic security and all weather capability.

Like other satellite communication system, BB sat-1 is also very reliable and has an availability of over 99% which makes it the most reliable communication link over the ground based communication system. Satellite link also supports wide range of encryption system to ensure information security.

This paper also identified few challenges for the proposed integration. The major challenges, as recognized by this research, are technical difficulties imposed by multivendor equipment, lack of dedicated unit and ensuring information security. To mitigate those issues, this study suggested to coordinate the project at AFD and establish a BAF led unit to handle the technical difficulties. To deal with the concern of information security, this study advocated to implement point to point encryption system for the entire system. This study also suggested that discretion basing on requirement, area of responsibility and weapon capability is to be administered while sending information to the point defence units to avoid information over flood and confusion.

At the outset, this study hypothesized that ‘AD sys of Bangladesh would be enhanced by integrating the mobile AD assets through BB SAT-1.’ Analyzing the data from multiple sources it is evident that utilization of BB Sat-1 will increase radar coverage area in the network, reduce of organizational delay time, enhance situational awareness, reduce fratricide, enhance mobility and redundancy of the system. Positive shift of those contributing variables will, in turn, enhance the overall capability of AD system of Bangladesh.


Based on the findings of this study following recommendations are placed for consideration:
  • a. BAF may expand going on AD automation project to integrate AD assets of other sister services and hence build an integrated AD system for Bangladesh.
  • b. BB Sat-1 may be utilized to integrate mobile AD assets like naval ships, SHORAD system into the AD network.
  • c. BB Sat-1 may also be used as redundant to optical fiber/ microwave LOS connectivity.
  • d. Adequate encryption measures may be adopted throughout the network to ensure information security.
  • e. A joint committee may be formed under AFD to coordinate the integration process.
  • f. BAF may establish a unit to operate, maintain the joint service network and to develop manpower tackle technical difficulties.
  • g. The same integration infrastructure may be continued for the forthcoming satellite after BB Sat-1 expires.

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