Erdogan sending mercenaries to Kashmir: Greek Media


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Reports have emerged of Turkey preparing to send its fighters in East Syria to Kashmir. Andreas Mountzouralias, a Greek journalist in his report titled ‘Erdogan sends mercenaries to Kashmir’ on Pentapostagama has detailed the plans of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.​

According to the report, this is part of Ankara's attempt to extend its influence to Muslims in South Asia amid President Erdogan's ongoing steps to challenge Saudi Arabia's dominance of the Islamic world.

Pakistan was the second country in the plan as Ankara and Islamabad prepare for a permanent presence of surface units and aircraft of the Pakistani Defense Ministry in the Turkish operation ‘Shield of the Mediterranean’, with which Erdogan hopes to plunder Greek lands and plots of land from Greece.

Turkey's Ambassador to New Delhi, akir Özkan Torunlar, told India Today TV that "these reports are baseless and false".

Citing ANF, the Pentapostagama quoted local sources to say that Abu Emsa, who is the head of the brigade of Suleiman Shah, a gang that joined the Syrian National Army (SMO), 5 days ago told its members in Afrin that the Turkish state wishes to strengthen Kashmir.

Abu Emsa said Turkish officers would also ask the commanders of other SMO gangs to state the names of those who would like to go to Kashmir.

Abu Emsa said those leaving his gang would join the list and receive $2,000 in funding. He told members of his gang whom he met in Schiege that Kashmir is as mountainous as Karabakh.

Local sources told the Turkish state that it has been conducting this activity in Ezaz, Gerablus, Bap, Afrin and Idlib for a short time, thus choosing the names of the gangs that will be secretly transferred, according to the reports in ANF



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Greeks are much like the Armenians, that when they talk expect lies when it concerns the Turks.
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
Erdogan sends aliens to kashmir, be aware. PD was hilarious with this kind of threads but this one is slowly catching up :)


We need to have more and better sources, other I call BS on this story.


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whats next

erdogan sending syrian mercenaries to mars?

Erdogan sending syrian islamic dolphins to polar region to fight against orthodox christian wales in the ocean..?


I don't understand why Turkey is always staying in the defence. If Greece side is accusing Turkey of scandalous stuff, we should do the same. Like we should accuse them of supporting Al-Qaeda and ISIS against Turkey. Stop and search their ships for illegal weapons for terrorists, etc... We should be more aggressive.


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actually this shows that they are very annoyed with the growing Pak-Turk relations and the Azerbaijan and Turkish success in the Karabakh Conflict has gotten to them. Such reports are extremely baseless and senseless and you see such 'journalists' using ;sources' to justify the drivel.


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Greeks and Armenians have a habit of lying, crying and playing as the victim.

What makes it worse that they are our annoying neighbours that are doing whatever they can to damage our nation. From their own nations to the diaspora.

Thank God my ancestors kicked them out of Anatolia. I hope they never return if not we will have even more pkk and terrorist problems.


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I don't understand why Turkey is always staying in the defence. If Greece side is accusing Turkey of scandalous stuff, we should do the same. Like we should accuse them of supporting Al-Qaeda and ISIS against Turkey. Stop and search their ships for illegal weapons for terrorists, etc... We should be more aggressive.

yes thats a good idea..

we could also accuse them that they are behind terrorist attacks inside of turkey..
the best way to do such a stuff is not that erdogan goes out and shouts "G%R§EE#CE ,X§F-DG*! D*#H3ASDJASK!!!!"#" better you have magazines that do that for you or low politicians internet figures and so on but never Erdogan, defence minister, or his high ranking politicians araound him

also accuse them in killing refugees on the sea (wich they probably do)

we just need a better internet presence, a propaganda institute and good social media this things dont come from alone it needs secret support and education for the people who are doing it.. like the west is giving support for their puppets all around the world.. so better they begin today

a good start would be that social media presence would learn IT skills, psychology, teach them argumentation, talking, english, russian, greek, arabic, massive skills in rethoric, access to a database of how to manipulate people excamples and so on, an easy toolkit for websites, access to many pictures of media, themes and so on.. what I mean is they need equipment as Hardware, Software, Media and the skills

Yes that costs a lot
Yes its worth it
Yes we need it urgent


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yes thats a good idea..

we could also accuse them that they are behind terrorist attacks inside of turkey..
the best way to do such a stuff is not that erdogan goes out and shouts "G%R§EE#CE ,X§F-DG*! D*#H3ASDJASK!!!!"#" better you have magazines that do that for you or low politicians internet figures and so on but never Erdogan, defence minister, or his high ranking politicians araound him

also accuse them in killing refugees on the sea (wich they probably do)

we just need a better internet presence, a propaganda institute and good social media this things dont come from alone it needs secret support and education for the people who are doing it.. like the west is giving support for their puppets all around the world.. so better they begin today

a good start would be that social media presence would learn IT skills, psychology, teach them argumentation, talking, english, russian, greek, arabic, massive skills in rethoric, access to a database of how to manipulate people excamples and so on, an easy toolkit for websites, access to many pictures of media, themes and so on.. what I mean is they need equipment as Hardware, Software, Media and the skills

Yes that costs a lot
Yes its worth it
Yes we need it urgent

They could use MIT or such to post on twitter and such grt into forums and such and get a user base and have them spread the news

Fuzuli NL

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Greek media is equivalent to Saudi, Emirati, 3rd world media.
All they talk about is Turkey, Turkish shows, Turkish politics, and anti-Turkish feel good news!
It's pathetic thinking this is a European country.

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