January 10, 2022

Former FE chief Lars Findsen has been in custody in secret since 9 December. Stock Photo: Jens Dresling / Scanpix
A judge at the Copenhagen City Court has lifted the name ban, which has so far been imposed in the case of leaks from FE. It was the former FE head Lars Findsen who himself wanted the name ban lifted. He has been in custody since Dec. 9.
It was not a random private employee, but the boss himself. On Monday, a judge at the Copenhagen City Court lifted the name ban in the case of leakage from FE, and the press can thus openly say that the remand prisoner is former FE chief Lars Findsen. He was arrested along with three other employees of FE and PET on the morning of December 8, where PET also conducted searches at a number of different addresses.The next day, three of those arrested were produced in a constitutional hearing behind double-closed doors, and two of them were remanded in custody for 11 days.
'The detainees are current and former employees of the two intelligence services. They are charged with i.a. violation of the Penal Code § 109, para. 1, by unjustifiably passing on highly classified information from the intelligence services, «PET wrote in a press release on 9 December.
On Friday 17 December, the remand prisoner was released with a maintenance of his charge, while Lars Findsen on Monday 20 December agreed to a voluntary extension of his remand in custody until today. In the city court, Lars Findsen asked through his lawyer this morning to have the name ban lifted, which the prosecution had nothing to object to.
The supervision of the Intelligence Services started the case
The case began when the Danish Intelligence Service issued a press release in August 2020 with a deeply serious criticism of FE for, among other things, to have broken the law and spied on Danish citizens. The extremely sensational press release prompted Minister of Defense Trine Bramsen (S) to send home five senior employees, including Lars Findsen.In the ensuing days, new sensational stories began to appear in the media. They were about a several years old and deep secret collaboration with FE and the American intelligence service about tapping data cables under Copenhagen. The story first became publicly known in Information in 2014 on the basis of information leaked by US intelligence agent Edward Snowden.
But the stories in Weekendavisen, Berlingske and DR revealed new and revealing details, which testified that the media had access to sources with extremely deep insight into the intelligence service's cooperation with foreign states.
During the year, other stories also appeared in the media based on the intelligence services. Thus, Berlingske was able to tell the sensational story of the Danish citizen Ahmed Samsam, who in Spain had been convicted of terrorism as an IS war, but in reality worked in Syria as a seconded agent for PET.
On Friday, four journalists from Ekstra-Bladet received the Cavling Prize for their coverage of the case of the Iraqi mothers in camps in Syria. The stories led to the government, contrary to all promises, chose to bring more of the mothers and their children home. The stories were clearly based on sources with information about the intelligence services' analyzes of the case, which showed that women and children posed a far greater security risk for Denmark in Syria than if they were brought to Denmark.
It is not yet known whether the day of constitutional interrogation will lead to a further custody of Lars Findsen, or whether he will be released. The article is updated…

OLFI - FE-chef Lars Findsen har siddet hemmeligt varetægtsfængslet i over en måned
Det var ikke en tilfældig menig medarbejder, men chefen selv. Mandag har en dommer ved Københavns Byret ophævet navneforbuddet i sagen om lækage fra FE, og

FE = Miitary Intelligence